Uni-Bayreuth grafik-uni-bayreuth



Johanna Pausch: Publikationen

Peer reviewed


Zhou, J., Loeppmann, S., Yang, H., Gube, M., Shi, L., Pausch, J., Dippold, M.: Linking microbial community dynamics to rhizosphere carbon flow depend on arbuscular mycorrhizae and nitrogen fertilization. Biology and Fertility of Soils, (2025).


León Ninin, J., Muehe, E., Kölbl, A., Higa Mori, A., Nicol, A., Gilfedder, B., Pausch, J., Urbanski, L., Lüders, T., Planer-Friedrich, B.: Changes in arsenic mobility and speciation across a 2000-year-old paddy soil chronosequence. Science of the Total Environment, 908, 168351 (2024).

Wild, A., Steiner, F., Kiene, M., Tyborski, N., Tung, S., Köhler, T., Carminati, A., Eder, B., Groth, J., Vahl, W., Wolfrum, S., Lüders, T., Laforsch, C., Mueller, C., Vidal, A., Pausch, J.: Unraveling root and rhizosphere traits in temperate maize landraces and modern cultivars : Implications for soil resource acquisition and drought adaptation. Plant, Cell & Environment, 47(7), 2524-2539 (2024).

Tyborski, N., Koehler, T., Steiner, F., Tung, S., Wild, A., Carminati, A., Mueller, C., Vidal, A., Wolfrum, S., Pausch, J., Lüders, T.: Consistent prokaryotic community patterns along the radial root axis of two Zea mays L. landraces across two distinct field locations. Frontiers in Microbiology, 15, 1386476 (2024).

León Ninin, J., Higa Mori, A., Pausch, J., Planer-Friedrich, B.: Long-term paddy use influences response of methane production, arsenic mobility and speciation to future higher temperatures. Science of the Total Environment, 943, 173793 (2024).

Liu, Q., Zhu, Z., Abdalla, K., Ge, T., Wu, X., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J.: Microbial response to long-term fertilization of paddy soils : Apparent and real priming effects. Geoderma, 445, 116884 (2024).

Abdalla, K., Uther, H., Kurbel, V., Wild, A., Lauerer, M., Pausch, J.: Moderate Drought Constrains Crop Growth Without Altering Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Perennial Cup-Plant and Silage Maize. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 16(12), 1-14 (2024).

Zhou, J., Sun, Y., Blagodatskaya, E., Berauer, B., Schuchardt, M., Holz, M., Shi, L., Dannenmann, M., Kiese, R., Jentsch, A., Pausch, J.: Response of microbial growth and enzyme activity to climate change in European mountain grasslands : A translocation study. Catena, 239, 107956 (2024).

Steiner, F., Wild, A., Tyborski, N., Tung, S., Koehler, T., Buegger, F., Carminati, A., Eder, B., Groth, J., Hesse, B., Pausch, J., Lüders, T., Vahl, W., Wolfrum, S., Mueller, C., Vidal, A.: Rhizosheath drought responsiveness is variety‐specific and a key component of belowground plant adaptation. New Phytologist, 242(2), 479-492 (2024).

Pausch, J., Holz, M., Zhu, B., Cheng, W.: Rhizosphere priming promotes plant nitrogen acquisition by microbial necromass recycling. Plant, Cell & Environment, 47(6), 1987-1996 (2024).

Abdalla, K., Schierling, L., Sun, Y., Schuchardt, M., Jentsch, A., Deola, T., Wolff, P., Kiese, R., Lehndorff, E., Pausch, J., Meyer, N.: Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration declines with climate warming in subalpine and alpine grassland soils. Biogeochemistry, 167, 1453-1467 (2024).


Köhler, T., Schaum, C., Tung, S., Steiner, F., Tyborski, N., Wild, A., Zebene, A., Pausch, J., Lüders, T., Wolfrum, S., Mueller, C., Vidal, A., Vahl, W., Groth, J., Eder, B., Ahmed, M., Carminati, A.: Above and belowground traits impacting transpiration decline during soil drying in 48 maize (Zea mays) genotypes. Annals of Botany, 131(2), 373-386 (2023).

