EGU General Assembly 2020
Mo. 2020-05-04-Fr. 2020-05-08, - Online -AquaKlif contributed to the conference within the Session HS – Hydrological Sciences:
- EGU2020-1533
Analysis and prediction of hydrological extreme conditions for a small headwater catchment in a German lower mountain range
Lisa Hennig and Sven Frei
- EGU2020-2302
Nailing the hyporheic zone: Rusting metal rods as a proxy for the depth of the oxic zone in hyporheic sediments
Robin Kaule, Benjamin Gilfedder, and Sven Frei
- EGU2020-10005
Effect of drought on deposition of ferric hydroxides in the HZ of a small upland stream in Northern Bavaria
Carolin Hiller, Robin Kaule, Benjamin Gilfedder, and Stefan Peiffer
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