Campus Tours & Field Trip

The Campus Tours provide an opportunity to get to know the infrastructure in other groups of the BayCEER - from analytical tools to aquaria and greenhouse options to sensor data management, metacosms and field experiments. To know what is possible is key for future research cooperations! For BayCEER Alumni this is a good option to see how former places of research have evolved.

We have reserved about one hour time for Campus Tours on Thursday 5:30 pm and on Friday 2:00 pm.

Tour A -  Thursday, 10 October, 17:30 and Friday 11 October, 14:00

Talking Trees 

Talking Trees

The growth of several trees in the ecological botanical garden is measured with dendrometers and automatically transferred to the BayEOS database. We will look at what this looks like in the field and also show different ways of transmission (more on the Talking Tree project on the website of the Stadtgartenamt).

  • Guided by: Dr. Stefan Holzheu, BayCEER IT & Databases
  • For a maximum of: 12 participants
  • Meeting point: Entrance Ecological-Botanical Garden

Tour B -  Thursday, 10 October, 17:30 and Friday 11 October, 14:00

Greenhouse automation


Demonstration of automated measurement system (lidar, multispectral imaging, thermal imaging, weighing lysimeter) for producing response time series from greenhouse experiments.

  • Guided by: Steven Higgins and Fabian Nützel, Plant Ecology
  • For a maximum of: 10 participants
  • Meeting point: in front of the greenhouse at NWI, opposite NWIII

Tour C -  Thursday cancelled, only Friday 11 October, 14:00

Aquatic mesocosm facility

Aquatic Mesocosms

In this new facility the transport and fate of microplastic particles in bodies of water can be analysed in order to develop methods to prevent the unwanted spread and pollution of the environment with plastic particles. Within the CRC Microplastics the first experiment started in winter 2024 (see article in UBT aktuell), the next will start in autumn.

  • Guided by: Julian Brehm and Luca Liprandi, Limnology / CRC Microplastics
  • For a maximum of: 12 participants
  • Meeting point: NWIII

Tour D -  Thursday, 10 October, 17:30

The Ecological-Botanical Garden in October 2024

Herbstfoto-OeBG_MLauererWhat is worth looking at in the garden in autumn 2024? What are the opportunities and challenges in the development of the ÖBG? The new directors will take us on a tour.

  • Guided by: Lena Muffler-Weigel & Robert Weigel, Ecological Botanical Garden
  • For a maximum of: 20 participants
  • Meeting point: Entrance Ecological-Botanical Garden

Field Trip Frankenwald & Wallenfels -  Friday 11 October, 14:00-18:00

Frankenwald: Forest conversion by desaster

ForestConversionIf you have not been to the Frankenwald since the hot and dry summers, it's worth seeing the forest decline and the endeavours for conversion with your own eyes. We will discuss which interdisciplinary research questions need to be answered. 
Part of the field trip will be a visit at the "Ökologische Außenstation Wallenfels". If you know it from former years - or have not been there so far - it is still active and worth a visit!

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