Liu, H., Pausch, J., Wu, Y., Xu, H., Liu, G., Ma, L., Xue, S.: Implications of plant N/P stoichiometry influenced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for stability of plant species and community in response to nutrient limitation. Oikos, (4), e09649 (2023).

Nazari, M., Pausch, J., Bickel, S., Bilyera, N., Rashtbari, M., Razavi, B., Zamanian, K., Sharififar, A., Shi, L., Dippold, M., Zarebanadkouki, M.: Keeping thinning-derived deadwood logs on forest floor improves soil organic carbon, microbial biomass, and enzyme activity in a temperate spruce forest. European Journal of Forest Research, 142, 287-300 (2023).

Mganga, K., Kuhla, J., Carminati, A., Pausch, J., Ahmed, M.: Leaf gas exchange characteristics, biomass partitioning, and water use efficiencies of two C₄ African grasses under simulated drought. Grassland Research, 2(1), 37-45 (2023).

Zahn, F., Söll, E., Chapin, T., Wang, D., Gomes, S., Hynson, N., Pausch, J., Gebauer, G.: Novel insights into orchid mycorrhiza functioning from stable isotope signatures of fungal pelotons. New Phytologist, 239(4), 1449-1463 (2023).

Holz, M., Paterson, E., Pausch, J.: Rhizosphere carbon priming : a plant mechanism to enhance soil nitrogen accessibility?. Plant and Soil, 488(1-2), 175-185 (2023).

Teixeira, P., Trautmann, S., Buegger, F., Felde, V., Pausch, J., Müller, C., Kögel-Knabner, I.: Role of root hair elongation in rhizosheath aggregation and in the carbon flow into the soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 59(3), 351-361 (2023).

Abdalla, K., Gaiser, T., Seidel, S., Pausch, J.: Soil organic carbon and nitrogen in aggregates in response to over seven decades of farmyard manure application. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 186(3), 253-258 (2023).

Liu, H., Banfield, C., Gomes, S., Gube, M., Weig, A., Pausch, J.: Vegetation transition from meadow to forest reduces priming effect on SOM decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 184, 109123 (2023).


Zhou, J., Shao, G., Kumar, A., Shi, L., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J.: Carbon fluxes within tree-crop-grass agroforestry system : ¹³C field labeling and tracing. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 58, 733-743 (2022).

Zhou, J., Gube, M., Holz, M., Song, B., Shan, I., Shi, L., Kuzyakov, Y., Dippold, M., Pausch, J.: Ectomycorrhizal and non‐mycorrhizal rhizosphere fungi increase root‐derived C input to soil and modify enzyme activities : A ¹⁴C pulse labelling of Picea abies seedlings. Plant, Cell & Environment, 45(10), 3122-3133 (2022).

Hemmerling, C., Li, Z., Shi, L., Pausch, J., Ruess, L.: Flux of Root-Derived Carbon into the Nematode Micro-Food Web : A Comparison of Grassland and Agroforest. Agronomy, 12(4), 976 (2022).

Abdalla, K., Sun, Y., Zarebanadkouki, M., Gaiser, T., Seidel, S., Pausch, J.: Long-term continuous farmyard manure application increases soil carbon when combined with mineral fertilizers due to lower priming effects. Geoderma, 428, 116216 (2022).

Kumar, A., Pausch, J.: Microbial nutrient limitation and catalytic adjustments revealed from a long‐term nutrient restriction experiment. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 1(2), 142-148 (2022).

Zhou, J., Li, Z., Shi, L., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J.: Microbial utilization of photosynthesized carbon depends on land-use. Geoderma, 428, 116160 (2022).

Klink, S., Keller, A., Wild, A., Baumert, V., Gube, M., Lehndorff, E., Meyer, N., Mueller, C., Phillips, R., Pausch, J.: Stable isotopes reveal that fungal residues contribute more to mineral-associated organic matter pools than plant residues. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 168, 108634 (2022).

Liu, Q., Atere, C., Zhu, Z., Shahbaz, M., Wei, X., Pausch, J., Wu, J., Ge, T.: Vertical and horizontal shifts in the microbial community structure of paddy soil under long-term fertilization regimes. Applied Soil Ecology, 169, 104248 (2022).


