Gennady N. Panin: Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. G. N. Panin
1. Surname, first name, second name: Panin, Gennady Nikolaevich
2. Date of birth: November 19, 1944
3. Place of birth: Vladimir
4. Educational background: 1967: Moscow State University
5. Specialization: Hydrology, Oceanology, Meteorology
6. Date of work in the State Oceanography Inst.: 1967 - 1969.
7. Date of work in the Inst.of Oceanology of the Russian Acad. of Sciences:1969
- 1976
8. Date of work in the Inst. of Water Problems of
the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1976
Head of Lab. Humidity Transfer and Evaporation since 1989
9. Degree
Degree of Phylosophy Doctor: 973
Doctor of Science: 1985
Professor: 1993
10. Field of scientific interests and research Surface fluxes;
Climatic change
11. Basic results: Parametrization of surface fluxes; the
theory of interaction between the water/land surface and atmosphere
12. Main publications: 107 publications
Basic publications: 4 books:
1)" Heat- and mass exchange between
the water and the atmosphere in the nature." 1985. Nauka, Moscow,206 p.(in
2)" Evaporation and heat exchange of
the Caspian Sea."- 1987. Nauka,Moscow, 89 p. (in Russian),
3)" Aerodynamic roughness of the water
surface".- 1992. Nauka, Moscow, 135 p. (in Russian).
4)“Interacnion of the inner water
and atmosphere".- 1993. Nauka, Moscow, 185 p. (in Russian).
13.Additional information: 1987-1989 - Member of WG N77 of SCOR
1992- Member of Editorial Board of Journal "The Global Atmosphere-Ocean
System" Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1995- Member of Editorial Board of Journal „The Water Resources“ - Moscow.
1996 -97 - Visiting Prof. of Leipzig University.