


Listing of publications Department of Micrometeorology

-- 2020 --
Foken, T: From Geiger to the modern micrometeorology – the textbook of Dénes Berényi, Idöjárás, 124(3), 419-426 (2020), doi:10.28974/idojaras.2020.3.7 -- Details
Foken, T; Bange, J: Neue VDI-Richtlinie zum Einsatz unbemannter Fluggeräte, Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft, 80, 296-299 (2020) -- Details
Foken, T; Müller, WJ: Wie und wo misst man in der Atmosphäre, Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft, 80, 300-304 (2020) -- Details

-- 2019 --
Schaller, C; Kittler, F; Foken, T; Göckede, M: Characterisation of short-term extreme methane fluxes related to non-turbulent mixing above an Arctic permafrost ecosystem, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 4041-4059 (2019), doi:10.5194/acp-19-4041-2019 [Link] -- Details
Foken, T; Babel, W; Thomas, CK: Possible errors in flux measurements due to limited digitalization, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12, 971-976 (2019), online: 2019-02-13, doi:10.5194/amt-12-971-2019 [Link] -- Details
Foken, T; Strunin, MA; Göckede, M: The Eddy-Covariance Method and Its Application from the Volga Steppe Region to Eastern Siberia in Müller, L., Eulenstein F.: Current Trends in Landscape Research, Springer, 579-498 (2019), doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30069-2_26 -- Details
Miehe, G; Schleuss, P-M; Seeber, E; Babel, W; Biermann, T; Braendle, M; Chen, F; Coners, H; Foken, T; Gerken, T; Graf, HF; Guggenberger, G; Holzapfel, M; Ingrisch, J; Kuzyakov, Y; Lai, Z; Lehnert, L; Leuschner, C; Li, X; Liu, J; Liu, S; Ma, Y; Miehe, S; Mosbrugger, V; Schmidt, J; Spielvogel, S; Unteregelsbacher, S; Wang, Y; Willinghöfer, S; Xu, X; Yang, Y; Zhang, S; Opgenoorth, L; Wesche, K: The Kobresia pygmaea ecosystem of the Tibetan highlands – Origin, functioning and degradation of the world's largest pastoral alpine ecosystem, Science of the Total Environment, 648, 754-771 (2019), doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.164 [Link] -- Details

-- 2018 --
Gatzsche, K; Babel, W; Falge, E; Pyles, RD; Paw U, KT; Raabe, A; Foken, T: Footprint-weighted tile approach for a spruce forest and a nearby patchy clearing using the ACASA model, Biogeosciences, 15, 2945-2960 (2018), doi:10.5194/bg-15-2945-2018 -- Details
Foken, T; Babel, W; Thomas, CK: Technical Note: Possible errors in flux measurements due to limited digitalization, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions (2018), doi:10.5194/amt-2018-150 [Link] -- Details
Foken, T; Strunin, MA; Göckede, M: Fast response anemometers and its application from the Wolga steppe region to Eastern Siberia, in V.G. Sychev, L. Müller: Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia, Vol. III Landscape Monitoring and Modelling, 188-192 (2018), doi:10.25680/5411.2018.19.77.232 -- Details
Lüers, J; Foken, T: Wetter und Klima im Wandel – Naturgesetze lassen sich nicht fälschen, BUND Naturschutz in Bayern e.V., Kreisgruppe Bayreuth - Rundbrief, 50, 15-20 (2018)
Lüers, J; Held, A; Foken, T: Luftbeimengungen im Fichtelgebirge, Der Siebenstern, 87(1), 24-25 (2018) -- Details
Pauscher, L; Callies, D; Klaas, T; Foken, T: Wind observations from a forested hill: Relating turbulence statistics to surface characteristics in hilly and patchy terrain, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 27(1), 43-57 (2018), doi:10.1127/metz/2017/0863 -- Details
Schaller, C; Kittler, F; Foken, T; Göckede, M: Characterisation of short-term extreme methane fluxes related to non-turbulent mixing above an Arctic permafrost ecosystem, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion, 1-30 (2018), doi:https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2018-277 -- Details

-- 2017 --
Schaller, C; Göckede, M; Foken, T: Flux calculation of short turbulent events – comparison of three methods, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10, 869-880 (2017), doi:10.5194/amt-10-869-2017 [Link] -- Details
Schaller, C; Göckede, M; Foken, T: Flux calculation of short turbulent events in Chersky in the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, Far Eastern Federal District of Russia. Dataset #873260, PANGAEA Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, AWI, 873260 (2017), doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.873260 [Link]
Foken, T: Micrometeorology, 2nd edition, (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25440-6 [Link] -- Details
Babel, W; Lüers, J; Hübner, J; Rebmann, C; Wichura, B; Thomas, CK; Serafimovich, A; Foken, T: Long-Term Carbon and Water Vapour Fluxes in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 73-96 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_4 [Link] -- Details
Einfalt, T; Emeis, S; Foken, T; Jäckel, S; Müller, WJ: VDI-Agenda Meteorologische Messungen - Luftqualität im Fokus, (2017) -- Details
Falge, E; Köck, K; Gatzsche, K; Voß, L; Schäfer, A; Berger, M; Dlugi, R; Raabe, A; Pyles, RD; Paw U, KT; Foken, T: Modeling of Energy and Matter Exchange in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 379-414 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_16 [Link] -- Details
Foken, T: (Editor): Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem (Ecological Studies Vol. 229), Springer, , XV, 532 pp. (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3 [Link] -- Details
Foken, T: What Can We Learn for a Better Understanding of the Turbulent Exchange Processes Occurring at FLUXNET Sites? in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 461-475 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_19 [Link] -- Details
Foken, T; Babel, W: Biosphäre als Kohlenstoffspeicher, Der Siebenstern, 86(6), 36-37 (2017)
Foken, T; Emeis, S; Jäckel, S: Entwicklungen bei meteorologischen Messtechniken, Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft, 77, 284-289 (2017) -- Details
Foken, T; Gerstberger, P; Köck, K; Siebicke, L; Serafimovich, A; Lüers, J: Description of the Waldstein Measuring Site in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 19-39 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_2 [Link] -- Details
Foken, T; Göckede, M; Lüers, J; Siebicke, L; Rebmann, C; Ruppert, J; Thomas, CK: Development of Flux Data Quality Tools in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 277-308 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_12 [Link] -- Details
Foken, T; Lüers, J: Klima und Klimawandel im Fichtelgebirge, Unser Fichtelgebirge, 6, 56-70 (2017)
Foken, T; Lüers, J: Klima und Klimawandel im Fichtelgebirge, Der Siebenstern, 86(5), 27-28 (2017) -- Details
Foken, T; Serafimovich, A; Eder, F; Hübner, J; Gao, Z; Liu, H: Interaction Forest–Clearing in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 309-329 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_13 [Link] -- Details
Foken, T; Tenhunen, J: History of the Waldstein Measuring Sites in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 3-18 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_1 [Link] -- Details
Gao, Z; Liu, H; Katul, G; Foken, T: Unclosure of the surface energy balance explained by phase difference between vertical velocity and scalars of large atmospheric eddies, Environmental Research Letters, 12, 034025 (2017), doi:10.1088/1748&x2013;9326/aa625b [Link] -- Details
Gatzsche, K; Babel, W; Falge, E; Pyles, RD; Paw U, KT; Raabe, A; Foken, T: Application of the ACASA model for a spruce forest and a nearby patchy clearing, Biogeosciences Discussions (2017), doi:10.5194/bg-2017-450 -- Details
Hübner, J; Siebicke, L; Lüers, J; Foken, T: Forest Climate in Vertical and Horizontal Scales in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 331-353 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_14 [Link] -- Details
Huq, S; De Roo, F; Foken, T; Mauder, M: Evaluation of Probe-Induced Flow Distortion of Campbell CSAT3 Sonic Anemometers by numerical simulation, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 165, 9-28 (2017) -- Details
Kittler, F; Eugster, W; Foken, T; Heimann, M; Kolle, O; Göckede, M: High-quality eddy-covariance CO2 budgets under cold climate conditions, Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 122, 2064-2084 (2017), doi:10.1002/2017JG003830 -- Details
Kreyling, J; Arfin Khan, MAS; Sultana, F; Babel, W; Beierkuhnlein, C; Foken, T; Walter, J; Jentsch, A: Drought Effects in Climate Change Manipulation Experiments: Quantifying the Influence of Ambient Weather Conditions and Rain-out Shelter Artifacts, Ecosystems, 20(2), 301–315 (2017), doi:10.1007/s10021-016-0025-8 [Link] -- Details
Lischeid, G; Frei, S; Huwe, B; Bogner, C; Lüers, J; Babel, W; Foken, T: Catchment Evapotranspiration and Runoff in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 355-375 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_15 [Link] -- Details
Lüers, J; Grasse, B; Wrzesinsky, T; Foken, T: Climate, Air Pollutants, and Wet Deposition in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 41-72 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_3 [Link] -- Details
Schulz, A; Schaller, C; Maturilli, M; Boike, J; Ritter, C; Foken, T: Surface Energy Fluxes During the Total Solar Eclipse over Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, on 20 March 2015, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 26(4), 431-440 (2017), doi:10.1127/metz/2017/0846 [Link] -- Details
Serafimovich, A; Hübner, J; Leclerc, MY; Duarte, HF; Foken, T: Influence of Low-Level Jets and Gravity Waves on Turbulent Fluxes in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 247-276 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_11 [Link] -- Details
Serafimovich, A; Thieme, C: Comparison of Meso-Scale Modelled Fluxes and Measurements in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 437-457 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_18 [Link] -- Details
Sörgel, M; Riederer, M; Held, A; Plake, D; Zhu, Z; Foken, T; Meixner, FX: Trace Gas Exchange at the Forest Floor in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 157-179 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_8 [Link] -- Details
Thomas, CK; Serafimovich, A; Siebicke, L; Gerken, T; Foken, T: Coherent Structures and Flux Coupling in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 113-135 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_6 [Link] -- Details
Wichura, B; Ruppert, J; Riederer, M; Foken, T: Isotope Fluxes in Foken, T.: Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, Springer(Ecological Studies Vol. 229), 209-245 (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49389-3_10 [Link] -- Details
Zhao, P; Lüers, J: Parameterization of Evapotranspiration Estimation for Two Typical East Asian Crops, atmosphere, 8(6), 111 (2017), doi:10.3390/atmos8060111 [Link] -- Details

-- 2016 --
Chen, Y; Ryder, J; Bastrikov, V; McGrath, MJ; Naudts, K; Otto, J; Ottlé, C; Peylin, P; Polcher, J; Valade, A; Black, A; Elbers, JA; Moors, E; Foken, T; van Gorsel, E; Haverd, V; Heinesch, B; Knohl, A; Launiainen, S; Loustau, D; Ogée, J; Vesala, T; Luyssaert, S: Evaluating the performance of the land surface model ORCHIDEE-CAN on water and energy flux estimation with a single- and a multi- layer energy budget scheme, Geoscientific Model Developement, Discussions(1-35) (2016) -- Details
Chen, Y; Ryder, J; Bastrikov, V; McGrath, MJ; Naudts, K; Otto, J; Ottlé, C; Peylin, P; Polcher, J; Valade, A; Black, A; Elbers, JA; Moors, E; Foken, T; van Gorsel, E; Haverd, V; Heinesch, B; Tiedemann, F; Knohl, A; Launiainen, S; Loustau, D; Ogée, J; Vessala, T; Luyssaert, S: Evaluating the performance of land surface model ORCHIDEE-CAN v1.0 on water and energy flux estimation with a single- and multi-layer energy budget scheme, Geoscientific Model Developement, 9, 2951-2972 (2016), doi:0.5194/gmd-9-2951-2016 [Link] -- Details
Coners, H; Babel, W; Willinghöfer , S; Biermann, T; Köhler, L; Seeber, E; Foken, T; Ma, Y; Yang, Y; Miehe, G; Leuschner, C: Evapotranspiration and water balance of high-elevation grassland on the Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Hydrology, 533, 557-566 (2016) -- Details
Flach, M; Lange, H; Foken, T; Hauhs, M: Recurrence analysis of Eddy covariance fluxes in Webber, C., Ioana, C. and Marwan N.: Recurrence plots and their quantification: Expanding horizons, Springer, Chapter 16, 301-319 (2016), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29922-8_16 -- Details
Foken, T: Angewandte Meteorologie, Mikrometeorologische Methoden, , 3. Aufl. (2016) [Link] -- Details
Foken, T; Lüers, J; Aas, G; Lauerer, M: Unser Klima, Im Garten - Im Wandel, (2. Auflage), 40 S. (2016)
Gao, Z; Liu, H; Russell, ES; Huang, J; Foken, T; Oncley, SP: Large eddies modulating flux convergence and divergence in a disturbed unstable atmospheric surface layer, Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres, 121, 1475-1492 (2016) -- Details
Huang, S; Wang, Y; Xie, Y; Zhao, P; Lüers, J: OutlierFlag: A Tool for Scientific Data Quality Control by Outlier Data Flagging, Journal of Open Research Software, 4, e20 (2016), doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/jors.90 [Link] -- Details
Lee, CB; Kim, J; Belorid, M; Zhao, P: Performance Evaluation of Four Different Land Surface Models in WRF, Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, 20, 42-50 (2016), doi:10.5572/ajae.2016.10.1.042 [Link] -- Details
Schaller, C; Göckede, M; Foken, T: Flux calculation of short turbulent events – comparison of three methods, Atmospheric Measurements Techniques Discussions (2016), doi:10.5194/amt-2016-259 [Link] -- Details
Zhao, P; Lüers, J: Improved data gap-filling schemes for estimation of net ecosystem exchange in typical East-Asian croplands, Science China, Earth Sciences, 9, 1652–1664 (2016), online: 2016-06-02, doi:10.1007/s11430-015-0192-1 [Link] -- Details

