2 Understanding Ecosystem Services: Geoecological processes/functions with value for the society

Chair: Thomas Koellner

Thursday, 11:00-12:00,

Ecosystems and their species provide valuable services for humankind und must be managed facing global environmental change. The goal of this session is to present and discuss research on underlying geoecological processes/functions, but also research on socioeconomic factors determining the value and management of ecosystem services. Relevant scales can range from plot to regions to the globe.

Such research naturally links geoecology and geography. When you apply, please state which ecosystem service(s) you are referring to based on the TEEB classification.

11:00O 2.1: Valeska Scharsich et al.: Challenges in classifying diverse and highly structured landscapes with satellite images to infer land cover and land use change
11:15O 2.2: Mohammed Abu Sayed Arfin Khan et al.: Effects of extreme climatic events in temperate grassland: Heavy rain spells have clearer impacts than drought on ecosystem functioning
11:30O 2.3: Sebastian Arnhold et al.: European Union agri-environmental policies: Conservation strategy or risk for global erosion regulation
11:45O 2.4: Maria Hänsel et al.: Agent-based modelling for policy support: Can this approach be used to ensure ecosystem services from Bavarian grasslands?

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P 2.1 Shanwen Sun, Jung Eunyoung, Schmidt Julia, Engelbrecht Bettina
The role of rooting depth in determining plants drought resistance in temperate grassland
P 2.2 Katharina Müller, Valeska Scharsich, Britta Aufgebauer, Christina Bogner
A comparison of change detection techniques using MODIS images in Ruma National Park and surroundings (Kenya)
P 2.3 Jerome Kimaro, Valeska Scharsich, Bernd Huwe, Christina Bogner
Linking hydrology of traditional irrigation canals and socio-economic aspects of agricultural water use around Mt. Kilimanjaro

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