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Friends of Global Change Ecology e.V.

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In 2017, a group of GCE students felt an absence of a centralized hub through which the GCE family could stay connected – even after graduation. Through the support of the GCE coordination, students, BayCEER and many others, Friends of GCE (or FroG) was established. Registering FroG as an official organization involved a number of critical steps and was un unexpectedly long process involving extensive paperwork, legal guidance, and organizational efforts. In 2018, FroG was officially certified as a non-profit organization. We thank everyone involved during that time. You can read more about FroG’s background at the GCE Blog. https://globalchangeecology.com/2020/12/10/msc-gce-alumni-organization/

 Founding members (2017-2018):

  • - Farina Hoffmann, Elizabeth Karger, Thomas Schmitt,  Helen Sitar,

Official board members (2018-2020):

  • - Kiely Doherty, Farina Hoffmann, Thomas Schmitt, , Helen Sitar,  (Support: Axel Paulsch)
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