-- 2015 --
Gerken, T; Babel, W; Herzog, M; Sun, F; Ma, Y; Foken, T; Graf, HF: High-resolution modelling of interactions between soil moisture and convective development in a mountain enclosed Tibetan Basin, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 4023-4040 (2015), doi:10.5194/hess-19-4023-2015 -- Details
Mauder, M; Foken, T: Eddy-Covariance software TK3, Zenodo, 10.5281/zenodo.20349 (2015), doi:10.5281/zenodo.20349 [Link]
Mauder, M; Foken, T: Documentation and Instruction Manual of the Eddy-Covariance Software Package TK3 (update), Arbeitsergebnisse, Universität Bayreuth, Abt. Mikrometeorologie (ISSN 1614-8916), 62, 64 (2015)
Moravek, A; Stella, P; Foken, T; Trebs, I: Influence of local air pollution on the deposition of peroxyacteyl nitrate to a nutrient-poor natural grassland ecosystem, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 899-911 (2015), doi:10.5194/acp-15-899-2015 -- Details
Foken, T; Lüers, J: Regionale Ausprägung des Klimawandels in Oberfranken, Folgen des Klimawandels, 8, 33-42 (2015) -- Details
Gerken, T; Babel, W; Herzog, M; Fuchs, K; Sun, F; Ma, Y; Foken, T; Graf, HF: High-resolution modelling of interactions between soil moisture and convection development in mountain enclosed Tibetan basin, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 12, 4631–4675 (2015), online: 2015-05-04 -- Details
Ingrisch, J; Biermann, T; Seeber, E; Leipold, T; Li, M; Ma, Y; Xu, X; Miehe, G; Guggenberger, G; Foken, T; Kuzyakov, Y: Carbon pools and fluxes in a Tibetan alpine Kobresia pygmaea grassland partitioned by coupled eddy-covariance measurements and 13CO2 labeling, The Science of the Total Environment, 505, 1213-1225 (2015) -- Details
Jocher, G; Schulz, A; Ritter, C; Neuber, R; Dethloff, K; Foken, T: The Sensible Heat Flux in the Course of the Year at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard: Characteristics of Eddy Covariance Data and Corresponding Model Results, Advances in Meteorology, 2015, Article ID 852108, 16 p. (2015) -- Details
Li, M; Babel, W; Chen, X; Zhang, L; Sun, F; Wang, B; Ma, Y; Hu, Z; Foken, T: A 3-year dataset of sensible and latent heat fluxes from the Tibetan Plateau, derived using eddy-covariance measurements, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 122, 457-469 (2015), doi:10.1007/s00704-014-1302-0 -- Details
Riederer, M; Pausch, J; Kuzyakov, Y; Foken, T: Partitioning NEE for absolute C input into various ecosystem pools by combining results from eddy-covariance, atmospheric flux partitioning and 13CO2 pulse labeling, Plant Soil, 390, 61-76 (2015) -- Details

-- 2014 --
Lüers, J; Westermann, S; Piel, K; Boike, J: Annual CO2 budget and seasonal CO2 exchange signals at a high Arctic permafrost site on Spitsbergen, Svalbard archipelago, Biogeosciences, 11, 6307-6322 (2014), doi:10.5194/bg-11-6307-2014 [Link] -- Details
Riederer, M; Serafimovich, A; Foken, T: Net ecosystem CO2 exchange measurements by the closed chamber method and the eddy covariance technique and their dependence on atmospheric conditions, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7, 1057–1064 (2014) -- Details
Babel, W; Biermann, T; Coners, H; Falge, E; Seeber, E; Ingrisch, J; Schleuß, P-M; Gerken, T; Leonbacher, J; Leipold, T; Willinghöfer, S; Schützenmeister, K; Shibistova, O; Becker, L; Hafner, S; Spielvogel, S; Li, X; Xu, X; Sun, Y; Zhang, L; Yang, Y; Ma, Y; Wesche, K; Graf, HF; Leuschner, C; Guggenberger, G; Kuzyakov, Y; Miehe, G; Foken, T: Pasture degradation modifies the water and carbon cycles of the Tibetan highlands, Biogeosciences, 11, 6633-6656 (2014), doi:10.5194/bg-11-6633-2014 -- Details
Babel, W; Biermann, T; Coners, H; Falge, E; Seeber, E; Ingrisch, J; Schleuß, P-M; Gerken, T; Leonbacher, J; Leipold, T; Willinghöfer, S; Schützenmeister, K; Shibistova, O; Becker, L; Hafner, S; Spielvogel, S; Li, X; Xu, X; Sun, Y; Zhang, L; Yang, Y; Ma, Y; Wesche, K; Graf, HF; Leuschner, C; Guggenberger, G; Kuzyakov, Y; Miehe, G; Foken, T: Pasture degradation modifies the water and carbon cycles of the Tibetan highlands, Biogeosciences Discussions, 11, 8861-8923 (2014) -- Details
Brötz, B; Eigenmann, R; Dörnbrack, A; Foken, T; Wirth, V: Early-morning flow transition in a valley in low-mountain terrain under clear-sky conditions, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 152, 45-63 (2014) -- Details
Charuchittipan, D; Babel, W; Mauder, M; Leps, JP; Foken, T: Extension of the averaging time in eddy-covariance measurements and its effect on the energy balance closure, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 152, 303-327 (2014), doi:10.1007/s10546-014-9922-6 -- Details
Eder, F; De Roo, F; Kohnert, K; Desjardins, RL; Schmid, HP; Mauder, M: Evaluation of Two Energy Balance Closure Parametrizations, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 151, 195-219 (2014), doi:10.1007/s10546-013-9904-0 -- Details
Gerken, T; Biermann, T; Babel, W; Herzog, M; Ma, Y; Foken, T; Graf, HF: A modelling investigation into lake-breeze development and convection triggering in the Nam Co Lake basin, Tibetan Plateau, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 117, 149-167 (2014) -- Details
Hübner, J; Olesch, J; Falke, H; Meixner, FX; Foken, T: A horizontal mobile measuring system for atmospheric quantities, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7, 2967-2980 (2014), doi:10.5194/amt-7-2967-2014 -- Details
Hübner, J; Olesch, J; Falke, H; Meixner, FX; Foken, T: A Horizontal Mobile Measuring System for Atmospheric Quantities, Atmospheric Measurements Techniques Discussions, 7, 4551–4588 (2014) -- Details
Ingrisch, J; Biermann, T; Seeber, E; Leipold, T; Li, M; Ma, Y; Xu, X; Miehe, G; Guggenberger, G; Foken, T; Kuzyakov, Y: Carbon pools and fluxes measured during a field campaign conducted in 2010 on the Tibetan Plateau at Kema, PANGAEA Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, AWI (2014), doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.833208 [Link] -- Details
Leclerc, MY; Foken, T: Footprints in Micrometeorology and Ecology, , Springer, XIX, 239 S. (2014), doi:978-3-642-54544-3 [Link] -- Details
Moravek, A; Foken, T; Trebs, I: Application of a GC-ECD for measurements of biosphere-atmosphere exchange fluxes of peroxyacetyl nitrate using the relaxed eddy accumulation and gradient method, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7, 2097-2119 (2014) [Link] -- Details
Moravek, A; Foken, T; Trebs, I: Application of a GC-ECD for measurements of biosphere–atmosphere exchange fluxes of peroxyacetyl nitrate using the relaxed eddy accumulation and gradient method, Atmospheric Measurements Techniques Discussions, 7, 1917-1974 (2014), doi:10.5194/amtd-7-1917-2014 [Link] -- Details
Moravek, A; Stella, P; Foken, T; Trebs, I: Influence of local air pollution on the deposition of peroxyacteyl nitrate to a nutrient-poor natural grassland ecosystem, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion, 14, 20383–20416, (2014) -- Details
Riederer, M; Hübner, J; Ruppert, J; Brand, WA; Foken, T: Prerequisites for application of hyperbolic relaxed eddy accumulation on managed grasslands and alternative net ecosystem exchange flux partitioning, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7, 4237-4250 (2014) -- Details
Riederer, M; Hübner, J; Ruppert, J; Brand, WA; Foken, T: Application of relaxed eddy accumulation (REA) on managed grassland, Atmospheric Measurements Techniques Discussions, 7, 4987–5026 (2014) -- Details
Riederer, M; Kuzyakov, Y; Foken, T: Extensiv genutzte Wiesen als Kohlenstoffspeicher, Der Siebenstern, 83, 108-109 (2014) -- Details
Biermann, T; Babel, W; Ma, W; Chen, X; Thiem, E; Ma, Y; Foken, T: Turbulent flux observations and modelling over a shallow lake and a wet grassland in the Nam Co basin, Tibetan Plateau, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 116(1-2), 301-316 (2014), doi:10.1007/s00704-013-0953-6 -- Details

-- 2013 --
Metzger, S; Junkermann, W; Mauder, M; Butterbach-Bahl, K; Trancón y Widemann, B; Neidl, F; Schäfer, K; Wieneke, S; Zheng, X H; Schmid, HP; Foken, T: Spatially explicit regionalization of airborne flux measurements using environmental response functions, Biogeosciences, 10, 2193-2217 (ausgezeichnet mit dem Förderpreis der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft) (2013) -- Details
Eder, F; Serafimovich, A; Foken, T: Coherent structures at a forest edge: Properties, coupling and impact of secondary circulations, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 248, 285-308 (2013), doi:DOI 10.1007/s10546-013-9815-0 -- Details
Foken, T: Application of footprint models for wind turbine locations, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 22, 111-115 (2013) -- Details
Foken, T: Niederschlag: Meteorologische Einführung, Messverfahren, Technische Regeln, KRdL-Schriftenreihe, ISSN 1435-1633, 47, 13-22 (2013) -- Details
Foken, T: EAGLE-Starthilfe: Energieaustauch an der Erdoberfläche, (Lokalklima – Landnutzung – Klimawandel), Edition am Gutenbergplatz Leipzig, 99 S. (2013) -- Details
Foken, T; Lüers, J: Regionale atmosphärische Prozesse und ihre raumzeitliche Ausprägung, Annalen der Meteorologie, 46, 25-29 (2013) -- Details
Gerken, T; Babel, W; Sun, F; Herzog, M; Ma, Y; Foken, T; Graf, HF: Uncertainty in atmospheric profiles and its impact on modeled convection development at Nam Co Lake, Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres, 118, 12,317–12,331 (2013), doi:10.1002/2013JD020647 -- Details
Kramm, G; Amaya, DJ; Foken, T; Mölders, N: Hans A. Panofsky’s Integral Similarity Function — At Fifty, Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 3, 581-594 (2013), doi:10.4236/acs.2013.34061 -- Details
Li, M; Babel, W; Tanaka, K; Foken, T: Note on the application of planar-fit rotation for non-omnidirectional sonic anemometers, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 6, 221-229 (2013) -- Details
Lüers, J; Bareiss, J: Turbulent flux and meteorological measurements during ARCTEX-2006 campaign, PANGAEA Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, AWI (2013), doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.811066 [Link] -- Details
Lüers, J; Boike, J: Time series of annual atmospheric CO2-fluxes above a high-arctic permafrost site, Svalbard (Norway), 2008-03 - 2009-03, PANGAEA Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, AWI (2013), doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.809507 [Link] -- Details
Metzger, S; Junkermann, W; Mauder, M; Butterbach-Bahl, K; Trancón y Widemann, B; Neidl, F; Schäfer, K; Wieneke, S; Zheng, X H; Schmid, HP; Foken, T: Spatially explicit regionalization of airborne flux measurements using environmental response functions, Biogeosciences, 10, 2193–2217 (2013), doi:10.5194/bg-10-2193-2013 -- Details
Moravek, A; Trebs, I; Foken, T: Effect of imprecise lag time and high frequency attenuation on surface-atmosphere exchange fluxes determined with the relaxed eddy accumulation method, Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres, 118, 10,210-10,224 (2013) -- Details
Riederer, M; Kuzyakov, Y; Foken, T: Extensiv genutzte Wiesen als Kohlenstoffspeicher, , In: Ergebnisse des Forschuhngsverbundes FORKAST, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Gesundheit,13-14 (2013) -- Details
Riederer, M; Serafimovich, A; Foken, T: Net ecosystem CO2 exchange measurements by the closed chamber method and the eddy covariance technique and their dependence on atmospheric conditions - A case study, Atmospheric Measurements Techniques Discussions, 6, 8783-8805 (2013) -- Details
Stella, P; Kortner, M; Ammann, C; Foken, T; Meixner, FX; Trebs, I: Measurements of nitrogen oxides and ozone fluxes by eddy covariance at a meadow: evidence for an internal leaf resistance to NO2, Biogeosciences Discussions, 10, 4461-4514 (2013) [Link] -- Details
Stella, P; Kortner, M; Ammann, C; Foken, T; Meixner, FX; Trebs, I: Measurements of nitrogen oxides and ozone fluxes by eddy covariance at a meadow: evidence for an internal leaf resistance to NO2, Biogeosciences, 10, 5997–6017 (2013) -- Details
Stoy, P; Mauder, M; Foken, T; Marcolla, B; Boegh, E; Ibrom, A; Arain, MA; Arneth, A; Aurela, M; Bernhofer, C; Cescatti, A; Dellwik, E; Duce, P; Gianelle, D; van Gorsel, E; Kiely, G; Knohl, A; Mangolis, H; McCaughey, H; Merbold, L; Montagnani, L; Papale, D; Reichstein, M; Serrano-Ortiz, P; Sottocornola, M; Saunders, M; Spano, D; Vaccari, F; Varlagin, A: A data-driven analysis of energy balance closure across FLUXNET research sites: The role of landscape-scale heterogeneity, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 171-172, 137-152 (2013) -- Details