Liu, Q., Romani, M., Wang, J., Planer-Friedrich, B., Pausch, J., Dorodnikov, M.: Alternating Wet–Dry Cycles Rather than Sulfate Fertilization Control Pathways of Methanogenesis and Methane Turnover in Rice Straw-Amended Paddy Soil. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(17), 12075-12083 (2021).

Sun, Y., Zang, H., Splettstößer, T., Kumar, A., Xu, X., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J.: Plant intraspecific competition and growth stage alter carbon and nitrogen mineralization in the rhizosphere. Plant, Cell & Environment, 44(4), 1231-1242 (2021).

Rummel, P., Well, R., Pausch, J., Pfeiffer, B., Dittert, K.: Carbon Availability and Nitrogen Mineralization Control Denitrification Rates and Product Stoichiometry during Initial Maize Litter Decomposition. Applied Sciences, 11(11), 5309 (2021).

Kuhla, J., Pausch, J., Schaller, J.: Effect on soil water availability, rather than silicon uptake by plants, explains the beneficial effect of silicon on rice during drought. Plant, Cell & Environment, 44(10), 3336-3346 (2021).

Rummel, P., Well, R., Pfeiffer, B., Dittert, K., Floßmann, S., Pausch, J.: Nitrate uptake and carbon exudation – do plant roots stimulate or inhibit denitrification?. Plant and Soil, 459, 217-233 (2021).

Schaller, J., Scherwietes, E., Gerber, L., Vaidya, S., Kaczorek, D., Pausch, J., Barkusky, D., Sommer, M., Hoffmann, M.: Silica fertilization improved wheat performance and increased phosphorus concentrations during drought at the field scale. Scientific Reports, 11, 20852 (2021).


Zhou, J., Zang, H., Loeppmann, S., Gube, M., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J.: Arbuscular mycorrhiza enhances rhizodeposition and reduces the rhizosphere priming effect on the decomposition of soil organic matter. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 140, 107641 (2020).

Kumar, A., Phillips, R., Scheibe, A., Klink, S., Pausch, J.: Organic matter priming by invasive plants depends on dominant mycorrhizal association. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 140, 107645 (2020).

Klink, S., Giesemann, P., Hubmann, T., Pausch, J.: Stable C and N isotope natural abundances of intraradical hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhiza, 30, 773-780 (2020).

Li, Z., Scheunemann, N., Potapov, A., Shi, L., Pausch, J., Scheu, S., Pollierer, M.: Incorporation of root-derived carbon into soil microarthropods varies between cropping systems. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 56, 839-851 (2020).

Rummel, P., Pfeiffer, B., Pausch, J., Well, R., Schneider, D., Dittert, K.: Maize root and shoot litter quality controls short-term CO₂ and N₂O emissions and bacterial community structure of arable soil. Biogeosciences, 17(4), 1181-1198 (2020).

February, E., Pausch, J., Higgins, S.: Major contribution of grass roots to soil carbon pools and CO₂ fluxes in a mesic savanna. Plant and Soil, 454, 207-215 (2020).


Hünninghaus, M., Dibbern, D., Kramer, S., Koller, R., Pausch, J., Schloter-Hai, B., Urich, T., Kandeler, E., Bonkowski, M., Lüders, T.: Disentangling carbon flow across microbial kingdoms in the rhizosphere of maize. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 134, 122-130 (2019).

Kumar, A., Shahbaz, M., Koirala, M., Blagodatskaya, E., Seidel, S., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J.: Root trait plasticity and plant nutrient acquisition in puosphorus limited soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 182(6), 945-952 (2019).

Loeppmann, S., Forbush, K., Cheng, W., Pausch, J.: Subsoil biogeochemical properties induce shifts in carbon allocation pattern and soil C dynamics in wheat. Plant and Soil, 442, 369-383 (2019).


