Thursday, 12.10.2017 | ||
Time | H36, NW III | |
08:15 | Registration (Foyer NW III) | |
09:00 | Opening | |
09:10 | "Research highlights from BayCEER working groups"Chair: Christoph ThomasH 1.1: Anke Jentsch: The Bayreuth phytometer - common metrics for plant community ecology |
09:15 | H 1.2: Alfons Weig: Analysis tools in the Keylab for Genomics & Bioinformatics | |
09:20 | H 1.3: Andrea Carminati: In (re)search of drought tolerance | |
09:25 | H 1.4: Bettina Engelbrecht: Winners and loosers: what is determining species fate under drought? | |
09:30 | H 1.5: Christoph Thomas: Illuminating the dark side of surface meteorology | |
09:35 | Poster presentation in "Lightning Talks" | |
10:00 |
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11:00 | "Understanding Ecosystem Services: Geoecological processes/functions with value for the society"Chair: Thomas KoellnerO 2.1: Valeska Scharsich et al.: Challenges in classifying diverse and highly structured landscapes with satellite images to infer land cover and land use change |
11:15 | O 2.2: Mohammed Abu Sayed Arfin Khan et al.: Effects of extreme climatic events in temperate grassland: Heavy rain spells have clearer impacts than drought on ecosystem functioning | |
11:30 | O 2.3: Sebastian Arnhold et al.: European Union agri-environmental policies: Conservation strategy or risk for global erosion regulation | |
11:45 | O 2.4: Maria Hänsel et al.: Agent-based modelling for policy support: Can this approach be used to ensure ecosystem services from Bavarian grasslands? | |
12:00 | Lunch (S 136) | |
13:00 | Keynote: | |
14:00 | "Rhizosphere interactions: Biogeochemical processes at the root-soil interface"Chair: Johanna PauschO 3.1: Carolin Kerl et al.: Thioarsenate occurrence in paddy soils and potential implications for arsenic uptake, accumulation, and toxicity in rice |
14:15 | O 3.2: Pascal Benard et al.: Water percolation through the rhizosphere - effect of heterogeneous pore scale wettability | |
14:30 | O 3.3: Maire Holz et al.: Root hairs increase rhizosphere extension and carbon input to soil | |
14:45 | O 3.4: Gerhard Gebauer et al.: Stable isotopes elucidate more and more facets of mycoheterotrophic carbon gain among plants | |
15:00 |
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15:30 | "BayCEERversity: Across scales, compartments & communities"Chair: Andreas Held, Christina BognerO 4.1: Julian Rüdiger et al.: Catching the Plume – From Field Measurements to Atmospheric Simulation Chamber Studies of Volcanic Gas Emissions |
15:45 | O 4.2: Stefan Durejka et al.: Coupling hydrology and biogeochemistry in riparian wetlands: An interdisciplinary approach | |
16:00 | O 4.3: Sven Ritschar et al.: Inducible morphological defenses of Daphnia similis against Triops cancriformis and Notonecta maculata | |
16:15 | O 4.4: Judith Bieberich et al.: Invasive Impatiens glandulifera reduces growth of native plants by allelopathy | |
16:30 | O 4.5: Per Marten Schleuss et al.: Stoichiometric controls of C and N cycling in a mesic grassland in South Africa | |
16:45 | O 4.6: Alexander Guhr et al.: Effect of water redistribution by saprotrophic fungi on C mineralization and N translocation in dry soil | |
17:00 | Come together | |
18:00 |