-- 2012 --
Gerken, T; Babel, W; Hoffmann, A; Biermann, T; Herzog, M; Friend, AD; Li, M; Ma, Y; Foken, T; Graf, HF: Turbulent flux modelling with a simple 2-layer soil model and extrapolated surface temperature applied at Nam Co Lake basin on the Tibetan Plateau, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16, 1095-1110 (2012), doi:10.5194/hess-16-1095-2012 [Link] -- Details
Dorninger, M; Eigenmann, R; Foken, T: cops_nebt_uv_flux: Surface layer scintillometer data from COPS energy balance network station run by University of Vienna during COPS 2007, World Data Center for Climate (2012), doi:10.1594/ WDCC/cops_nebt_uv_flux -- Details
Eigenmann, R; Foken, T: cops_nebt_ubt_mast: Profile data of wind speed, temperature and water vapor pressure at profile mast run by University of Bayreuth during COPS 2007, World Data Center for Climate (2012), doi:10.1594/ WDCC/cops_nebt_ubt_mast -- Details
Eigenmann, R; Foken, T: cops_nsod_ubt: wind data from sodar-RASS run by University of Bayreuth during COPS 2007, World Data Center for Climate (2012), doi:10.1594/WDCC/cops_nsod_ubt -- Details
Pigeon, G; Eigenmann, R; Foken, T; Legain, D; Piguet, B; Traulle, O: cops_nebt_mf_flux: Eddy-covariance turbulence data from COPS energy balance and turbulence network stations run by Meteo-France/CNRM during COPS 2007, World Data Center for Climate (2012), doi:10.1594/WDCC/cops_ nebt_mf_flux -- Details
Schüttemeyer, D; Eigenmann, R; Foken, T: cops_nebt_ubn_flux: Eddy-covariance turbulence data from COPS energy balance and turbulence network station run by University of Bonn during COPS 2007, World Data Center for Climate (2012), doi:10.1594/WDCC/cops_nebt_ubn_flux -- Details
Foken, T; Meixner, FX; Falge, E; Zetzsch, C; Serafimovich, A; Bargsten, A; Behrendt, T; Biermann, T; Breuninger, C; Dix, S; Gerken, T; Hunner, M; Lehmann-Pape, L; Hens, K; Jocher, G; Kesselmeier, J; Lüers, J; Mayer, JC; Moravek, A; Plake, D; Riederer, M; Rütz, F; Scheibe, M; Siebicke, L; Sörgel, M; Staudt, K; Trebs, I; Tsokankunku, A; Welling, M; Wolff, V; Zhu, Z: Coupling processes and exchange of energy and reactive and non-reactive trace gases at a forest site – results of the EGER experiment, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 1923-1950 (2012) -- Details
Eigenmann, R; Foken, T: cops_nebt_ubt_met: Radiation and soil measurement data from COPS energy network stations run by University of Bayreuth during COPS 2007, World Data Center for Climate (2012), doi:10.1594/WDCC/cops_nebt_ ubt_met -- Details
Eigenmann, R; Foken, T: cops_nebt_ubt_flux: Eddy-covariance turbulence data from COPS energy balance and turbulence network stations run by University of Bayreuth during COPS 2007, World Data Center for Climate (2012), doi:10.1594/ WDCC/cops_nebt_ubt_flux -- Details
Foken, T: Application of footprint models for the fine-tuning of wind power locations on inland areas, DEWI Magazin, 40, 51-54 (2012), doi:http://www.dewi.de/dewi////fileadmin/pdf/publications/Magazin_40/07.pdf -- Details
Foken, T: Interactive comment on “Using sonic anemometer temperature to measure sensible heat flux in strong winds” by S. P. Burns et al., Atmospheric Measurements Techniques Discussions, 5, C88-C92 (2012) -- Details
Foken, T: Aufwärts in die Atmosphäre, Die Bedeutung der Verdunstung für die Verfügbarkeit von Wasser, Spektrum - Universität Bayreuth(1), 60-62 (2012) -- Details
Foken, T; Aubinet, M; Leuning, R: The eddy-covarianced method, In: M. Aubinet et al. (eds.), Eddy Covariance: A Practical Guide to Measurement and Data Analysis, Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York, 1-19 (2012) -- Details
Foken, T; Babel, W: Auf dem „Dach der Welt“, Die Rolle Tibets bei der Wasserversorgung Südostasiens, Spektrum - Universität Bayreuth(1), 46-48 (2012) -- Details
Foken, T; Falke, H: Technical Note: Calibration device for the krypton hygrometer KH20, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 1861-1867 (2012) -- Details
Foken, T; Falke, H: Technical Note: Calibration instrument for the krypton hygrometer KH20, Atmospheric Measurements Techniques Discussions, 6, 1695-1715 (2012) -- Details
Foken, T; Leuning, R; Oncley, SP; Mauder, M; Aubinet, M: Corrections and data quality, In: M. Aubinet et al. (eds.), Eddy Covariance: A Practical Guide to Measurement and Data Analysis, Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York, 85-131 (2012) -- Details
Irl, SDH; Steinbauer, M; Babel, W; Beierkuhnlein, C; Blume-Werry, G; Messinger, J; Palomares-Martínez, A; Strohmeier, S; Jentsch, A: An 11-yr exclosure experiment in a high-elevation island ecosystem: Introduced herbivore impact on shrub species richness, seedling recruitment and population dynamics, Journal of Vegetation Science, 23(6), 1114-1125 (2012), doi:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01425.x -- Details
Jocher, G; Karner, F; Ritter, C; Neuber, R; Dethloff, K; Obleitner, F; Reuder, J; Foken, T: The near-surface small-scale spatial and temporal variability of sensible and latent heat exchange in the Svalbard region: a case study, ISRN Meteorology, ID 357925, 14 pages (2012), doi:10.5402/2012/357925 -- Details
Li, M; Babel, W; Tanaka, K; Foken, T: Note on the application of planar-fit rotation for non-omnidirectional sonic anemometers, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 5(5), 7323-7340 (2012), doi:10.5194/amtd-5-7323-2012 -- Details
Lüers, J: Wasser in Oberfranken, Wie viel Wasser brauchen wir und wo wird es gewonnen?, Spektrum - Universität Bayreuth(1), 26-31 (2012) -- Details
Metzger, S; Junkermann, W; Mauder, M; Beyrich, F; Butterbach-Bahl, K; Schmid, HP; Foken, T: Eddy-covariance flux measurements with a weight-shift microlight aircraft, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 1699-1717 (2012) -- Details
Metzger, S; Junkermann, W; Mauder, M; Beyrich, F; Butterbach-Bahl, K; Schmid, HP; Foken, T: Eddy Covariance flux measurements with a weight-shift microlight aircraft, Atmospheric Measurements Techniques Discussions, 5, 2591-2643 (2012), doi:10.5194/amtd-5-2591-2012 [Link] -- Details
Rannik, Ü; Sogatchev, A; Foken, T; Göckede, M; Kljun, N; Leclerc, MY; Vesala, T: Footprint analysis, In: M. Aubinet et al. (eds.), Eddy Covariance: A Practical Guide to Measurement and Data Analysis, Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York, 211-261 (2012) -- Details
Siebicke, L; Hunner, M; Foken, T: Aspects of CO2-advection measurements, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 109, 109-131 (2012), doi:DOI 10.1007/s00704-011-0552-3 -- Details
Williams, CA; Reichstein, M; Buchmann, N; Baldocchi, DD; Beer, C; Schwalm, C; Wohlfahrt, G; Hasler, N; Bernhofer, C; Foken, T; Papale, D; Schymanski, S; Schaefer, K: Climate and vegetation controls on the surface water balance: synthesis of evapotranspiration measured across a global network of flux towers, Water Resources Research, 48, W06523 (2012), doi:10.1029/2011WR011586 -- Details
Zhao, P; Lüers, J: Improved determination of daytime net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide at croplands, Biogeosciences Discussions, 9, 2883-2919 (2012), doi:10.5194/bgd-9-2883-2012 [Link] -- Details

-- 2011 --
Kalthoff, N; Eigenmann, R; Foken, T: cops_nebt_imk_met: meteorological data from COPS energy balance and turbulence network run by FZK/IMK-TRO during COPS 2007, World Data Center for Climate (2011), doi:10.1594/WDCC/cops_nebt_imk_met -- Details
Kalthoff, N; Eigenmann, R; Foken, T: cops_nebt_imk_flux: Eddy-covariance turbulence data from COPS energy balance and turbulence network stations run by FZK/IMK-TRO during COPS 2007, World Data Center for Climate (2011), doi:10.1594/WDCC/cops_nebt_imk_flux -- Details
Foken, T; Meixner, FX; Falge, E; Zetzsch, C; Serafimovich, A; Bargsten, A; Behrendt, T; Biermann, T; Breuninger, C; Dix, S; Gerken, T; Hunner, M; Lehmann, L; Hens, K; Jocher, G; Kesselmeier, J; Lüers, J; Mayer, JC; Plake, D; Riederer, M; Rütz, F; Scheibe, M; Siebicke, L; Sörgel, M; Staudt, K; Trebs, I; Tsokankunku, A; Welling, M; Wolff, V; Zhu, Z: ExchanGE processes in mountainous Regions (EGER) – overview of design, methods, and first results, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion, 11, 26245-26345 (2011), doi:www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/11/26245/2011/ -- Details
Babel, W; Huneke, S; Foken, T: A framework to utilize turbulent flux measurements for mesoscale models and remote sensing applications, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 8, 5165-5225 (2011), doi:10.5194/hessd-8-1-2011 -- Details
Eigenmann, R; Kalthoff, N; Foken, T; Dorninger, M; Kohler, M; Legain, D; Pigeon, G; Piguet, B; Schüttemeyer, D; Traulle, O: Surface energy balance and turbulence network during COPS, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 137, 57-69 (2011), doi:10.1002/qj.704 -- Details
Foken, T; Aubinet, M; Finnigan, JJ; Leclerc, MY; Mauder, M; Paw U, KT: Results of a panel discussion about the energy balance closure correction for trace gases, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92(4), ES13-ES18 (2011), doi:DOI: 10.1175/2011BAMS3130.1 -- Details
Foken, T; Buck, AL; Staudt, K; Lüers, J: Der Wald im Fichtelgebirge im Extremjahr 2003, Spektrum(1), 50-53 (auch in Schattenblick vom 10.12.2011: http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/umwelt/fakten/ufos0014.html) (2011) -- Details
Foken, T; Serafimovich, A; Siebicke, L; Zetzsch, C; Meixner, FX: Komplizierte Austauschbedingungen in einem hohen Waldbestand in Universität Bayreuth: Spektrum(1), 54-57 (auch in Schattenblick vom 10.12.2011: http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/umwelt/klima/uklfo367.html) (2011) -- Details
Gerken, T; Babel, W; Hoffmann, A; Biermann, T; Herzog, M; Friend, AD; Li, M; Ma, Y; Foken, T; Graf, HF: Turbulent flux modelling with a simple 2-layer soil model and extrapolated surface temperature applied at Nam Co Lake basin on the Tibetan Plateau, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 8, 10275–10309 (2011) -- Details
Kalthoff, N; Kohler, M; Barthlott, C; Adler, B; Mobbs, SD; Corsmeier, U; Träumner, K; Foken, T; Eigenmann, R; Krauss, L; Khodayar, S; Di Girolamo, P: The dependence of convection-related parameters on surface and boundary-layer conditions over complex terrain, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 137, 70-80 (2011), doi:10.1002/qj.686 -- Details
Kittler, F; Lüers, J; Nauß, T; Foken, T: Möglichkeiten der künstlichen Beschneiung im gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Klima im Fichtelgebirge, Der Siebenstern, 80(5), 240-243 (2011) -- Details
Lüers, J; Bareiss, J: Direct near-surface measurements of sensible heat fluxes in the arctic tundra applying eddy-covariance and laser scintillometry - The Arctic Turbulence Experiment 2006 on Svalbard (ARCTEX-2006), Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 105, 387-402 (2011) -- Details
Mayer, JC; Bargsten, A; Rummel, U; Meixner, FX; Foken, T: Distributed Modified Bowen Ratio Method for Surface Layer Fluxes of reactive and non-reactive Trace Gases, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151, 655-668 (2011), doi:DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2010.10.001 -- Details
Metzger, S; Junkermann, W; Butterbach-Bahl, K; Schmid, HP; Foken, T: Corrigendum to "Measuring the 3-D wind vector with a weight-shift microlight aircraft" published in Atmos. Meas. Tech., 4, 1421–1444, 2011, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 4, 1515-1539 (2011) -- Details
Metzger, S; Junkermann, W; Butterbach-Bahl, K; Schmid, HP; Foken, T: Measuring the 3-D wind vector with a weight-shift microlight aircraft, Atmospheric Measurements Techniques Discussions, 4, 1303-1370 (2011) [Link] -- Details
Serafimovich, A; Thomas, CK; Foken, T: Vertical and horizontal transport of energy and matter by coherent motions in a tall spruce canopy, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 140, 429-451 (2011), doi:10.1007/s10546-011-9619-z -- Details
Siebicke, L; Steinfeld, G; Foken, T: CO2-gradient measurements using a parallel multi-analyzer setup, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 4, 409-423 (2011) -- Details
Sörgel, M; Trebs, I; Serafimovich, A; Moravek, A; Held, A; Zetzsch, C: Simultaneous HONO measurements in and above a forest canopy: influence of turbulent exchange on mixing ratio differences, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 841-855 (2011) -- Details
Staudt, K; Serafimovich, A; Siebicke, L; Pyles, RD; Falge, E: Vertical structure of evapotranspiration at a forest site (a case study), Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151, 709-729 (2011), doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2010.10.009 -- Details
Wulfmeyer, V; Behrendt, A; Kottmeier, C; Corsmeier, U; Barthlott, C; Craig, GC; Hagen, M; Althausen, D; Aoshima, F; Apagaus, M; Bauer, H-S; Bennett, L; Blyth, A; Brandau, C; Champollion, C; Crewell, S; Dick, G; Di Girolamo, P; Dorninger, M; Dufournet, Y; Eigenmann, R; Engelmann, R; Flamant, C; Foken, T; Gorgas, T; Grzeschik, M; Handwerker, J; Hauck, C; Höller, H; Junkermann, W; Kalthoff, N; Kiemle, C; Klink, S; König, M; Krauss, L; Long, CN; Madonna, F; Mobbs, S; Neininger, B; Pal, S; Peters, G; Pigeon, G; Richard, E; Rotach, MW; Russchenberg, H; Schwitalla, T; Smith, V; Steinacker, R; Trentmann, J; Turner, DD; Van Baelen, J; Vogt, S; Volker, H; Weckwerth, T; Wernli, H; Wieser, A; Wirth, M: The Convective and Orographically induced Precipitation Study (COPS): The scienentific strategy, the field phase, and research highlights, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 137, 3-30 (2011), doi:10.1002/qj.752 -- Details
Yang, K; Ye, B; Zhou, D; Wu, B; Foken, T; Qin, J; Zhou, Z: Response of Hydrological Cycle to Recent Climate Changes in the Tibetan Plateau, Climate Change, 109, 517-534 (2011), doi:DOI 10.1007/s10584-011-0099-4 -- Details
Zhang, Y; Liu, H; Foken, T; Williams, QL; Mauder, M; Thomas, CK: Coherent structures and flux contribution over an inhomogeneously irrigated cotton field, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 103, 119-131 (2011), doi:10.1007/s00704-010-0287-6 -- Details
Zhao, P; Lüers, J; Olesch, J; Foken, T: Complex TERRain and ECOlogical Heterogeneity (TERRECO);WP 1-02: Spatial assessment of atmosphere-ecosystem exchanges via micrometeorological measurements, footprint modeling and mesoscale simulations ; Documentation of the Observation Period May 12th to Nov. 8th, 2010, Haean, South Korea, Arbeitsergebnisse, Universität Bayreuth, Abt. Mikrometeorologie (ISSN 1614-8916), 45, 1 - 43 (2011) -- Details
Zhou, D; Eigenmann, R; Babel, W; Foken, T; Ma, Y: Study of near-ground free convection conditions at Nam Co station on the Tibetan Plateau, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 105, 217-228 (2011), doi:10.1007/s00704-010-0393-5 -- Details

