While the goal of the BayCEER Workshop - to foster networking and collaboration - stayed the same over time, there is an evolution in the means to do so, the subjects presented as well as in language, place and organizing teams.
Here is what happened since the first workshop in 2008:
BayCEER Workshop 2016 - NW III, around 100 participants from over 20 disciplines presented their work in 50 oral and poster presentations. New: The BayCEER Early Career Research Recognition for outstanding achievements in PhD research in Ecology and Environmental Sciences.
BayCEER Workshop 2015 - NW III, 47 participants and 22 contributions, trying out the format of interdisciplinary "round table" discussions on different subjects.
BayCEER Workshop 2014
- NW III, 85 participants and 38 contributions. For the first time organized by a group of postdocs.
BayCEER Workshop 2013
- GEO, 67 participants and 40 contributions. Tracing the life of research ideas and including a panel discussion. English is now the only workshop language.
BayCEER Workshop 2012
- GEO, 67 participants and 37 contributions, first workshop in October. With photo contest, presentation skills for PhD students now in English language.
BayCEER Workshop 2010
- NW I, 59 particpants and 42 contributions in English and German. First course on presentation skills. Last workshop in springtime.
BayCEER Workshop 2009
- GEO, 90 participants and 51 contributions, including a discussion on Graduate Schools.
BayCEER Workshop 2008
- NW I, 100 participants, 52 contributions. Initially planned for two days, realized as one-day workshop.