Pausch, J., Hünninghaus, M., Kramer, S., Scharroba, A., Scheunemann, N., Butenschoen, O., Marhan, S., Bonkowski, M., Kandeler, E., Scheu, S., Kuzyakov, Y., Ruess, L.: Carbon budgets of top- and subsoil food webs in an arable system. Pedobiologia, 69, 29-33 (2018).

Pausch, J., Kuzyakov, Y.: Carbon input by roots into the soil : Quantification of rhizodeposition from root to ecosystem scale. Global Change Biology, 24(1), 1-12 (2018).

Gavrichkova, O., Liberati, D., de Dato, G., Jaoudé, R., Brugnoli, E., De Angelis, P., Guidolotti, G., Pausch, J., Spohn, M., Tian, J., Kuzyakov, Y.: Effects of rain shortage on carbon allocation, pools and fluxes in a mediterranean shrub ecosystem : A¹³C labeling field study. Science of the Total Environment, 627, 1242-1252 (2018).

Kumar, A., Shahbaz, M., Blagodatskaya, E., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J.: Maize phenology alters the distribution of enzyme activities in soil : Field estimates. Applied Soil Ecology, 125, 233-239 (2018).

Sun, Y., Schleuss, P., Pausch, J., Xu, X., Kuzyakov, Y.: Nitrogen pools and cycles in Tibetan Kobresia pastures depending on grazing. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 54, 569-581 (2018).

Ma, X., Zarebanadkouki, M., Kuzyakov, Y., Blagodatskaya, E., Pausch, J., Razavi, B.: Spatial patterns of enzyme activities in the rhizosphere : Effects of root hairs and root radius. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 118, 69-78 (2018).

Banfield, C., Pausch, J., Kuzyakov, Y., Dippold, M.: Microbial processing of plant residues in the subsoil : The role of biopores. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 125, 309-318 (2018).

Holz, M., Zarebanadkouki, M., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J., Carminati, A.: Root hairs increase rhizosphere extension and carbon input to soil. Annals of Botany, 121(1), 61-69 (2018).


Banfield, C., Dippold, M., Pausch, J., Hoang, D., Kuzyakov, Y.: Biopore history determines the microbial community composition in subsoil hotspots. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 53, 573-588 (2017).

Kumar, A., Dorodnikov, M., Splettstößer, T., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J.: Effects of maize roots on aggregate stability and enzyme activities in soil. Geoderma, 306, 50-57 (2017).

Hoang, D., Bauke, S., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J.: Rolling in the deep : Priming effects in earthworm biopores in topsoil and subsoil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 114, 59-71 (2017).

Athmann, M., Kautz, T., Banfield, C., Bauke, S., Hoang, D., Pausch, J., Amelung, W., Kuzyakov, Y., Köpke, U.: Six months of L. terrestris L. activity in root-formed biopores increases nutrient availability, microbial biomass and enzyme activity. Applied Soil Ecology, 120, 135-142 (2017).

Awad, Y., Pausch, J., Ok, Y., Kuzyakov, Y.: Interactive effects of biochar and polyacrylamide on decomposition of maize rhizodeposits: implications from ¹⁴C labeling and microbial metabolic quotient. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17, 621-631 (2017).


Loeppmann, S., Blagodatskaya, E., Pausch, J., Kuzyakov, Y.: Enzyme properties down the soil profile - A matter of substrate quality in rhizosphere and detritusphere. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 103, 274-283 (2016).

Pausch, J., Hofmann, S., Scharroba, A., Kuzyakov, Y., Ruess, L.: Fluxes of root-derived carbon into the nematode micro-food web of an arable soil. Food Webs, 9, 32-38 (2016).

Hoang, D., Pausch, J., Razavi, B., Kuzyakova, I., Banfield, C., Kuzyakov, Y.: Hotspots of microbial activity induced by earthworm burrows, old root channels, and their combination in subsoil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 52, 1105-1119 (2016).

Scheunemann, N., Pausch, J., Digel, C., Kramer, S., Scharroba, A., Kuzyakov, Y., Kandeler, E., Ruess, L., Butenschoen, O., Scheu, S.: Incorporation of root C and fertilizer N into the food web of an arable field : Variations with functional group and energy channel. Food Webs, 9, 39-45 (2016).