-- 2010 --
Staudt, K; Falge, E; Pyles, RD; Paw U, KT; Foken, T: Sensitivity and predictive uncertainty of the ACASA model at a spruce forest site, Biogeosciences Discussions, 7, 4223-4271 (2010), doi:10.5194/bgd-7-4223-2010 [Link] -- Details
Lüers, J; Bareiss, J: The effect of misleading surface temperature estimations on the sensible heat fluxes at a high Arctic site – the Arctic turbulence experiment 2006 on Svalbard (ARCTEX-2006), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10(1), 157-168 (2010) -- Details
Foken, T; Mauder, M; Liebethal, C; Wimmer, F; Beyrich, F; Leps, J-P; Raasch, S; DeBruin, H; Meijninger, WML; Bange, J: Energy balance closure for the LITFASS-2003 experiment, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 101, 149-160 (2010), doi:DOI: 10.1007/s00704-009-0216-8 -- Details
Leclerc, MY; Holland, E; Foken, T; Pingintha, N: Sustainability of gaia: A question of balance, in: R.A.Reck (Ed.) Climate Change and Sustainable Development, , 351-373 (2010) -- Details
Markkanen, T; Steinfeld, G; Kljun, N; Raasch, S; Foken, T: A numerical case study on footprint model performance under inhomogeneous flow conditions, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 19(6), 539-547 (2010) -- Details
Siebicke, L; Steinfeld, G; Foken, T: CO2 gradient measurements using a parallel multi-analyzer set, Atmospheric Measurements Techniques Discussions, 3, 4383–4421 (2010) [Link] -- Details
Sörgel, M; Trebs, I; Serafimovich, A; Moravek, A; Held, A; Zetzsch, C: Simultaneous HONO measurements in and above a forest canopy: Influence of turbulent exchange on mixing ratio differences, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion, 10, 21109–21145 (2010) -- Details
Staudt, K; Falge, E; Pyles, RD; Paw U, KT; Foken, T: Sensitivity and predictive uncertainty of the ACASA model at a spruce forest site, Biogeosciences, 7, 3685-3705 (2010), doi:http://www.biogeosciences.net/7/3685/2010/bg-7-3685-2010.html -- Details
Vesala, T; Kljun, N; Rannik, Ü; Rinne, J; Sogatchev, A; Markkanen, T; Sabelfeld, K; Foken, T; Leclerc, MY: Flux and concentration footprint modelling, In: Modelling of Pollutants in Complex Environmental Systems, Volume II, edited by G. Hanrahan, (Chapter 11), 339-355 (2010) -- Details
Wolff, V; Trebs, I; Foken, T; Meixner, FX: Exchange of reactive nitrogen compounds: concentrations and fluxes of total ammonium and total nitrate above a spruce canopy, Biogeosciences, 7, 1729-1744 (2010) -- Details
Yi, C; and 148 authors incl., :; Foken, T; Tenhunen, J: Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents, Enivironmental Research Letters, 5, 034007 , Norbert Gerbier-MUMM Award for 2012 (2010), doi:10.1088/1748-9326/5/3/034007 -- Details
Zhang, Y; Liu, H; Foken, T; Williams, QL; Liu, S; Mauder, M; Liebethal, C: Turbulence spectra and cospectra under the influence on large eddies in the Energy Balance EXperiment (EBEX), Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 136, 235-251 (2010), doi:DOI: 10.1007/s10546-010-9504-1 -- Details

-- 2009 --
Westermann, S; Lüers, J; Langer, M; Piel, K; Boike, J: The annual surface energy budget of a high-arctic permafrost site on Svalbard, Norway, The Cryosphere, 3, 245-263 (2009) -- Details
Eigenmann, R; Metzger, S; Foken, T: Generation of free convection due to changes of the local circulation system, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9, 8587-8600 (2009) [Link] -- Details
Eigenmann, R; Metzger, S; Foken, T: Generation of free convection due to chances in the local circulation system, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion, 9, 11367-11411 (2009) -- Details
Markkanen, T; Steinfeld, G; Kljun, N; Raasch, S; Foken, T: Validation of conventional Lagrangian stochastic footprint models against LES driven footprint estimates, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion, 9, 4195–4230 (2009) -- Details
Burns, SP; Delany, AC; Sun, J; Stephens, BB; Oncley, SP; Maclean, GD; Semmer, S R; Schröter, J; Ruppert, J: An Evaluation of Calibration Techniques for In Situ Carbon Dioxide Measurements Using a Programmable Portable Trace-Gas Measuring System, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26, 291-316 (2009) -- Details
Foken, T; Hupfer, P: Interaction between the atmosphere and the underlying surface, Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 188, 40-51 (2009) -- Details
Gohlke, A; Foken, T; Beierkuhnlein, C: Klimawandel in Bayern, Auswirkungen und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten in Landesjugendwerk der AWO Bayern: Megaphon(Ausgabe 2009), 1,3-8 (2009)
Hussain, MZ; Otieno, DO; Mirzaee, H; Li, Y-L; Schmidt, MWI; Siebicke, L; Foken, T; Ribeiro, N; Pereira, JS; Tenhunen, JD: CO2 exchange and biomass development of the herbaceous vegetation in the Portuguese montado ecosystem during spring, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 132, 143-152 (2009) -- Details
Kracher, D; Mengelkamp, H-T; Foken, T: The Residual of the Energy Balance Closure and its Influence on the Results of three SVAT Models, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 18, 647-661 (2009) -- Details
Markkanen, T; Steinfeld, G; Kljun, N; Raasch, S; Foken, T: Comparison of conventional Lagrangian stochastic footprint models against LES driven footprint estimates, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9, 5575-5586 (2009) -- Details
Mayer, JC; Hens, K; Rummel, U; Meixner, FX; Foken, T: Moving measurement platforms - specific challenges and corrections, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 18, 477-488 (2009) -- Details
Westermann, S; Lüers, J; Langer, M; Piel, K; Boike, J: Temperature time series and physical properties of snow samples of a high-arctic permafrost site on Svalbard, Norway, PANGAEA Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, AWI (2009), doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.746722 [Link] -- Details
Wichura, B: Untersuchungen zum Kohlendioxid-Austausch über einem Fichtenwaldbestand; Hyperbolic-Relaxed-Eddy-Accumulation Messungen für das stabile Kohlenstoffisotop 13C und Waveletanalysen des turbulenten Kohlendioxid-Austausches in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 114, 295 S. (2009) -- Details
Wolff, V; Trebs, I; Foken, T; Meixner, FX: Exchange of reactive nitrogen compounds: concentrations and fluxes of total ammonium and total nitrate above a spruce forest canopy, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion, 6, 10663-10706 (2009) [Link] -- Details

-- 2008 --
Foken, T: Interactive comment on “The von Kármán constant retrieved from CASE-97 dataset using a variational method” by Y. Zhang et al., Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion, 8, S6655–S6659 (2008) [Link] -- Details
Beierkuhnlein, C; Foken, T: Klimaanpassung Bayern 2020, Studie für das Landesamt für Umwelt Bayern, 42 S. (2008) [Link] -- Details
Beierkuhnlein, C; Foken, T; Schmid, N; Wolf, B; Gohlke, A; Alt, M; Thomas, S M; Stahlmann, R; Dech, S; Jentsch, A; Kuzyakov, Y; Matzner, E; Menzel, A; Peiffer, S; Rötzer, T; Steffan-Dewenter, I; Tenhunen, J; Walther, GR; Burghardt, D; Wiesenberg, G; Glaser, B; Jacobeit, J; Pretzsch, H; Beck, C; Melzer, A; Erhard, D: Klimawandel in Bayern. Auswirkungen und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten, Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, 113, 501 S. (2008) [Link] -- Details
Beierkuhnlein, C; Gohlke, A; Foken, T: Anpassung an den Klimawandel als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung, Forum der Geoökologie, 19(2), 60-64 (2008) -- Details
Foken, T: The energy balance closure problem - An overview, Ecological Applications, 18, 1351-1367 (2008) -- Details
Foken, T: Micrometeorology, (Springer Heidelberg), XX, 113 illus., 308 p., Softcover (2008), doi:ISBN: 978-3-540-74665-2 > [Link] -- Details
Göckede, M; Foken, T; Aubinet, M; Aurela, M; Banza, J; Bernhofer, C; Bonnefond, J-M; Brunet, Y; Carrara, A; Clement, R; Dellwik, E; Elbers, JA; Eugster, W; Fuhrer, J; Granier, A; Grünwald, T; Heinesch, B; Janssens, IA; Knohl, A; Koeble, R; Laurila, T; Longdoz, B; Manca, G; Marek, M; Markkanen, T; Mateus, J; Matteucci, G; Mauder, M; Migliavacca, M; Minerbi, S; Moncrieff, JB; Montagnani, L; Moors, E; Ourcival, J-M; Papale, D; Pereira, J; Pilegaard, K; Pita, G; Rambal, S; Rebmann, C; Rodrigues, A; Rotenberg, E; Sanz, MJ; Sedlak, P; Seufert, G; Siebicke, L; Soussana, JF; Valentini, R; Vesala, T; Verbeeck, H; Yakir, D: Quality control of CarboEurope flux data – Part 1: Coupling footprint analyses with flux data quality assessment to evaluate sites in forest ecosystems, Biogeosciences, 5, 433-450 ("CarboEurope-IP Best Paper Award 2008") (2008) [Link] -- Details
Klemm, O; Wrzesinsky, T; Gerchau, J; Griessbaum, F: A collector for fog water and interstitial aerosol, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 25, 335-240 (2008) -- Details
Kottmeier, C; Kalthoff, N; Barthlott, C; Corsmeier, U; Van Baelen, J; Behrendt, A; Behrendt, R; Blyth, A; Coulter, R; Crewell, S; Di Girolamo, P; Dorninger, M; Flamant, C; Foken, T; Hagen, M; Hauck, C; Höller, H; Konow, H; Kunz, M; Mahlke, H; Mobbs, S; Richard, E; Steinacker, R; Weckwerth, T; Wieser, A; Wulfmeyer, V: Mechanisms initiating deep convection over complex terrain during COPS, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 17, 931-948 (2008) -- Details
Kuglitsch, FG; Reichstein, M; Beer, C; Carrara, A; Ceulemans, R; Granier, A; Janssens, IA; Köstner, B; Lindroth, A; Loustau, D; Matteucci, G; Montagnani, L; Moors, E; Papale, D; Pilegaard, K; Rambal, S; Rebmann, C; Schulze, ED; Seufert, G; Verbeeck, H; Vesala, T; Aubinet, M; Bernhofer, C; Foken, T; Grünwald, T; Heinesch, B; Kutsch, W; Laurila, T; Longdoz, B; Miglietta, F; Sanz, MJ; Valentini, R: Characterisation of ecosystem water-use efficiency of european forests from eddy covariance measurements, Biogeosciences Discussions, 5, 4481-4519 (2008) -- Details
Leclerc, MY; Holland, E; Foken, T; Pingintha, N: Sustainability of Gaia: A question of balance, Forum on Public Policy, Summer issue, 39 pp. (2008) [Link] -- Details
Li, Y-L; Tenhunen, JD; Mirzaei, H; Hussain, MZ; Siebicke, L; Foken, T; Otieno, DO; Schmidt, M; Ribeiro, N; Aires, L; Pio, C; Banza, J; Pereira, JS: Separation of CO2 exchange from components of a herbaceous vegetation mosaic and up-scaling via chamber plus eddy covariance measurements in the Portuguese montado, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148, 1318–1331 (2008) -- Details
Mauder, M; Foken, T; Clement, R; Elbers, JA; Eugster, W; Grünwald, T; Heusinkveld, B; Kolle, O: Quality control of CarboEurope flux data – Part 2: Inter-comparison of eddy-covariance software, Biogeosciences, 5, 451-462 (2008) [Link] -- Details
Mayer, JC; Gilge, S; Staudt, K; Meixner, FX; Foken, T: Freie Konvektion im Vorland des Hohenpeißenbergs – Einfluss auf Spurengasmessungen, GAW-Brief des DWD, 42 (2008) -- Details
Mayer, JC; Staudt, K; Gilge, S; Meixner, FX; Foken, T: The impact of free convection on late morning ozone decreases on an Alpine foreland mountain summit, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion, 8, 5437–5476 (2008) [Link] -- Details
Mayer, JC; Staudt, K; Gilge, S; Meixner, FX; Foken, T: The impact of free convection on late morning ozone decreases on an Alpine foreland mountain summit, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 5941-5956 (2008) [Link] -- Details
Steinfeld, G; Raasch, S; Markkanen, T: Footprints in homogeneously and heterogeneously driven boundary layers derived from a langrangian Stochstic particle model embedded into large-eddy simulation, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 129, 225-248 (2008) -- Details
Thomas, C; Martin, JG; Göckede, M; Siqueira, MB; Foken, T; Law, BE; Loescher, HW; Katul, G: Estimating daytime ecosystem respiration from conditional sampling methods applied to multi-scalar high frequency turbulence time series, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148, 1210–1229 (2008), doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2008.03.002 -- Details
Vesala, T; Kljun, N; Rannik, Ü; Rinne, J; Sogatchev, A; Markkanen, T; Sabelfeld, K; Foken, T; Leclerc, MY: Flux and concentration footprint modelling: State of the art, Environmental Pollution, 152, 653-666 (2008) -- Details
von Knobelsdorff, C; Foken, T: Globale Zukunft, (URL: http://opus.ub.uni-bayreuth.de/volltexte/2008/437/), 112 S. (2008)
Westermann, S; Boike, J; Piel, K; Lüers, J: Long-term Monitoring of Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes Using Eddy Covariance at a High Arctic Permafrost Site in Svalbard, Norway. in Edited by Douglas L. Kane and Kenneth M. Hinkel: Ninth International Conference on Permafrost 2008: Extended Abstracts Part III., Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks, U.S.A., 341-342 (2008) -- Details

