BayCEER Workshop 2017

October 12, 2017, 9:00-17:00
Campus University of Bayreuth, Building NW III


At the 9th BayCEER Workshop over 100 participants from 22 disciplines presented their work in nearly 50 oral and poster presentations during a varied day program. More pictures are collected in the internal workshop website.

The organizers want to thank
the session chairs,
poster and talk authors as well as all participants
for their engagement!

BayCEER Workshop Award winners for posters...

  1. Thilo Schramm with co-authors Barbara Glaser, Julian Klaus and Luisa Hopp for his poster:
    P 4.7 Preferential flow and scale - A dual-permeability model does not improve the simulation of hydrologic response at catchment scale

  2. Patricia Diel with co-authors Christian Laforsch and Max Rabus for her poster:
    P 4.9
    Microdefences in Daphnia - Predator induced changes in spinule morphology and distribution

  3. Carola Dostal with co-authors Leonor Alvarez-Cansino, Eunyoung Jung and Bettina Engelbrecht for her poster:
    P 4.14
    The role of nutrients for drought effects across land use gradients in grasslands


...and talks:

  1. Stefan Durejka with co-authors Sven Frei and Ben Gilfedder for his talk:
    O 4.2 Coupling hydrology and biogeochemistry in riparian wetlands: An interdisciplinary approach

  2. Pascal Benard with co-authors Mohsen Zarebanadkouki  and Andrea Carminati for his talk:
    O 3.2 Water percolation through the rhizosphere - effect of heterogeneous pore scale wettability 

  3. Sven Ritschar with co-authors Christian Laforsch and Max Rabus for his talk:
    O 4.3 Inducible morphological defenses of Daphnia similis against Triops cancriformis and Notonecta maculata


The awards for best poster and oral presentations on the BayCEER Workshop are reserved for junior scientists.

1 Workshop Morning

2 Workshop Afternoon

1 Workshop Morning

DZG 2007

2 Workshop Afternoon


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