Lukas Pauscher (2017) | Measuring and understanding site-specific wind and turbulence characteristics for wind energy applications more... |
Jörg Hübner (2014) | Investigation of horizontal meteorological structures in comparison to turbulent structures at a forest edge more... |
Tobias Biermann (2014) | Eddy-covariance measurements as a tool for ecological and hydrological studies on Tibetan Plateau more... |
Anywhere Tsokankunku (2014) | Fluxes of the NO-O<SUB>3</SUB>-NO<SUB>2</SUB> triad above a spruce forest canopy in south-eastern Germany The work was supported by the Max Planck-Institute of Chemistry Mainz (Prof. Dr. F.X. Meixner, Dr. I. Trebs) more... |
Peng Zhao (2014) | Ecosystem-atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide and water vapour in typical East-Asian croplands more... |
Alexander Moravek (2014) | Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate: Development of a Flux Measurement System and its Application on a Grassland Ecosystem In cooperation with the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry Mainz (Dr. Ivonne Trebs) more... |
Michael Riederer (2014) | Carbon fluxes of an extensive meadow and attempts for flux partitioning more... |
Tobias Gerken (2013) | High-resolution modelling of surface atmosphere interactions and convection development at Nam Co Lake, Tibetan Plateau more... |
Doojdao Charuchittipan (2013) | Impact of time and spatial average on the energy balance closure more... |
Wolfgang Babel (2013) | Site-specific modelling of turbulent fluxes on the Tibetan Plateau more... |
Rafael Eigenmann (2013) | Free convection and turbulent fluxes over complex terrain more... |
Stefan Metzger (2013) | Applicability of weight-shift microlight aircraft for measuring the turbulent exchange above complex terrain In co-operation with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT-IFU), Garmisch-Partenkirchen more... |
Lukas Siebicke (2011) | Advection at a forest site - an updated approach more... |
Katharina Köck (Staudt) (2010) | Modeling the exchange of energy and matter within and above a spruce forest with the higher order closure model ACASA |
Volker Lehmann (2010) | Improved intermittent clutter filtering for wind profiler radar more... |
Dinh Nguyen (2009) | Evaluation of MODIS products over four European ecological study sites more... |
Johannes Ruppert (2009) | CO2 and isotope flux measurements above a spruce forest more... |
Bodo Wichura (2009) | Untersuchung zum Kohlendioxid-Austausch über einem Fichtenwaldbestand auf der Grundlage von Hyperbolic-Relaxed-Eddy-Accumulation Messungen für das stabile Kohlenstoffisotop 13C und von Wavelletanalysen more... |
Jens-Christopher Mayer (2009) | Transport processes of reactive trace gases in the atmospheric boundary layer more... |
Luis Marcelo de Mattos Zeri (2008) | Investigation of high nighttime CO2-fluxes at the Wetzstein spruce forest site in Thuringia, Germany External PhD thesis at the Max-Planck-Institue of Biogeochemistry |
Claudia Liebethal (2006) | On the determination of the ground heat flux in micrometeorology and its influence on the energy balance closure |
Matthias Mauder (2006) | Quality assurance for eddy covariance measurements of turbulent fluxes and its influence on the energy balance closure problem more... |
Udo Rummel (2005) | Turbulent exchange of ozone and nitrogen oxides between an Amazonian rain forest and the atmosphere Betreuer im Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie: Prof. Dr. F. X. Meixner more... |
Christoph Thomas (2005) | Detection and analysis of coherent structures within and above tall-vegetated canopies more... |
Mathias Göckede (2005) | Adoption of footprint methods for the quality control of eddy-covariance measurements more... |
Thomas Wrzesinsky (2004) | Direkte Messung und Bewertung des nebelgebundenen Eintrags von Wasser und Spurenstoffen in ein montanes Waldökosystem more... |
Corinna Rebmann (2003) | Kohlendioxid-, Wasserdampf- und Energieaustausch eines Fichtenwaldes in Mittelgebirgslage in Nordostbayern Die Arbeit wurde vorwiegend am LS Pflanzenökologie und am Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie in Jena angefertigt, Betreuer: Prof. Dr. E.-D.Schulze more... |