-- 2007 --
de Mattos Zeri, LM: Investigation of high nightime CO2-fluxes at the Wetzstein spruce forest site in Turingia, Germany, Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie, Technical Reports, ISSN 1615-7400, 13, 102 p. (2007)
Foken, T: Das Klima von Bayreuth, Status quo und Aufgaben für die Stadtplanung, Standort - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie, 31, 150-152 (2007), doi:doi 10.1007/s00548-007-0045-x -- Details
Foken, T: Geoökologie in Bayreuth, Forum der Geoökologie, 18(15-17) (2007) -- Details
Foken, T: Grenzschichtklima in Hupfer, P.: Geschichte der Meteorologie in Deutschland, Bd. 8, Klimaforschung in der DDR, Ein Rückblick, Selbstverlag des Deutschen Wetterdienstes, 28-32 (2007)
Foken, T: Energieaustauschmessungen über Eis und in Bergregionen in Hupfer, P.: Geschichte der Meteorologie in Deutschland, Bd. 8, Klimaforschung in der DDR, Ein Rückblick, Selbstverlag des Deutschen Wetterdienstes, 57-60 (2007)
Foken, T: Das Klima der ariden Tropen in Hüser, K., Popp, H.: Bayreuther Kontaktstudium Geographie, 4, 17-28 (2007)
Foken, T: Interactive comment on “Multiple quality tests for analysing CO2 fluxes in a beech temperate forest” by B. Longdoz et al., Biogeosciences Discussions, 4, S2124-S2127 (2007) -- Details
Foken, T: Interactive comment on “Observations of HNO3, AN, PN and NO2 fluxes:evidence for rapid HOx chemistry within a pine forest canopy” by D. K. Farmer and R. C. Cohen, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion, 7, S3588–S3592 (2007) [Link]
Foken, T; Lischeid, G; Lüers, J; Matzner, E: Geo-Ecological Research in the Fichtelgebirge Area, Bayreuther Geographische Arbeiten, 28, 121-136 (2007) -- Details
Foken, T; Nicklas, F; Schoberth, M: Freizeit und Tourismus in Stadt und Landkreis Bayreuth im Zusammenhang mit dem Klimawandel, Das Geographische Seminar, Spezial, Exkursionsführer Oberfranken, Westermann, 79-93 (2007)
Göckede, M; Foken, T; Aubinet, M; Aurela, M; Banza, J; Bernhofer, C; Bonnefond, J-M; Brunet, Y; Carrara, A; Clement, R; Dellwik, E; Elbers, JA; Eugster, W; Fuhrer, J; Granier, A; Grünwald, T; Heinesch, B; Janssens, IA; Knohl, A; Koeble, R; Laurila, T; Longdoz, B; Manca, G; Marek, M; Markkanen, T; Mateus, J; Matteucci, G; Mauder, M; Migliavacca, M; Minerbi, S; Moncrieff, JB; Montagnani, L; Moors, E; Ourcival, J-M; Papale, D; Pereira, J; Pilegaard, K; Pita, G; Rambal, S; Rebmann, C; Rodrigues, A; Rotenberg, E; Sanz, MJ; Sedlak, P; Seufert, G; Siebicke, L; Soussana, JF; Valentini, R; Vesala, T; Verbeeck, H; Yakir, D: Quality control of CarboEurope flux data – Part I: Footprint analyses to evaluate sites in forest ecosystems, Biogeosciences Discussions, 4, 4025-4066 (2007) [Link] -- Details
Göckede, M; Thomas, C; Markkanen, T; Mauder, M; Ruppert, J; Foken, T: Sensitivity of Lagrangian Stochastic footprints to turbulence statistics, Tellus, 59B, 577-586 (2007), doi:10.1111/j.1600-0889.2007.00275.x -- Details
Horn, A; Foken, T: Treffen der Hochschulkonferenz Geoökologie am 09. November 2007, Forum der Geoökologie, 18(3), 42-43 (2007)
Klemm, O; Wrzesinsky, T: Fog deposition fluxes of water and ions to a mountainous site in Central Europe, Tellus B, 59, 705-715 (2007)
Kohsiek, W; Liebethal, C; Foken, T; Vogt, R; Oncley, SP; Bernhofer, C; DeBruin, H: The energy balance experiment EBEX-2000. Part III: Behaviour and quality of radiation measurements, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 123, 55-75 (2007), doi:10.1007/s10546-006-9135-8 -- Details
Kuparinen, A; Markkanen, T; Riikonen, H; Vesala, T: Modeling air-mediated dispersal of spores, pollen and seeds in forested areas, Ecological Modelling, 208, 177-188 (2007) -- Details
Liebethal, C; Foken, T: Evaluation of six parameterization approaches for the ground heat flux, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 88, 43-56 (2007), doi:10.1007/s00704-005-0234-0 -- Details
Lüers, J; Smaczny, J; Kies, A; Bareiss, J: Dynamik der Austauschprozesse von CO2 und 222Radon zwischen Waldboden, Waldbestand und Atmosphäre - Profilmessung der Kohlendioxidkonzentration im Waldbestand und Messung der Radon-Isotop-Konzentration in Bodennähe als Tracer am Standort Waldstein, WALDATEM 2006, Berichte des Meteorologischen Instituts der Universität Freiburg, 16, 147-151 (2007) -- Details
Mauder, M; Foken, T; Clement, R; Elbers, JA; Eugster, W; Grünwald, T; Heusinkveld, B; Kolle, O: Quality control of CarboEurope flux data – Part II: Inter-comparison of eddy-covariance software, Biogeosciences Discussions, 4, 4067-4099 (2007) [Link] -- Details
Mauder, M; Jegede, OO; Okogbue, EC; Wimmer, F; Foken, T: Surface energy balance measurements at a tropical site in West Africa during the transition from dry to wet season, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 89, 171-183 (2007), doi:10.1007/s00704-006-0252-6 -- Details
Mauder, M; Oncley, SP; Vogt, R; Weidinger, T; Riberio, L; Bernhofer, C; Foken, T; Kohsiek, W; DeBruin, H; Liu, H: The Energy Balance Exprriment EBEX-2000. Part II: Intercomparison of eddy covariance sensors and post-field data processing methods, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 123, 29-54 (2007), doi:10.1007/s10546-006-9139-4 -- Details
Oncley, SP; Foken, T; Vogt, R; Kohsiek, W; DeBruin, H; Bernhofer, C; Christen, A; van Gorsel, E; Grantz, D; Feigenwinter, C; Lehner, I; Liebethal, C; Liu, H; Mauder, M; Pitacco, A; Riberio, L; Weidinger, T: The Energy Balance Experiment EBEX-2000. Part I: overview and energy balance, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 123, 1-28 (2007), doi:DOI 10.1007/s10546-007-9161-1 -- Details
Rinne, J; Taipale, R; Markkanen, T; Ruuskanen, TM; Hellén, H; Kajos, MK; Vesala, T; Kulmala, M: Hydrocarbon fluxes above a Scots pine forest canopy: Measurements and modeling, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion, 7, 2357-2388 (2007) -- Details
Rinne, J; Taipale, R; Markkanen, T; Ruuskanen, TM; Hellén, H; Kajos, MK; Vesala, T; Kulmala, M: Hydrocarbon fluxes above a Scots pine forest canopy: measurements and modeling, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, 3361-3372 (2007) -- Details
Rummel, U; Ammann, C; Kirkman, GA; Moura, MAL; Foken, T; Andreae, MO; Meixner, FX: Seasonal variation of ozone deposition to tropical rain forest in southwest Amazonia, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion, 7, 7399-7450 (2007) [Link] -- Details
Rummel, U; Ammann, C; Kirkman, GA; Moura, MAL; Foken, T; Andreae, MO; Meixner, FX: Seasonal variation of ozone deposition to a tropical rain forest in southwest Amazonia, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, 5415-5435 (2007) [Link] -- Details
Staudt, K; Foken, T: Documentation of reference data for the experimental areas of the Bayreuth Centre for Ecology and Environmental Research (BayCEER) at the Waldstein site, Arbeitsergebnisse, Universität Bayreuth, Abt. Mikrometeorologie (ISSN 1614-8916), 35, 1-35 (2007) -- Details
Sun, F; Ma, Y; Li, M; Ma, W; Tian, H; Metzger, S: Boundary layer effects above a Himalayan valley near Mt. Everest, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L08808, doi:10.1029/2007GL029484. (2007) -- Details
Thomas, C; Foken, T: Flux contribution of coherent structures and its implications for the exchange of energy and matter in a tall spruce canopy, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 123, 317-337 (2007), doi:10.1007/s10546-006-9144-7 -- Details
Thomas, C; Foken, T: Organised motion in a tall spruce canopy: temporal scales, structure spacing and terrain effects, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 122, 123-147 (2007), doi:10.1007/s10546-006-9087-z -- Details
Zhang, G; Thomas, C; Leclerc, MY; Karipot, A; Gholz, HL; Binford, M; Foken, T: On the effect of clearcuts on turbulence structure above a forest canopy, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 88, 133-137 (2007), doi:10.1007/s00704-006-0250-8 -- Details

-- 2006 --
Adiku, SGK; Reichstein, M; Lohila, A; Dinh, NQ; Aurela, M; Laurila, T; Lüers, J; Tenhunen, JD: PIXGRO: A Model for Simulating the Ecosystem CO2 Exchange and Growth of Spring Barley, Ecological Modelling, 190(3-4), 260-276 (2006) -- Details
Beyrich, F; DeBruin, H; Etling, D; Foken, T: Preface: The LITFASS-2003 experiment, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 121, 1-4 (2006), doi:DOI 10.1007/s10546-006-9082-4 -- Details
Beyrich, F; Leps, J-P; Mauder, M; Bange, J; Foken, T; Huneke, S; Lohse, H; Lüdi, A; Meijninger, WML; Mironov, D; Weisensee, U; Zittel, P: Area-averaged surface fluxes over the LITFASS region on eddy-covariance measurements, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 121, 33-65 (2006), doi:DOI 10.1007/s10546-005-9052-2 -- Details
Foken, T: Interactive comment on “Towards a more harmonized processing of eddy covariance CO2 fluxes: algorithms and uncertainty estimation” by D. Papale et al., Biogeosciences Discussions, 3, S500-S502 (2006) [Link] -- Details
Foken, T: 50 years of the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory , Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 119, 431-447 (2006), doi:DOI 10.1007/s10546-006-9048-6 -- Details
Foken, T: Angewandte Meteorologie, Mikrometeorologische Methoden, (2. überarb. u. erw. Aufl.), 326 (2006) [Link] -- Details
Foken, T: Institute stellen sich vor: Abteilung Mikrometeorologie der Universität Bayreuth in Deutscher Wetterdienst: promet, 32, 167-168 (2006) -- Details
Foken, T; Wimmer, F; Mauder, M; Thomas, C; Liebethal, C: Some aspects of the energy balance closure problem, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion, 6, 3381–3402 (2006) [Link] -- Details
Foken, T; Wimmer, F; Mauder, M; Thomas, C; Liebethal, C: Some aspects of the energy balance closure problem, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 4395-4402 (2006) [Link] -- Details
Forkel, R; Klemm, O; Graus, M; Rappenglück, B; Stockwell, WR; Grabmer, W; Held, A; Hansel, A; Steinbrecher, R: Trace gas exchange and gas phase chemistry in a Norway spruce forest: A study with a coupled 1-dimensional canopy atmospheric chemistry emission model, Atmospheric Environment, 40, Supplement 1, 28-42 (2006), doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.11.070 -- Details
Ganzeveld, L; Klemm, O; Rappenglück, B; Valverde-Canossa, J: Evaluation of meteorological parameters over a coniferous forest in a single-culumn chemistry-climate model, Atmospheric Environment, 40, Supplement 1, 21-27 (2006) -- Details
Göckede, M; Markkanen, T; Hasager, CB; Foken, T: Update of footprint-based approach for the characterisation of complex measurement sites, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 118, 635-655 (2006), doi:DOI:10.1007/s10546-005-6435-3 -- Details
Göckede, M; Thomas, C; Markkanen, T; Ruppert, J; Mauder, M; Foken, T: On the sensitivity of Lagrangian stochastic footprint modeling to within canopy flow statistics derived from wavelet analysis, Report Series in Aerosol Science, 79, 247-249 (2006)
Held, A; Klemm, O: Direct measurement of turbulent particle exchange with a twin CPC eddy covariance system, Atmospheric Environment, 40, Supplement 1, 92-102 (2006) -- Details
Klemm, O; Held, A; Forkel, R; Gasche, R; Kanter, H-J; Rappenglück, B; Steinbrecher, R; Müller, K; Plewka, A; Cojocariu, C; Kreuzwieser, J; Valverde-Canossa, J; Schuster, G; Moortgat, GK; Graus, M; Hansel, A: Experiments on forest/atmosphere exchange: Climatology and Fluxes during two summer campaigns in NE Bavaria, Atmospheric Environment, 40, Supplement 1,3-20 (2006), doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.01.060 -- Details
Liebethal, C; Foken, T: On the use of two repeatedly heated sensors in the determination of physical soil parameters, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 15, 293-299 (2006) -- Details
Liu, H; Randerson, JT; Lindfors, J; Massman, W; Foken, T: Consequences of incomplete surface energy balance closure for CO2 fluxes from open-path CO2/H2O infrared gas analyzers, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 120, 65-85 (2006), doi:DOI 10.1007/s10546-005-9047-z -- Details
Mauder, M; Foken, T: Impact of post-field data processing on eddy covariance flux estimates and energy balance closure, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 15, 597-609 (2006) -- Details
Mauder, M; Liebethal, C; Göckede, M; Leps, J-P; Beyrich, F; Foken, T: Processing and quality control flux data during LITFASS-2003, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 121, 67-88 (2006), doi:10.1007/s10546-006-9094-0 -- Details
Mengelkamp, H-T; Beyrich, F; Heinemann, G; Ament, F; Bange, J; Berger, FH; Bösenberg, J; Foken, T; Hennemuth, B; Heret, C; Huneke, S; Johnsen, K-P; Kerschgens, M; Kohsiek, W; Leps, J-P; Liebethal, C; Lohse, H; Mauder, M; Meijninger, WML; Raasch, S; Simmer, C; Spieß, T; Tittebrand, A; Uhlenbrook, S; Zittel, P: Evaporation over a heterogeneous land surface: The EVA_GRIPS project, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 87, 775-786 (2006) [Link] -- Details
Metzger, S; Ma, Y; Markkanen, T; Göckede, M; Li, M; Foken, T: Quality assessment of Tibetan Plateau Eddy Covariance measurements utilizing Footprint modeling', Advances in Earth Sciences, 21, 1260-1267, X-XI (2006) -- Details
Panin, GN; Nasonov, AE; Foken, T: Evaporation and heat exchange of a body of water with the atmosphere in a shallow zone, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 42, 337-352 (2006), doi:DOI: 10.1134/S0001433806030078 -- Details
Panin, GN; Nasonov, AE; Foken, T: Isparenie i teploobmen vodoema s atmosferoj pri nalicii melkovodij, Izvestija RAN, Fizika atmosfery i okeana, 42(3), 1-17 (2006) -- Details
Panin, GN; Nasonov, AE; Foken, T; Lohse, H: On the parameterisation of evaporation and sensible heat exchange for shallow lakes, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 85, 123-129 (2006), doi:DOI 10.1007/s00704-005-0185-5 -- Details
Reithmaier, L; Göckede, M; Markkanen, T; Knohl, A; Churkina, A; Rebmann, C; Buchmann, N; Foken, T: Use of remotely sensed land use classification for a better evaluation of micrometeorological flux measurement sites, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 84, 219-233 (2006), doi:DOI 10.1007/s00704-005-0168-6 -- Details
Ruppert, J; Mauder, M; Thomas, C; Lüers, J: Innovative gap-filling strategy for annual sums of CO2 net ecosystem exchange, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 138, 5-18 (2006), doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2006.03.003 -- Details
Ruppert, J; Thomas, C; Foken, T: Scalar similarity for relaxed Eddy accumulation methods , Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 120, 39-63 (2006) -- Details
Thomas, C; Mayer, JC; Meixner, FX; Foken, T: Analysis of the low-frequency turbulence above tall vegetation using a Doppler sodar, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 119, 563-587 (2006), doi:10.1007/s10546-005-9038-0 -- Details
Valverde-Canossa, J; Ganzeveld, L; Rappenglück, B; Steinbrecher, R; Klemm, O; Schuster, G; Moortgat, GK: First measurements of H2O2 and organic peroxides surface fluxes by the relaxed eddy-accumulation technique, Atmospheric Environment, Supplement 1, 55-67 (2006) -- Details
Vesala, T; Rinne, J; Sogatchev, A; Smolander, S; Markkanen, T; Foken, T; Kljun, N; Sabelfeld, K; Leclerc, MY: On present flux footprint modelling. In: Proceedings of BACCI, NECC and FCoE activities 2005, Report Series in Aerosol Science, 81B, 645-649 (2006)

-- 2005 --
Bernhofer, C; Köstner, B; Arnold, K; Atashfaraz, S; Bange, J; Baums, A B; Berger, FH; Beyrich, F; Butterbach-Bahl, K; Brüggemann, E; Brüggemann, N; Dämmgen, U; Falge, E; Feigenwinter, C; Fischer, B; Foken, T; Göckede, M; Goldberg, V; Gravenhorst, G; Grüner, A; Grünwald, T; Haggagy, M; Herrmann, H; Herold, M; Imbery, F; Ibrom, A; Kesik, M; Letzel, M O; Li, C; Liebethal, C; Lohse, H; Matschullat, J; Matzarakis, A; Mauder, M; Mayer, H; Miehle, P; Oltchev, A; Pleßow, K; Queck, R; Raabe, A; Raasch, S; Reth, S; Rost, J; Schaaf, S; Schröter, M; Schwiebus, A; Spieß, T; Spindler, G; Stiller, B; Tenhunen, JD; Vogt, R; Wagner, M; Weigel, HJ; Ziemann, A; Zimmermann, F; Zittel, P: Vertical transports of energy and trace gases at anchor stations and their spatial and temporal extrapolation under complex natural conditions, Results of the German Atmospheric Research Programme - AFO 2000, 68-90 (2005) -- Details
Beyrich, F; Foken, T: Untersuchung von Landoberflächen- und Grenzschichtprozessen am Meteorologischen Observatorium Lindenberg in Deutscher Wetterdienst: promet, 31, 148-158 (2005) -- Details
Foken, T; Hasager, CB; Hipps, L: Editorial: Surface fluxes over land in complex terrain, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 80, 79 (2005)
Göckede, M; Markkanen, T; Mauder, M; Arnold, K; Leps, J-P; Foken, T: Validation footprint models using natural tracer , Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 135, 314-325 (2005) -- Details
Held, A; Novak, A; Wiedensohler, A; Klemm, O: Field measurements and size-resolved model simulations of turbulent particle transport to a forest canopy, J. Aerosol Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2005.06.005 (2005)
Klemm, O; Wrzesinsky, T; Scheer, C: Fog water flux at a canopy top: Direct measurement versus one-dimensional model, Atmospheric Environment, 39, 5375-5386 (2005)
Koppmann, R; Kesselmeier, J; Meixner, FX; Schatzmann, M; Leitl, B; Hoffmann, T; Dlugi, R; Zelger, M; Neftel, A; Dommen, J; Thomas, C; Neininger, B: Emission and chemical transformation of biogenic volatile organic compounds (ECHO) – Investigations in and above a mixed forest stand, Results of the German Atmospheric Research Programme - AFO 2000, 29-39 (2005) -- Details
Liebethal, C; Huwe, B; Foken, T: Sensitivity analysis for two ground heat flux calculation approaches, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 132, 253-262 (2005) -- Details
Lüers, J; Klemm, O; Foken, T: Klimatologie und Deposition von Luftschadstoffen im Fichtelgebirge. In Foken, T (Hrsg.): Klimatologische und mikrometeorologische Froschungen im Rahmen des Bayreuther Institutes für terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK) 1989 - 2004, Arbeitsergebnisse, Universität Bayreuth, Abt. Mikrometeorologie (ISSN 1614-8916), 29, 7-46 (2005)
Panin, GN; Foken, T: Air-sea interaction including a shallow and coastal zone, Journal of Atmospheric & Ocean Sciences, 10, 289-305 (2005), doi:10.1080/17417530600787227 -- Details
Raabe, A; Arnold, K; Ziemann, A; Beyrich, F; Leps, J-P; Bange, J; Zittel, P; Spiess, T; Foken, T; Göckede, M; Schröter, M; Raasch, S: STINHO-Structure of turbulent transport under inhomogeneous surface conditions-part 1: The micro-alpha; scale field experiment, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 14(3), 315-327 (2005), doi:DOI:10.1127/0941-2948/2005/0037 -- Details
Rebmann, C; Göckede, M; Foken, T; Aubinet, M; Aurela, M; Berbigier, P; Bernhofer, C; Buchmann, N; Carrara, A; Cescatti, A; Ceulemans, R; Clement, R; Elbers, JA; Granier, A; Grünwald, T; Guyon, D; Havránkova, K; Heinesch, B; Knohl, A; Laurila, T; Longdoz, B; Marcolla, B; Markkanen, T; Miglietta, F; Moncrieff, JB; Montagnani, L; Moors, E; Nardino, M; Ourcival, J-M; Rambal, S; Rannik, Ü; Rotenberg, E; Sedlak, P; Unterhuber, G; Vesala, T; Yakir, D: Quality analysis applied on eddy covariance measurements at complex forest sites using footprint modelling, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 80, 121-141 (2005) -- Details
Reth, S; Göckede, M; Falge, E: CO2 efflux from agricultural soils in Eastern Germany - commparison of a closed chamber system with eddy covariance measurements, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 80, 105-120 (2005) -- Details
Sodemann, H; Foken, T: Special characteristics of the temperature structure near the surface, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 80, 81-98 (2005) [Link] -- Details
Steinbrecher, R; et al., : Regional biogenic emissions of reactive volatile organic compounds (BVOC) from forests: Process studies, modelling and validation experiments (BEWA2000), Results of the German Atmospheric Research Programme - AFO 2000, 14-28 (2005) -- Details
Thomas, C; Foken, T: Detection of long-term coherent exchange over spruce forest, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 80, 91-104 (2005) [Link] -- Details

-- 2004 --
Berger, M; Dlugi, R; Foken, T: Modeling the vegetation atmospheric exchange with a transillient model in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 172, 177-190 (2004)
Beyrich, F; Adam, W; Bange, J; Behrens, K; Berger, FH; Bernhofer, C; Bösenberg, J; Dier, H; Foken, T; Göckede, M; Görsdorf, U; Güldner, J; Hennemuth, B; Heret, C; Huneke, S; Kohsiek, W; Lammert, A; Lehmann, V; Leiterer, U; Leps, J-P; Liebethal, C; Lohse, H; Lüdi, A; Mauder, M; Meijninger, WML; Mengelkamp, H-T; Queck, R; Richter, SH; Spieß, T; Tittebrand, A; Weisensee, U; Zittel, P: Verdunstung über einer heterogener Landoberfläche, Das LITFASS-2003 Experiment, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Forschung und Entwicklung, Arbeitsergebnisse, 79, 100 S. (2004)
Börngen, M; Foken, T; Hupfer, P: 50 Jahre Grundschicht der Troposphäre, NTM N.S., 12, 201-212 (2004) -- Details
Culf, AD; Foken, T; Gash, JHC: The energy balance closure problem in Kabat et al.: Vegetation, water, humans and the climate. A new perspective on an interactive system, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 159-166 (2004)
Foken, T: Climate change in the Lehstenbach region in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 172, 59-66 (2004)
Foken, T; Göckede, M; Mauder, M; Mahrt, L; Amiro, BD; Munger, JW: Post-field data quality control. in Lee X., Massman W, Law B : Handbook of Micrometeorology: A Guide for Surface Flux Measurement and Analysis, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 181-208 (2004)
Foken, T; Leclerc, MY: Methods and limitations in validation of footprint models, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 127, 223-234 (2004) -- Details
Foken, T; Lüers, J; Lauerer, M; Aas, G: Im Ökologisch-Botanischen Garten: Dem Klima auf der Spur, , 1-28 (2004) -- Details
Gerstberger, P; Foken, T; Kalbitz, K: The Lehstenbach and Steinkreuz catchments in NE Bavaria, Germany in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 172, 15-44 (2004)
Göckede, M; Rebmann, C; Foken, T: A combination of quality assessment tools for eddy covariance measurements with footprint modelling for the characterisation of complex sites, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 127, 175-188 (2004) -- Details
Held, A; Novak, A; Birmili, W; Wiedensohler, A; Forkel, R; Klemm, O: Observation of particle formation and growth in a mountainous forest region in central Europe, Journal of Geophysical Research D, 109, D23204 (2004)
Huang, J-H; Klemm, O: Atmospheric speciation of ionic organotin, organolead and organomercury compounds in NE Bavaria (Germany), Atmospheric Environment, 38, 5013-5023 (2004) -- Details
Jegede, OO; Mauder, M; Okogbue, EC; Foken, T; Balogun, EE; et al., : The Nigerian micrometeorological experiment (NIMEX-1): An overview, Ife Journal of Science, 6(2), 191-202 (2004) -- Details
Klemm, O: Trace gases and particles in the atmospheric boundary layer at the Waldstein site: Present stat and historic trends in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 172, 45-58 (2004)
Klemm, O; Mangold, A; Held, A: Turbulent deposition of ozone to a mountainous forest ecosystem in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 172, 203-213 (2004)
Liebethal, C; Foken, T: On the significance of the Webb correction to fluxes, Corrigendum, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 113, 301 (2004)
Lüers, J; Foken, T: Klimawandel in Oberfranken, Der Siebenstern, 73, 149-153 (2004) -- Details
Rebmann, C: Kohlendioxid-, Wasserdampf- und Energieaustausch eines Fichtenwaldes in Mittelgebirgslage in Nordostbayern in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 106, 1-140 (2004) -- Details
Rebmann, C; Anthoni, P; Falge, E; Göckede, M; Mangold, A; Subke, J-A; Thomas, C; Wichura, B; Schulze, ED; Tenhunen, JD; Foken, T: Carbon budget of a spruce forest ecosystem in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 172, 143-160 (2004)
Ruppert, J: Woher kommt das CO2 in Universität Bayreuth: Spektrum, Nr. 3, 34-35 (2004)
Seifert, W: Klimaänderungen und Tourismus im Fichtelgebirge in Maier, J.: Universität Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl Wirschaftsgeographie und Regionalplanung, Arbeitsmaterialien zur Raumordnung und Raumplanung, Bayreuth: Eigenverlag, 233, 206 + XL S. (2004)
Sodemann, H; Foken, T: Empirical evaluation of an extended similarity theory for the stably stratified atmospheric surface layer, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 130, 2665-2671 (2004) -- Details
Steinbrecher, R; Rappenglück, B; Hansel, A; Graus, M; Klemm, O; Held, A; Wiedensohler, A; Nowak, A: Vegetation-atmospheric interactions: The emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) and their relevance to atmospheric particle dynamics in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 215-232 (2004)
Vesala, T; Rannik, Ü; Leclerc, MY; Foken, T; Sabelfeld, K: Foreword: Flux and concentration footprints, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 127, 111-116 (2004)
Wichura, B; Ruppert, J; Delany, AC; Buchmann, N; Foken, T: Structure of carbon dioxide exchange processes above a spruce forest in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 172, 161-176 (2004)
Wrzesinsky, T; Scheer, C; Klemm, O: Fog deposition and its role in biogeochemical cycles of nutrients and pollutants in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 172, 191-202 (2004)

-- 2003 --
Aubinet, M; Clement, R; Elbers, JA; Foken, T; Grelle, A; Ibrom, A; Moncrieff, JB; Pilegaard, K; Rannik, Ü; Rebmann, C: Metodology for data acquisition, storage and treatment in Beck E., Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R,: Ecological Studies, Springer Verlag, 163, 9-35 (2003) -- Details
Bernhofer, C; Aubinet, M; Clement, R; Grelle, A; Grünwald, T; Ibrom, A; Jarvis, P; Rebmann, C; Schulze, ED; Tenhunen, JD: Spruce Forests (Norway and Sitka spruce, including Douglas fire): Carbon and water fluxes and balances, ecological and ecophysiological determinants in Beck E., Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R,: Ecological Studies, Springer Verlag, 163, 99-123 (2003)
Chmielewski, F-M; Foken, T: Beiträge zur Klima- und Meeresforschung, Aus Anlass des 70. Geburtstages von Peter Hupfer, 1-272 (2003)
Foken, T: Besonderheiten der Temperaturstruktur nahe der Unterlage, In: F-M. Chmielewski and T. Foken (Editors), Beiträge zur Klima- und Meeresforschung. Eigenverlag Chmielewski & Foken, Berlin und Bayreuth, , 103-112 (2003) -- Details
Foken, T: Angewandte Meteorologie, Mikrometeorologische Methoden, , Springer, 289 S. (2003) -- Details
Foken, T: (Hrsg.): Lufthygienisch-Bioklimatische Kennzeichnung des oberen Egertales in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 100, 69+XLVIII (2003) -- Details
Foken, T; Lüers, J: Klimawandel in Oberfranken, Terra Nostra, 6, 129-135 (2003) -- Details
Held, A; Hinz, K-P; Trimborn, A; Spengler, B; Klemm, O: Towards direct measurement of turbulent vertical fluxes of compounds in atmospheric aerosol particles, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 30, NO. 19, 1-4 (2003)
Junk, J; Helbig, A; Lüers, J: Urban Climate and Air Quality at Trier, Germany, International Journal of Biometeorology, 47, 230-238 (2003)
Liebethal, C; Foken, T: On the Significance of the Webb Correction to Fluxes , Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 109, 99-106 (2003) -- Details
Lüers, J: Agraklimatologische und phänologische Auswertungen anhand ausgewählter Klimaindikatoren für das Mittlere Moseltal, Terra Nostra, 6, 285-290 (2003) -- Details
Raabe, A; Foken, T: Die Höhe der internen Grenzschicht im Windfeld nach einer sprunghaften Änderung der aerodynamischen Rauhigkeit der Unterlage - Beispiel Küste. In: F. Chmielewski and T. Foken (Editors), Beiträge zur Klima und Meeresforschung. Eigenverl, , 227-237 (2003) -- Details
Schröter, M; Obermeier, A; Brüggemann, D; Plechschmidt, M; Klemm, O: Remote monitoring of air pollutant emissions from pouint sources by a mobile LIDAR/Sodar system, J. of the Air and Waste Management Association, 53, 716-723 (2003)

-- 2002 --
Balogun, AA; Jegede, OO; Foken, T; Olaleye, JO: Comparison of two Bowen-ratio methods for the estimation of sensible and latent heat fluxes at Ile-Ife, Nigeria, J. African Meteorol Soc., 5 (2), 63-69 (2002)
Balogun, AA; Jegede, OO; Foken, T; Olaleye, JO: Estimation of sensible and latent heat fluxes over bare soil using bowen ratio energy balance method at a humid tropical site, Journal of the African Meteorology Society, 5(1), 63-71 (2002)
Beyrich, F; Foken, T; Herzog, H-J: Editorial: The LITFASS-98 experiment, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 73, 1-2 (2002)
Beyrich, F; Richter, SH; Weisensee, U; Kohsiek, W; Lohse, H; DeBruin, H; Foken, T; Göckede, M; Berger, FH; Vogt, R; Batchvarova, E: Experimental determination of turbulent fluxes over the heterogeneous LITFASS area: Selected results from the LITFASS-98 experiment, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 73, 19-34 (2002)
Burkard, R; Eugster, W; Wrzesinsky, T; Klemm, O: Vertical divergences of fogwater fluxes above a spruce forest, Atmospheric Research, 64, 133-145 (2002)
Foken, T: Some aspects of the viscous sublayer, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 11, 267-272 (2002)
Held, A; Klemm, O; Hinz, K-P; Trimborn, P; Spengler, B: Chemical classes of atmospherric aerosol particles at a rural site in Central Europe during winter, J. Aerosol Sciences, 33, 581-594 (2002) -- Details
Held, A; Wrzesinsky, T; Mangold, A; Gerchau, J; Klemm, O: Atmospheric phase distribution of oxidized and reduced nitrogen at a forest ecosystem research site, Chemosphere, 48, 697-706 (2002) -- Details
Klemm, O; Milford, C; Sutton, MA; van Putten, E; Spindler, G: A climatology of leaf surface wetness, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 71, 107-117 (2002) -- Details
Knohl, A; Kolle, O; Minayeva, T; Miljukova, IM; Vygodskaya, NN; Foken, T; Schulze, ED: Carbon dioxide exchange of a Russian boreal forest after disturbance by wind throw, Global Change Biology, 8, 231-246 (2002)
Oncley, SP; Foken, T; Vogt, R; Bernhofer, C; Kohsiek, W; Liu, H; Pitacco, A; Grantz, D; Riberio, L; Weidinger, T: The energy balance experiment EBEX-2000. 25th Symp. Agric. & Forest Meteor., Norfolk, May 20-24, 2002, Am. Meteorol. Soc., 1-2 (2002)
Oncley, SP; Foken, T; Vogt, R; Bernhofer, C; Kohsiek, W; Liu, H; Pitacco, A; Grantz, D; Riberio, L; Weidinger, T: The energy balance experiment EBEX-2000. 15th Symp. on Boundary Layer and Turbulence, Wageningen, NL, 15-19 July 2002, Am. Meteorol. Soc., 1-4 (2002)
Ruppert, J; Wichura, B; Delany, AC; Foken, T: Eddy sampling methods, A comparison using simulation results. 15th Symp. on Boundary Layer and Turbulence, Wageningen, 15-19 July 2002, Am. Meteorol. Soc., 27-30 (2002)
Schröter, M; Obermeier, A; Brüggemann, D; Klemm, O: Application of Ground-Based Lidar for Studies of the Dynamics of Ozone in a Mountainous Basin, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 9, 381-384 (2002)
Thalmann, E; Burkard, R; Wrzesinsky, T; Eugster, W; Klemm, O: Ion fluxes from fog and rain to an agricultural and a forest ecosystem in Europe, Atmospheric Research, 64, 147-158 (2002)
Thomas, C; Foken, T: Re-evaluation of integral turbulence characteristics and their parameterisations. 15th Conference on Turbulence and Boundary Layers, Wageningen, NL, 15-19 July 2002, Am. Meteorol. Soc., 129-132 (2002)
Wichura, B; Buchmann, N; Foken, T: Carbon dioxide exchange characteristics above a spruce forest. 25th Symp. Agric. & Forest Meteor., Norfolk, May 20-24, 2002, Am. Meteorol. Soc., 63-64 (2002)

-- 2001 --
Bernhofer, C; Goldberg, V; Berger, FH; Köstner, B; Spindler, G; Mayer, H; Jaeger, L; Foken, T; Tenhunen, JD; Falge, EGG; Gravenhorst, G; Matschullat, J; Beyrich, F; Adrian, G; Dämmgen, U; Weigel, HJ; Butterbach-Bahl, K; Raabe, A; Raasch, S; Bange, J; Vogt, R: VERTIKO - Ein Forschungsverbund zur Bedeutung kleinräumiger Heterogenitäten in der Atmosphärenforschung (Ziele und erste Ergebnisse), Österr. Beitr. Meteorol. & Geophys.(Extended Abstract and pdf-file on CD), 27, 200 (2001)
Fabian, P; Winterhalter, M; Rap, H; Stohl, A; Schlager, H; Foken, T; Wichura, B; Berresheim, H; Häberle, KH; Kartschall, T: The BaySoFi campaign - Measurements carried out during the total solar eclipse of August 11, 1999, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 10, 165-170 (2001)
Foken, T: Das Klima des oberen Egertales in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 90, 109-112 (2001)
Foken, T: Untersuchungen zum Klima im Waldsteingebiet in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 90, 59-63 (2001)
Foken, T; Bernhofer, C; Vogt, R; Oncley, SP; Kohsiek, W; Liu, H; Pitacco, A; Grantz, D; Riberio, L: Das Energiebilanzexperiment EBEX-2000, Österr. Beitr. Meteorol. & Geophys.(Extended Abstract and pdf-file on CD), 27, 198 (2001)
Foken, T; Kartschall, T; Badeck, F; Waloszczyk, K; Wichura, B; Gerchau, J: Reaktionszeiten im System Atmosphäre-Pflanze, gemessen während der totalen Sonnenfinsternis in Süddeutschland am 11. August 1999, Österr. Beitr. Meteorol. & Geophys.(Extended Abstract and pdf-file on CD), 27, 208 (2001)
Foken, T; Wichura, B; Klemm, O; Gerchau, J; Winterhalter, M; Weidinger, T: Micrometeorological conditions during the total solar eclipse of August 11, 1999, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 10, 171-178 (2001)
Göckede, M; Foken, T: Ein weiterentwickeltes Holtslag-van Ulden-Schema zur Stabilitätsparametrisierung in der Bodenschicht, Österr. Beitr. Meteorol. & Geophys.(Extended Abstract and pdf-file on CD), 27, 210 (2001)
Jegede, OO; Foken, T; Balogun, AA; Abimbola, AJ: Bowen ratio determination of sensible and latent heat , Mausam, 52, 669-678 (2001)
Klemm, O: Local and Regional Ozone: A Students" Study Project, Journal of Chemical Education, 78, 1641-1646 (2001)
Klemm, O; Mangold, A: Ozone Deposition at a Forest Site in Ne Bavaria, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 1, 223-232 (2001) -- Details
Liebethal, C; Foken, T: Der Einfluss von Korrekturen für die Eddy-Kovarianz-Methode auf die Schliessung der Energiebilanz, Österr. Beitr. Meteorol. & Geophys.(Extended Abstract and pdf-file on CD), 27, 215 (2001)
Liu, H; Foken, T: A modified Bowen ratio method to determine sensible and latent heat fluxes, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 10/1, 71-80 (2001) -- Details
Liu, H; Peters, G; Foken, T: New Equations for Sonic Temperature Variance and Buoyancy Heat FLux With An Omnidirectional Sonic Anemometer, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 100, 459-468 (2001) -- Details
Mauder, M; Foken, T: Ergebnisse verschiedener Turbulenzmessgerätevergleiche, Österr. Beitr. Meteorol. & Geophys.(Extended Abstract and pdf-file on CD), 27, 216 (2001)
Rebmann, C; Subke, J-A; Foken, T: CO2-Flüsse: Bestandesebene und Bodenatmung in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 90, 85-90 (2001) -- Details
Römpp, A; Fricke, W; Klemm, O; Frank, H: Haloacetates in Fog and Rain, Environmental Science Technology, 35, 1294-1298 (2001) -- Details
Ruppert, J; Wichura, B; Delany, AC; Foken, T: Methoden zur Messung turbulenter Spurengasflüsse im Vergleich, Österr. Beitr. Meteorol. & Geophys.(Extended Abstract and pdf-file on CD), 27, 220 (2001)
Thomas, C; Wichura, B; Foken, T: Integrale Turbulenzcharakteristiken - ein Überblick, Österr. Beitr. Meteorol. & Geophys.(Extended Abstract and pdf-file on CD), 27, 223 (2001)
Wichura, B; Behrens, U; Göckede, M; Foken, T: Einfluss der Rauhigkeitsparametrisierung auf die Windenergiepotentialbestimmung, Österr. Beitr. Meteorol. & Geophys.(Extended Abstract and pdf-file on CD), 27, 266 (2001)
Wichura, B; Buchmann, N; Foken, T: CO2-Austauschprozesse über einem Fichtenbestand anhand von 13C und CO2-Flussmessungen und Waveletanalysen, Österr. Beitr. Meteorol. & Geophys.(Extended Abstract and pdf-file on CD), 27, 203 (2001)
Wichura, B; Buchmann, N; Foken, T; Mangold, A; Heinz, G; Rebmann, C: Pools und Flüsse des stabilen Kohlenstoffisotops 13C zwischen Boden, Vegetation und Atmosphäre in verschiedenen Pflanzengemeinschaften des Fichtelgebirges in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 84, 123-153 (2001)

-- 2000 --
Aubinet, M; Grelle, A; Ibrom, A; Rannik, Ü; Moncrieff, JB; Foken, T; Kowalski, AS; Martin, PH; Berbigier, P; Bernhofer, C; Clement, R; Elbers, JA; Granier, A; Grünwald, T; Morgenstern, K; Pilegaard, K; Rebmann, C; Snijders, W; Valentini, R; Vesala, T: Estimates of the annual net carbon and water exchange of European forests: the EUROFLUX methodology, Advances in Ecological Research, 30, 113-175 (2000)
Foken, T: Messung von Wasser- und Stoffumsätzen im heterogenen Gelände in Universität Göttingen; Geographisches Institut; Abt. Landschaftsökologie: Heterogenität landschaftshaushaltlicher Wasser- und Stoffumsätze in Einzugsgebieten, EcoRegio, 8/2000, 106-113 (2000)
Foken, T; Mangold, A; Rebmann, C; Wichura, B: Characterization of a complex measuring site for flux measurements in Am. Meteorol. Soc.: Proc. Ninth Conference on Mountain Met, 239-240 (2000)
Glickman, TS: Glossary of Meteorology(with contributions by Th. Foken), Am. Meteorol. Soc., 855 (2000)
Hierteis, M; Svoboda, J; Foken, T: Einfluss der Topographie auf das Windfeld und die Leistung von Windkraftanlagen, DEWEK 2000, Wilhelmshaven, 07.-08.06.2000, DEWI, Deutsches Windenergie-Institut, 272-276 (2000)
Klemm, O; Foken, T; Mangold, A; Gerchau, J: Klimatologie und Luftverschmutzung im Fichtelgebirge in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 78, 93-108 (2000)
Klemm, O; Gerchau, J; Foken, T: Einfluss der Blattfeuchte auf die Depositionsgeschwindigkeit wasserlöslicher Gase in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 78, 67-78 (2000)
Klemm, O; Stockwell, WR; Schlager, H; Krautstrunk, M: NOx or VOC Limitation in East German Ozone Plumes ?, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 35, 1-18 (2000) -- Details
Kukharets, VP; Nalbandyan, HG; Foken, T: Thermal interactions between the underlying surface and a nonstationary radiaton flux, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 36/3, 318-325 (2000) -- Details
Müller, S; Wüstenberg, D; Foken, T: Untersuchungen zu einem Windleistungsprognosesystem mittels künstlicher neuronaler Netze auf Grundlage der Daten des Meßnetzes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, DEWEK 2000, Wilhelmshaven, 07.-08.06.2000, DEWI, Deutsches Windenergie-Institut, 277-279 (2000)
Wichura, B; Buchmann, N; Foken, T; Mangold, A; Heinz, G: Pools und Flüsse des stabilen Kohlenstoffisotops 13C zwischen Boden, Vegetation und Atmosphäre in verschiedenen Pflanzengemeinschaften des Fichtelgebirges in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 78, 109-130 (2000)
Wrzesinsky, T; Klemm, O: Summertime Fog Chemistry at a Mountainous Site in Central Europe, Atmospheric Environment, 34, 1487-1496 (2000) -- Details

-- 1999 --
Balogun, AA; Jegede, OO; Foken, T; Olaleye, JO: A comparative study of Bowen ratio methods for the estimation of sensible and latent heqt fluxes: Preliminary results.Nigerian National Conference on Climate and Sustainable Developement in the Next Millenium, , 8 (1999)
Foken, T: Energieaustauschmessung über Eis in Bergregionen, Bayreuther Bodenkundliche Berichte, 65, 209-217 (1999) -- Details
Foken, T: Bindeglied zwischen Atmosphäre und Ökosystem in Universität Bayreuth: Spektrum, 1, 30-32 (1999)
Foken, T; Fritzsche, D; Richter, SH: Dr. Günter Skeib zum 80. Geburtstag, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 8, 199-200 (1999)
Foken, T; Kukharets, VP; Perepelkin, VG; Tsvang, LR; Richter, SH; Weisensee, U: The influence of the variation of the surface temperature on the closure of the surface energy balance, Proc. 13th Symposium on Boundary Layer and Turbulence, 10 - 15 Jan. 1999, Dallas, 308-309 (1999)
Foken, T; Mangold, A; Hierteis, M; Wichura, B; Rebmann, C: Characterization of the heterogeneity of the terrain by normalized turbulence characteristics, Proc. 13th Symposium on Boundary Layer and Turbulence, 10 - 15 Jan. 1999, Dallas, 26-27 (1999)
Handorf, D; Foken, T; Kottmeier, C: The stable atmospheric boundary layer over an antarctic ice sheet, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 91, 165-189 (1999) -- Details
Heinz, G; Handorf, D; Foken, T: Direct visualization of the energy transfer from coherent structures to turbulence via wavelet analysis, Proc. 13th Symposium on Boundary Layer and Turbulence, 10 - 15 Jan. 1999, Dallas, 664-665 (1999)
Jegede, OO; Foken, T: A study of the internal boundary layer due to a roughness change in neutral conditions during the LINEX field campaigns, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 62, 31-41 (1999) -- Details
Klemm, O; Burkhardt, J; Gerchau, J: Leaf Wetness: A Quantifiable Parameter in Deposition Studies in Borell, P.M. and Borell, P.: Proceedings of EUROTRAC Symposium "98: Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere, 238-242 (1999)
Klemm, O; Lange, H: Trends of Air Pollution in the Fichtelgebirge Mountains, Bavaria, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 6, 193-199 (1999), doi:10.1007/BF02987325 -- Details
Schulz, K; Huwe, B; Wörlen, C; Eiden, R: Windspeed regionalization and the influence on areal evapotranspiration predic-tion, IAHS , 254, 97-104 (1999)
Schulz, K; Huwe, B; Wörlen, C; Eiden, R: Wind speed regionalization and its influence on areal evapotranspiration prediction, Regionalization in Hydrology, 254, 97-104 (1999) -- Details
Wörlen, C; Schulz, K; Huwe, B; Eiden, R: Spatial extrapolation of agrarmeteorological variables. , Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 94, 233-242 (1999)
Wörlen, C; Schulz, K; Huwe, B; Eiden, R: Spatial extrapolation of agrometeorological variables, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 94, 233-242 (1999) -- Details

-- 1998 --
Beyrich, F; Engelbart, D; Foken, T; Neisser, J; Strounin, MS; Wode, C: Das LITFASS - Projekt des Deutschen Wetterdienstes: Strategie und Ergebnisse Ann, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 37/1, 235-236 (1998)
Foken, T: Bestimmung der Schneedrift mittels Ultraschallanemometern, Ann. Meteorol., 37, 451-452 (1998) -- Details
Foken, T: Genauigkeit meteorologischer Messungen zur Bestimmung des Energie- und Stoffaustausches über hohen Pflanzenbeständen, Ann. Meteorol., 37, 513-514 (1998)
Foken, T: Die scheinbar ungeschlossene Energiebilanz am Erdboden - eine Herausforderung an die Experimentelle Meteorologie, Sitzungsberichte der Leibniz-Sozietät, 24, 131-150 (1998)
Foken, T: Ziele und Durchführung des Experimentes LINEX-97/1 in Foken,Th: Deutscher Wetterdienst, Forschung und Entwicklung, Arbeitsergebnisse, Ergebnisse des LINEX-97/1-Experimentes, 53, 2-5 (1998)
Foken, T: Calibration of the Lyman-alpha hygrometer with a variable path length in Foken,Th: Deutscher Wetterdienst, Forschung und Entwicklung, Arbeitsergebnisse, Ergebnisse des LINEX-97/1-Experimentes, 53, 10-12 (1998)
Foken, T; Buck, AL; Nye, RA; Horn, R: D. A Lyman-alpha hygrometer with variable path length, J. Atmos. & Ocean. Techn, 15, 211-214 (1998) -- Details
Foken, T; Handorf , D; Richter, SH; Wichura, B: Qualitätskontrolle mikrometeorologischer Messungen, Ann. Meteorol., 37, 515-516 (1998)
Foken, T; Weisensee, U: Vergleich von Ultraschallanemometern vom Typ Kaijo-Denki DAT 310/A in Foken,Th: Deutscher Wetterdienst, Forschung und Entwicklung, Arbeitsergebnisse, Ergebnisse des LINEX-97/1-Experimentes, 53, 6-9 (1998)
Handorf , D; Heinz, G; Foken, T: Untersuchung des Energieaustausches bei stark stabiler Schichtung mittels Wavelet-Transformation, Ann. Meteorol., 37, 439-440 (1998)
Inclan, MG; Dlugi, R; Richter, SH; Foken, T: Vergleich zwischen LITFASS- und FLAME-(Forest-Land-Atmosphere-Model) Ergebnissen, Ann. Meteorol., 37, 267-268 (1998)
Jegede, OO; Foken, T: Determination of internal boundary layers in Foken,Th: Deutscher Wetterdienst, Forschung und Entwicklung, Arbeitsergebnisse, Ergebnisse des LINEX-97/1-Experimentes, 53, 13-18 (1998)
Klemm, O; Lange, H: Trends in Air Pollutant Concentrations at a Rural Site in Central Europe. 6th FECS Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 5, 173 (1998), doi:10.1007/BF02986409 -- Details
Klemm, O; Stockwell, WR; Schlager, H; Ziereis, H: Measurements of Nitrogen Oxides from Aircraft in the Northeast Atlantic Flight Corridor, Journal of Geophysical Research D, 103/31, 217-229 (1998) -- Details
Klemm, O; Ziomas, IC: Urban Emissions Measured with Aircraft, Journal of the Air Management Association, 48, 16-25 (1998)
Klemm, O; Ziomas, IC; Balis, D; Suppan, P; Slemr, J; Romero, R; Vyras, LG: A summer air-pollution study in Athens, Greece, Atmospheric Environment, 32, 2071-2087 (1998)
Kramm, G; Beckmann, R; Foken, T: Numerische Untersuchung zur Verdunstung über Wasserflächen, Ann. Meteorol., 37, 269-270 (1998)
Kramm, G; Foken, T: Uncertainty analysis on the evaporation at the sea surface in Internationales BALTEX Sekretariat: Second Study Conference on BALTEX, Juliusruh, 25-29 May 1998, 11, 113-114 (1998)
Kukharets, VP; Perepelkin, VG; Tsvang, LR; Richter, SH; Weisensee, U; Foken, T: Energiebilanz an der Erdoberfläche und Wärmespeicherung im Boden in Foken,Th: Deutscher Wetterdienst, Forschung und Entwicklung, Arbeitsergebnisse, Ergebnisse des LINEX-97/1-Experimentes, 53, 19-26 (1998)
Richter, SH; Adam, W; Weisensee, U; Foken, T: Energiebilanz an der Erdoberfläche und Wärmespeicherung im Boden in Foken,Th: Deutscher Wetterdienst, Forschung und Entwicklung, Arbeitsergebnisse, Ergebnisse des LINEX-97/1-Experimentes, 53, 34-38 (1998)
Schumann, U; Schlager, H; Arnold, F; Baumann, R; Haschberger, P; Klemm, O: Dilution of aircraft exhaust plumes at cruise altitudes, Atmospheric Environment, 32, 3097-3103 (1998) -- Details
Wode, C; Strunin, MA; Foken, T; Roth, R; Bange, J: HELINEX 97/98: Über Ergebnisse der im Rahmen des BALTEX-Projektes LITFASS durchgeführten HElipod-LINdenber-EXperimente Ann, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 37/1, 294 (1998)
Wrzesinsky, T; Klemm, O; Ostertag-Henning, Ch; Ilgen, G: Organo-Metallic Compounds in Central European Fog, Proc. 1st International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Vancouver, Canada (July 1998), 61-64 (1998) -- Details

-- 1997 --
Burkhardt, J; Drechsel, P: The synergism between SO2 oxidation and manganse leaching on spruce needles - a chamber experiment , Environmental Pollution, 95, 1-11 (1997)
Faust, E: Die Modellierung atmosphärischer Stickstoff-Deposition in einen Koniferenbestand in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 45, 1-113 (1997) -- Details

-- 1996 --
Bruckner, G; Peters, K; Schulze, ED; Eiden, R: Concentrations and d15N values of gaseous NH3 and particulate NH4+ indicating different emission sources in Borell,PM; Borell,P; Cvitas,T; Kelly,K and Seiler,W (eds.): Proceedings of EUROTRAC Symposium 96, Southampton: Computational Mechanics Publications, 137-142 (1996)
Bruckner-Schatt, G: Deposition und oberirdische Aufnahme von gas- und partikelförmigem Stickstoff aus verschiedenen Emissionsquellen in ein Fichtenökosystem in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 29, 1-211 (1996) -- Details
Faust, E; Peters, K: The NIDEHET Procedure for Modelling Heterogeneous Reactions of Nitrogen Compounds Influencing Dry Deposition of Coniferous Forests in Borell,PM; Borell,P; Cvitas,T; Kelly,K and Seiler,W (eds.): Proceedings of EUROTRAC Symposium 96, Southampton: Computational Mechanics Publications, 385-390 (1996)
Klemm, O: Five years of aircraft measurements of air pollution in an industrialized region in eastern Germany, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 5, 221-223 (1996)

-- 1995 --
Bruckner-Schatt, G; Peters, K; Bauer, GA; Schulze, ED: Reduzierter atmosphärischer Stickstoff: Emmission, Immission, Deposition und oberirdische Aufnahme in ein Fichtenökosystem, Wirkungskomplex Stickstoff und Wald. IMA-Querschnittseminar Nov. 1994, Berlin. UBA-Texte, 28/95, 69-79 (1995)
Burkhardt, J: Hygroscopic salts on the leaf surface as a possible cause of forest decline symptoms, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 85, 1245-1250 (1995)
Burkhardt, J: Microscopic processes governing the deposition of trace gases and particles to vegetation surfaces in Heij,GJ and Erisman,JW (eds.): Acid Rain Research - Do we have enough answers?, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 139-148 (1995)
Burkhardt, J; Peters, K; Crossley, A: The presence of structural surface waxes on coniferous needles effects the pattern of dry deposition of fine particles, J. Experimental Botany, 46, 823-831 (1995)
Peters, K: Methoden zur Bestimmung der trockenen Deposition auf Pflanzenoberflächen, Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung - Zeitschrift für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, 7, 337-352 (1995)
Peters, K: Bestimmung der trockenen Deposition von atmosphärischen Spurenstoffen auf Bestandes- und Einzugsgebietsebene in Ostendorf,B: Räumlich differenzierte Modellierung von Ökosystemen. Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, BITÖK, Bayreuth, 13, 75-79 (1995)
Peters, K; Bruckner-Schatt, G: The atmospheric input of inorganic nitrogen and sulphur by dry deposition of aerosol particles to a spruce stand in Heij,GJ and Erisman,JW (eds.): Acid Rain Research - Do we have enough answers?, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 149-160 (1995)
Peters, K; Bruckner-Schatt, G: The dry deposition of gaseous and particulate nitrogen compounds to a spruce stand, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 85, 2217-2222 (1995)
Peters, K; Gerchau, J: Klima und luftchemische Situation des Fichtelgebirges unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Einzugsgebietes Lehstenbach in Manderscheid,B and Göttlein,A (eds.): Wassereinzugsgebiet "Lehstenbach" - das BITÖK-Untersuchungsgebiet am Waldstein (Fichtelgebirge, NO-Bayern), Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, BITÖK, Bayreuth, 18, 15-39 (1995)

-- 1994 --
Burkhardt, J: Dünne Wasserfilme auf Fichtennadeln und ihr Einfluß auf den Stoffaustausch zwischen Atmosphäre und Pflanze in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 9, 1-135 (1994)
Burkhardt, J: Dünne Wasserfilme auf Fichtennadeln und ihr Einfluß auf den Stoffaustausch zwischen Atmosphäre und Pflanze. In: Gemeinsames Konzept der langfristigen Erfassung von Stofftransporten zwischen terr. Ökosystemen und der Atmosphäre in Universität Göttingen (ed.): Berichte Forschungszentrum Waldökosysteme Göttingen, Reihe B, 41, 62-67 (1994)
Burkhardt, J; Eiden, R: Thin water films on coniferous needles, Atmospheric Environment, 28, 2001-2011 (1994)
Burkhardt, J; Gerchau, J: A new device for the study of water vapour condensation and gaseous deposition to plant surfaces and particle samples, Atmospheric Environment, 28, 2012-2017 (1994)
Eiden, R; Burkhardt, J; Burkhardt, O: Atmospheric aerosol particles and their role in the formation of dew on the surface of plant leaves, J. Aerosol Sciences, 25, 367-376 (1994)
Kanchanakanti, N: Versuchsansatz zur Bildung von Oberflächenfilmen. In: Gemeinsames Konzept der langfristigen Erfassung von Stofftransporten zwischen terrestrischen Ökosystemen und der Atmosphäre in Universität Göttingen (ed.): Berichte Forschungszentrum Waldökosysteme Göttingen, Reihe B, 41, 68-69 (1994)
Peters, K: Der atmosphärische Eintrag von anorganischen Stickstoff und Schwefel durch trockene Deposition von Aerosolpartikeln auf einen Fichtenbestand in Universität Göttingen (ed.): Berichte Forschungszentrum Waldökosysteme Göttingen, Reihe B, 41, 59-61 (1994)

-- 1991 --
Peters, K; Ludwig, J; Ruoß, K: The input of inorganic ions to spruce forests by dry deposition of aerosol particles, J. Aerosol Sciences, 22, 569-572 (1991)