Pausch, J., Kühnel, A., Forbush, K., Loeppmann, S., Kuzyakov, Y., Cheng, W.: Rhizosphere priming of barley with and without root hairs. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 100, 74-82 (2016).

Pausch, J., Kramer, S., Scharroba, A., Scheunemann, N., Butenschoen, O., Kandeler, E., Marhan, S., Riederer, M., Scheu, S., Kuzyakov, Y., Ruess, L.: Small but active - pool size does not matter for carbon incorporation in below-ground food webs. Functional Ecology, 30(3), 479-489 (2016).

Loeppmann, S., Blagodatskaya, E., Pausch, J., Kuzyakov, Y.: Substrate quality affects kinetics and catalytic efficiency of exo-enzymes in rhizosphere and detritusphere. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 92, 111-118 (2016).

Kumar, A., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J.: Maize rhizosphere priming : field estimates using ¹³C natural abundance. Plant and Soil, 409, 87-97 (2016).


Tian, J., Pausch, J., Yu, G., Blagodatskaya, E., Kuzyakov, Y.: Aggregate size and their disruption affect ¹⁴C-labeled glucose mineralization and priming effect. Applied Soil Ecology, 90, 1-10 (2015).

Riederer, M., Pausch, J., Kuzyakov, Y., Foken, T.: Partitioning NEE for absolute C input into various ecosystem pools by combining results from eddy-covariance, atmospheric flux partitioning and ¹³CO₂ pulse labeling. Plant and Soil, 390, 61-76 (2015).


Tian, J., Pausch, J., Fan, M., Li, X., Tang, Q., Kuzyakov, Y.: Allocation and dynamics of assimilated carbon in rice-soil system depending on water management. Plant and Soil, 363, 273-285 (2013).

Tian, J., Dippold, M., Pausch, J., Blagodatskaya, E., Fan, M., Li, X., Kuzyakov, Y.: Microbial response to rhizodeposition depending on water regimes in paddy soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 65, 195-203 (2013).

Pausch, J., Zhu, B., Kuzyakov, Y., Cheng, W.: Plant inter-species effects on rhizosphere priming of soil organic matter decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 57, 91-99 (2013).

Schmitt, A., Pausch, J., Kuzyakov, Y.: C and N allocation in soil under ryegrass and alfalfa estimated by ¹³C and ¹⁵N labelling. Plant and Soil, 368, 581-590 (2013).

Schmitt, A., Pausch, J., Kuzyakov, Y.: Effect of clipping and shading on C allocation and fluxes in soil under ryegrass and alfalfa estimated by ¹⁴C labelling. Applied Soil Ecology, 64, 228-236 (2013).

Pausch, J., Tian, J., Riederer, M., Kuzyakov, Y.: Estimation of rhizodeposition at field scale : upscaling of a ¹⁴C labeling study. Plant and Soil, 364, 273-285 (2013).


Kramer, S., Marhan, S., Ruess, L., Armbruster, W., Butenschoen, O., Haslwimmer, H., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J., Scheunemann, N., Schoene, J., Schmalwasser, A., Totsche, K., Walker, F., Scheu, S., Kandeler, E.: Carbon flow into microbial and fungal biomass as a basis to understand the belowground food web in an agroecosystem. Pedobiologia, 55(2), 111-119 (2012).

Sommer, J., Pausch, J., Brundrett, M., Dixon, K., Bidartondo, M., Gebauer, G.: Limited carbon and mineral nutrient gain from mycorrhizal fungi by adult Australian orchids. American Journal of Botany, 99(7), 1133-1145 (2012).

Pausch, J., Kuzyakov, Y.: Soil organic carbon decomposition from recently added and older sources estimated by δ¹³C values of CO₂ and organic matter. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 55, 40-47 (2012).


Pausch, J., Kuzyakov, Y.: Photoassimilates allocation and dynamics of hotspots in roots visualized by ¹⁴C phosphor imaging. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 174(1), 12-19 (2011).

Other publications


Pausch, J.: Rhizodeposition and its effects on C fluxes in the soil. - Bayreuth: 2013.
(Thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften)