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BayCEER - Bayreuther Zentrum für Ökologie und Umweltforschung

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Christian Laforsch: Publikationen

Peer reviewed


Kernchen, S., Schmalz, H., Löder, M., Georgi, C., Einhorn, A., Greiner, A., Nölscher, A., Laforsch, C., Held, A.: Atmospheric deposition studies of microplastics in Central Germany. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, (2024).

Steiner, T., Leitner, L., Zhang, Y., Möller, J., Löder, M., Greiner, A., Laforsch, C., Freitag, R.: Detection and specific chemical identification of submillimeter plastic fragments in complex matrices such as compost. Scientific Reports, 14, 2282 (2024).

Wild, A., Steiner, F., Kiene, M., Tyborski, N., Tung, S., Köhler, T., Carminati, A., Eder, B., Groth, J., Vahl, W., Wolfrum, S., Lüders, T., Laforsch, C., Mueller, C., Vidal, A., Pausch, J.: Unraveling root and rhizosphere traits in temperate maize landraces and modern cultivars : Implications for soil resource acquisition and drought adaptation. Plant, Cell & Environment, 47(7), 2524-2539 (2024).

Adler, M., Issoual, I., Rückert, M., Deloch, L., Meier, C., Tschernig, T., Alexiou, C., Pfister, F., Ramsperger, A., Laforsch, C., Gaipl, U., Jüngert, K., Paulsen, F.: Effect of micro- and nanoplastic particles on human macrophages. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 471, 134253 (2024).

Salomon, S., Grubmüller, E., Kropf, P., Nickl, E., Rühl, A., Weigel, S., Becker, F., Antonio Vital, A., Laforsch, C., Schott, M., Mair, M.: Effects of dissolved organic matter on the toxicity of micro- and nanoplastic particles to Daphnia : a meta-analysis. Microplastics and Nanoplastics, 4, 11 (2024).

Rolf, M., Laermanns, H., Horn, J., Kienzler, L., Pohl, C., Dierkes, G., Kernchen, S., Laforsch, C., Löder, M., Bogner, C.: Multi-method analysis of microplastic distribution by flood frequency and local topography in Rhine floodplains. Science of the Total Environment, 927, 171927 (2024).

Wieland, S., Ramsperger, A., Groß, W., Lehmann, M., Witzmann, T., Caspari, A., Obst, M., Gekle, S., Auernhammer, G., Fery, A., Laforsch, C., Kress, H.: Nominally identical microplastic models differ greatly in their particle-cell interactions. Nature Communications, 15, 922 (2024).

Wohlschläger, M., Versen, M., Löder, M., Laforsch, C.: A promising method for fast identification of microplastic particles in environmental samples : A pilot study using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. Heliyon, 10(3), e25133 (2024).

Hüftlein, F., Ritschar, S., Laforsch, C.: Sexual dimorphism in the proventriculus of the buff‐tailed bumblebee Bombus terrestris (L. 1758) (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Journal of Morphology, 285(2), e21668 (2024).

Mondellini, S., Schwarzer, M., Völkl, M., Jasinski, J., Jérôme, V., Scheibel, T., Laforsch, C., Freitag, R.: Size dependent uptake and trophic transfer of polystyrene microplastics in unicellular freshwater eukaryotes. Science of the Total Environment, 929, 172470 (2024).

Jemec Kokalj, A., Kalčíková, G., Selonen, S., Bosker, T., Drobne, D., Dvorakova, D., Hofman, J., Hurley, R., Kernchen, S., Laforsch, C., Löder, M., van Loon, S., Redondo-Hasselerharm, P., Saartama, V., Šmídová, K., Tsagkaris, A., Zantis, L., Nizzetto, L., van Gestel, C.: Strategy towards producing relevant and reliable data for the hazard assessment of micro- and nanoplastics in agricultural soils. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 172, 117567 (2024).


Diller, J., Hüftlein, F., Lücker, D., Feldhaar, H., Laforsch, C.: Allelochemical run-off from the invasive terrestrial plant Impatiens glandulifera decreases defensibility in Daphnia. Scientific Reports, 13, 1207 (2023).

Steiner, T., Möller, J., Löder, M., Hilbrig, F., Laforsch, C., Freitag, R.: Microplastic Contamination of Composts and Liquid Fertilizers from Municipal Biowaste Treatment Plants : Effects of the Operating Conditions. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 14, 873-887 (2023).

Saha, S., Laforsch, C., Ramsperger, A., Niebel, D.: Mikroplastik und dermatologische Versorgung. Die Dermatologie, 74, 27-33 (2023).

Ramsperger, A., Bergamaschi, E., Panizzolo, M., Fenoglio, I., Barbero, F., Peters, R., Undas, A., Purker, S., Giese, B., Lalyer, C., Tamargo, A., Moreno-Arribas, M., Grossart, H., Kühnel, D., Dietrich, J., Paulsen, F., Afanou, A., Zienolddiny-Narui, S., Eriksen Hammer, S., Ervik, T., Graff, P., Brinchmann, B., Nordby, K., Wallin, H., Nassi, M., Benetti, F., Zanella, M., Brehm, J., Kress, H., Löder, M., Laforsch, C.: Nano- and microplastics : a comprehensive review on their exposure routes, translocation, and fate in humans. NanoImpact, 29, 100441 (2023).

Jakobs, A., Gürkal, E., Möller, J., Löder, M., Laforsch, C., Lüders, T.: A novel approach to extract, purify, and fractionate microplastics from environmental matrices by isopycnic ultracentrifugation. Science of the Total Environment, 857, Part 3, 159610 (2023).

Bergami, E., Ferrari, E., Löder, M., Birarda, G., Laforsch, C., Vaccari, L., Corsi, I.: Textile microfibers in wild Antarctic whelk Neobuccinum eatoni (Smith, 1875) from Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica). Environmental Research, 216, Part 2, 114487 (2023).

Brehm, J., Ritschar, S., Laforsch, C., Mair, M.: The complexity of micro- and nanoplastic research in the genus Daphnia : A systematic review of study variability and a meta-analysis of immobilization rates. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 458, 131839 (2023).

Hüftlein, F., Seidenath, D., Mittereder, A., Hillenbrand, T., Brüggemann, D., Otti, O., Feldhaar, H., Laforsch, C., Schott, M.: Effects of diesel exhaust particles on the health and survival of the buff-tailed bumblebee Bombus terrestris after acute and chronic oral exposure. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 458, 131905 (2023).

Prume, J., Laermanns, H., Löder, M., Laforsch, C., Bogner, C., Koch, M.: Evaluating the effectiveness of the MicroPlastic Sediment Separator (MPSS). Microplastics and Nanoplastics, 3, 26 (2023).

Gilfedder, B., Elagami, H., Boos, J., Brehm, J., Schott, M., Witt, L., Laforsch, C., Frei, S.: Filter feeders are key to small microplastic residence times in stratified lakes : A virtual experiment. Science of the Total Environment, 890, 164293 (2023).

Kniese, J., Ritschar, S., Bünger, L., Feldhaar, H., Laforsch, C., Römpp, A., Schmidt, H.: Localisation and identification of polystyrene particles in tissue sections using Raman spectroscopic imaging. NanoImpact, 30, 100465 (2023).

Wang, Y., Xiang, L., Amelung, W., Elsner, M., Gan, J., Kueppers, S., Laforsch, C., Jiang, X., Adu-Gyamfi, J., Heng, L., Ok, Y., Ivleva, N., Luo, Y., Barceló, D., Schäffer, A., Wang, F.: Micro- and nanoplastics in soil ecosystems : Analytical methods, fate, and effects. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 169, 117309 (2023).

Zhang, Y., Paul, T., Brehm, J., Völkl, M., Jérôme, V., Freitag, R., Laforsch, C., Greiner, A.: Role of Residual Monomers in the Manifestation of (Cyto)toxicity by Polystyrene Microplastic Model Particles. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(27), 9925-9933 (2023).


Kernchen, S., Löder, M., Fischer, F., Fischer, D., Moses, S., Georgi, C., Nölscher, A., Held, A., Laforsch, C.: Airborne microplastic concentrations and deposition across the Weser River catchment. Science of the Total Environment, 818, 151812 (2022).

Mondellini, S., Schott, M., Löder, M., Agarwal, S., Greiner, A., Laforsch, C.: Beyond microplastics : Water soluble synthetic polymers exert sublethal adverse effects in the freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna. Science of the Total Environment, 847, 157608 (2022).

Ritschar, S., Schirmer, E., Hufnagl, B., Löder, M., Römpp, A., Laforsch, C.: Classification of target tissues of Eisenia fetida using sequential multimodal chemical analysis and machine learning. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 157(2), 127-137 (2022).

Hufnagl, B., Stibi, M., Martirosyan, H., Wilczek, U., Möller, J., Löder, M., Laforsch, C., Lohninger, H.: Computer-Assisted Analysis of Microplastics in Environmental Samples Based on μFTIR Imaging in Combination with Machine Learning. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 9(1), 90-95 (2022).

Müller, A., Brehm, J., Völkl, M., Jérôme, V., Laforsch, C., Freitag, R., Greiner, A.: Disentangling biological effects of primary nanoplastics from dispersion paints' additional compounds. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 242, 113877 (2022).

Rolf, M., Laermanns, H., Kienzler, L., Pohl, C., Möller, J., Laforsch, C., Löder, M., Bogner, C.: Flooding frequency and floodplain topography determine abundance of microplastics in an alluvial Rhine soil. Science of the Total Environment, 836, 155141 (2022).

Wieland, S., Balmes, A., Bender, J., Kitzinger, J., Meyer, F., Ramsperger, A., Roeder, F., Tengelmann, C., Wimmer, B., Laforsch, C., Kress, H.: From properties to toxicity : comparing microplastics to other airborne microparticles. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 428, 128151 (2022).

Steibl, S., Gebauer, G., Laforsch, C.: Impacts on food web properties of island invertebrate communities vary between different human land uses. Science of the Total Environment, 831, 154838 (2022).

Wilde, M., Brehm, J., Schwarzer, M., Stöckl, J., Laforsch, C., Fröhlich, T.: Improving the proteome coverage of Daphnia magna : implications for future ecotoxicoproteomics studies. Proteomics, 22(10), 2100289 (2022).

Brehm, J., Wilde, M., Reiche, L., Leitner, L., Petran, B., Meinhart, M., Wieland, S., Ritschar, S., Schott, M., Boos, J., Frei, S., Kress, H., Senker, J., Greiner, A., Fröhlich, T., Laforsch, C.: In-depth characterization revealed polymer type and chemical content specific effects of microplastic on Dreissena bugensis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 437, 129351 (2022).

Schirmer, E., Ritschar, S., Ochs, M., Laforsch, C., Schuster, S., Römpp, A.: MALDI mass spectrometry imaging workflow for the aquatic model organisms Danio rerio and Daphnia magna. Scientific Reports, 12, 7288 (2022).

Schrank, I., Möller, J., Imhof, H., Hauenstein, O., Zielke, F., Agarwal, S., Löder, M., Greiner, A., Laforsch, C.: Microplastic sample purification methods : Assessing detrimental effects of purification procedures on specific plastic types. Science of the Total Environment, 833, 154824 (2022).

Schöpfer, L., Möller, J., Steiner, T., Schnepf, U., Marhan, S., Resch, J., Bayha, A., Löder, M., Freitag, R., Brümmer, F., Laforsch, C., Streck, T., Forberger, J., Kranert, M., Kandeler, E., Pagel, H.: Microplastics persist in an arable soil but do not affect soil microbial biomass, enzyme activities, and crop yield. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 185(6), 836-849 (2022).

Steiner, T., Zhang, Y., Möller, J., Agarwal, S., Löder, M., Greiner, A., Laforsch, C., Freitag, R.: Municipal biowaste treatment plants contribute to the contamination of the environment with residues of biodegradable plastics with putative higher persistence potential. Scientific Reports, 12, 9021 (2022).

Witzmann, T., Ramsperger, A., Wieland, S., Laforsch, C., Kress, H., Fery, A., Auernhammer, G.: Repulsive Interactions of Eco-corona-Covered Microplastic Particles Quantitatively Follow Modeling of Polymer Brushes. Langmuir, 38(29), 8748-8756 (2022).

Schrank, I., Löder, M., Imhof, H., Moses, S., Heß, M., Schwaiger, J., Laforsch, C.: Riverine microplastic contamination in southwest Germany : A large-scale survey. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 794250 (2022).

Schwarzer, M., Brehm, J., Vollmer, M., Jasinski, J., Xu, C., Zainuddin, S., Fröhlich, T., Schott, M., Greiner, A., Scheibel, T., Laforsch, C.: Shape, size, and polymer dependent effects of microplastics on Daphnia magna. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 426, 128136 (2022).

Ramsperger, A., Jasinski, J., Völkl, M., Witzmann, T., Meinhart, M., Jérôme, V., Kretschmer, W., Freitag, R., Senker, J., Fery, A., Kress, H., Scheibel, T., Laforsch, C.: Supposedly identical microplastic particles substantially differ in their material properties influencing particle-cell interactions and cellular responses. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 425, 127961 (2022).

Möller, J., Heisel, I., Satzger, A., Vizsolyi, E., Oster, S., Agarwal, S., Laforsch, C., Löder, M.: Tackling the Challenge of Extracting Microplastics from Soils : A Protocol to Purify Soil Samples for Spectroscopic Analysis. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 41(4), 844-857 (2022).

Ritschar, S., Hüftlein, F., Schell, L., Brehm, J., Laforsch, C.: Taking advantage of transparency : A proof-of-principle for the analysis of the uptake of labeled microplastic particles by organisms of different functional feeding guilds using an adapted CUBIC protocol. Science of the Total Environment, 832, 154922 (2022).

Diller, J., Drescher, S., Hofmann, M., Rabus, M., Feldhaar, H., Laforsch, C.: The Beauty is a beast : Does leachate from the invasive terrestrial plant Impatiens glandulifera affect aquatic food webs?. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e8781 (2022).


Steibl, S., Sigl, R., Blaha, S., Drescher, S., Gebauer, G., Gürkal, E., Hüftlein, F., Satzger, A., Schwarzer, M., Seidenath, D., Welfenbach, J., Zinser, R., Laforsch, C.: Allochthonous resources are less important for faunal communities on highly productive, small tropical islands. Ecology and Evolution, 11(19), 13128-13138 (2021).

Kumar, V., Löschel, L., Imhof, H., Löder, M., Laforsch, C.: Analysis of microplastics of a broad size range in commercially important mussels by combining FTIR and Raman spectroscopy approaches. Environmental Pollution, 269, 116147 (2021).

Steibl, S., Laforsch, C.: Compartmentalized organization of ecological niche occupation in insular invertebrate communities. Ecology and Evolution, 11(1), 471-480 (2021).

Steibl, S., Sigl, R., Bräumer, P., Clauß, V., Goddemeier, S., Hamisch, S., Lücker, D., Reiprich, L., Stegmann, L., Voigt, N., Laforsch, C.: Diversity patterns and community structure of the ground-associated macrofauna along the beach-inland transition zone of small tropical islands. Diversity, 13(8), 377 (2021).

Steibl, S., Laforsch, C.: The importance of the Maldives as a wintering ground for migratory birds of the Central Asian flyway. Journal of Asian Ornithology, 37, 80-87 (2021).

Weig, A., Löder, M., Ramsperger, A., Laforsch, C.: In situ Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Communities on Microplastic Particles in a Small Headwater Stream in Germany. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 660024 (2021).

Trotter, B., Wilde, M., Brehm, J., Dafni, E., Aliu, A., Arnold, G., Fröhlich, T., Laforsch, C.: Long-term exposure of Daphnia magna to polystyrene microplastic (PS-MP) leads to alterations of the proteome, morphology and life-history. Science of the Total Environment, 795, 148822 (2021).

Teichert, S., Löder, M., Pyko, I., Mordek, M., Schulbert, C., Wisshak, M., Laforsch, C.: Microplastic contamination of the drilling bivalve Hiatella arctica in Arctic rhodolith beds. Scientific Reports, 11, 14574 (2021).

Diel, P., Rabus, M., Laforsch, C.: Pricklier with the proper predator? Predator‐induced small‐scale changes of spinescence in Daphnia. Ecology and Evolution, 11(23), 17080-17090 (2021).

Steibl, S., Franke, J., Laforsch, C.: Tourism and urban development as drivers for invertebrate diversity loss on tropical islands. Royal Society Open Science, 8(10), 210411 (2021).


Piehl, S., Atwood, E., Bochow, M., Imhof, H., Franke, J., Siegert, F., Laforsch, C.: Can Water Constituents Be Used as Proxy to Map Microplastic Dispersal Within Transitional and Coastal Waters?. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8, 92 (2020).

Ramsperger, A., Narayana, V., Gross, W., Mohanraj, J., Thelakkat, M., Greiner, A., Schmalz, H., Kress, H., Laforsch, C.: Environmental exposure enhances the internalization of microplastic particles into cells. Science Advances, 6(50), eabd1211 (2020).

Möller, J., Löder, M., Laforsch, C.: Finding Microplastics in Soils : A Review of Analytical Methods. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(4), 2078-2090 (2020).

Steibl, S., Ballarin, F., Nadolny, A., Laforsch, C.: First record of a wolf spider, Draposa lyrivulva (Bösenberg & Strand 1906) (Araneae: Lycosidae), from the Maldivian Islands, Indian Ocean. Acta Arachnologica, 69(2), 115-119 (2020).

Steibl, S., Spelda, J., Laforsch, C.: First record of the spirobolid Eucarlia hoffmani Golovatch & Korsós, 1992 (Diplopoda: Spirobolida: Pachybolidae) from the Maldives, Indian Ocean. Schubartiana, 9, 7-11 (2020).

Diel, P., Kiene, M., Martin-Creuzburg, D., Laforsch, C.: Knowing the Enemy : Inducible Defences in Freshwater Zooplankton. Diversity, 12(4), 147 (2020).

Pietrzak, B., Rabus, M., Religa, M., Laforsch, C., Dańko, M.: Phenotypic plasticity of senescence in Daphnia under predation impact : no ageing acceleration when the perceived risk decreases with age. Royal Society Open Science, 7(2), 191382 (2020).

Dris, R., Agarwal, S., Laforsch, C.: Plastics : From a Success Story to an Environmental Problem and a Global Challenge. Global Challenges, 4(6), 2000026 (2020).

Ritschar, S., Rabus, M., Laforsch, C.: Predator-specific inducible morphological defenses of a water flea against two freshwater predators. Journal of Morphology, 281(6), 653-661 (2020).

Steibl, S., Laforsch, C.: Shell resource partitioning as a mechanism of coexistence in two co-occurring terrestrial hermit crab species. BMC Ecology, 20, 1 (2020).

Ramsperger, A., Stellwag, A., Caspari, A., Fery, A., Lüders, T., Kress, H., Löder, M., Laforsch, C.: Structural Diversity in Early-Stage Biofilm Formation on Microplastics Depends on Environmental Medium and Polymer Properties. Water, 12(11), 3216 (2020).

Ritschar, S., Bangalore Narayana, V., Rabus, M., Laforsch, C.: Uncovering the chemistry behind inducible morphological defences in the crustacean Daphnia magna via micro-Raman spectroscopy. Scientific Reports, 10, 22408 (2020).


Piehl, S., Mitterwallner, V., Atwood, E., Bochow, M., Laforsch, C.: Abundance and distribution of large microplastics (1–5 mm) within beach sediments at the Po River Delta, northeast Italy. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 149, 110515 (2019).

Atwood, E., Falcieri, F., Piehl, S., Bochow, M., Matthies, M., Franke, J., Carniel, S., Sclavo, M., Laforsch, C., Siegert, F.: Coastal accumulation of microplastic particles emitted from the Po River, Northern Italy : Comparing remote sensing and hydrodynamic modelling with in situ sample collections. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 138, 561-574 (2019).

Steibl, S., Laforsch, C.: Daytime activity and habitat preferences of two sympatric hermit crab species (Decapoda: Anomura: Coenobita). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 231, 106482 (2019).

Steibl, S., Laforsch, C.: Disentangling the environmental impact of different human disturbances : a case study on islands. Scientific Reports, 9, 13712 (2019).

Schrank, I., Trotter, B., Dummert, J., Scholz-Böttcher, B., Löder, M., Laforsch, C.: Effects of microplastic particles and leaching additive on the life history and morphology of Daphnia magna. Environmental Pollution, 255, Part 2, 113233 (2019).

Hufnagl, B., Steiner, D., Renner, E., Löder, M., Laforsch, C., Lohninger, H.: A methodology for the fast identification and monitoring of microplastics in environmental samples using random decision forest classifiers. Analytical Methods, 11(17), 2277-2285 (2019).

Frei, S., Piehl, S., Gilfedder, B., Löder, M., Krutzke, J., Wilhelm, L., Laforsch, C.: Occurence of microplastics in the hyporheic zone of rivers. Scientific Reports, 9, 15256 (2019).

Trotter, B., Ramsperger, A., Raab, P., Haberstroh, J., Laforsch, C.: Plastic waste interferes with chemical communication in aquatic ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 9, 5889 (2019).

Otte, K., Effertz, C., Fröhlich, T., Arnold, G., Laforsch, C., von Elert, E.: Proteomic analysis in the model organism Daphnia has the potential to unravel molecular pathways involved in phenotypic changes in response to changing environmental conditions. Hydrobiologia, 846(1), 27-38 (2019).


Piehl, S., Leibner, A., Löder, M., Dris, R., Bogner, C., Laforsch, C.: Identification and quantification of macro- and microplastics on an agricultural farmland. Scientific Reports, 8, 17950 (2018).

Fischer, J., Laforsch, C.: The influence of gravity and light on locomotion and orientation of Heterocypris incongruens and Notodromas onacha (Crustacea, Ostracoda). npj Microgravity, 4, 3 (2018).

Weithmann, N., Möller, J., Löder, M., Piehl, S., Laforsch, C., Freitag, R.: Organic fertilizer as a vehicle for the entry of microplastic into the environment. Science Advances, 4(4), eaap8060 (2018).

Stocking, J., Laforsch, C., Sigl, R., Reidenbach, M.: The role of turbulent hydrodynamics and surface morphology on heat and mass transfer in corals. Interface : Journal of the Royal Society, 15(149), 20180448 (2018).

Imhof, H., Wiesheu, A., Niessner, R., Ivleva, N., Laforsch, C.: Variation in plastic abundance at different lake beach zones - a case study. Science of the Total Environment, 613-614, 530-537 (2018).


Imhof, H., Rusek, J., Thiel, M., Wolinska, J., Laforsch, C.: Do microplastic particles affect Daphnia magna at the morphological, life history and molecular level?. PLoS One, 12(11), e0187590 (2017).

Löder, M., Imhof, H., Ladehoff, M., Löschel, L., Lorenz, C., Mintenig, S., Piehl, S., Primpke, S., Schrank, I., Laforsch, C., Gerdts, G.: Enzymatic purification of microplastics in environmental samples. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(24), 14283-14292 (2017).

Bagheri, A., Laforsch, C., Greiner, A., Agarwal, S.: Fate of So-Called Biodegradable Polymers in Seawater and Freshwater. Global Challenges, 1(4), 1700048 (2017).

Fischer, J., Schoppmann, K., Laforsch, C.: Life History Responses and Feeding Behavior of Microcrustacea in Altered Gravity : Applicability in Bioregenerative Life Support Systems (BLSS). Microgravity Science and Technology, 29(3), 241-249 (2017).

Primpke, S., Imhof, H., Piehl, S., Lorenz, C., Löder, M., Laforsch, C., Gerdts, G.: Mikroplastik in der Umwelt. Chemie in unserer Zeit, 51(6), 402-412 (2017).

Imhof, H., Sigl, R., Brauer, E., Feyl, S., Giesemann, P., Klink, S., Leupolz, K., Löder, M., Löschel, L., Missun, J., Muszynski, S., Ramsperger, A., Schrank, I., Speck, S., Steibl, S., Trotter, B., Winter, I., Laforsch, C.: Spatial and temporal variation of macro-, meso- and microplastic abundance on a remote coral island of the Maldives, Indian Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 116(1-2), 340-347 (2017).


Sigl, R., Laforsch, C.: The Influence of Water Currents on Movement Patterns on Sand in the Crown-of-Thorns Seastar (Acanthaster cf. solaris). Diversity, 8(4), 25 (2016).

Imhof, H., Laforsch, C., Wiesheu, A., Schmid, J., Anger, P., Niessner, R., Ivleva, N.: Pigments and plastic in limnetic ecosystems : A qualitative and quantitative study on microparticles of different size classes. Water Research, 98, 64-74 (2016).

Herzog, Q., Tittgen, C., Laforsch, C.: Predator-specific reversibility of morphological defenses in Daphnia barbata. Journal of Plankton Research, 38(4), 771-780 (2016).

Sigl, R., Steibl, S., Laforsch, C.: The role of vision for navigation in the crown-of-thorns seastar, Acanthaster planci. Scientific Reports, 6, 30834 (2016).

Hepp, J., Rabus, M., Anhäuser, T., Bromm, T., Laforsch, C., Sirocko, F., Glaser, B., Zech, M.: A sugar biomarker proxy for assessing terrestial versus aquatic sedimentary input. Organic Geochemistry, 98, 98-104 (2016).

Orsini, L., Gilbert, D., Podicheti, R., Jansen, M., Brown, J., Solari, O., Spanier, K., Colbourne, J., Rush, D., Decaestecker, E., Asselmann, J., de Schamphelaere, K., Ebert, D., Haag, C., Kvist, J., Laforsch, C., Petrusek, A., Beckermann, A., Little, T., Chaturvedi, A., Pfrender, M., de Meester, L., Frilander, M.: Daphnia magna transcriptome by RNA-Seq across 12 environmental stressors. Scientific Data, 3, 160030 (2016).

Knie, M., Schoppmann, K., Eck, H., Wolfschoon Ribeiro, B., Laforsch, C.: The "Daphnia" Lynx Mark I suborbital flight experiment : Hardware qualification at the Drop Tower Bremen. Microgravity Science and Technology, 28(3), 345-349 (2016).

Imhof, H., Laforsch, C.: Hazardous or not - Are adult and juvenile individuals of Potamopyrgus antipodarum affected by non-buoyant microplastic particles?. Environmental Pollution, 218, 383-391 (2016).

Herzog, Q., Rabus, M., Wolfschoon Ribeiro, B., Laforsch, C.: Inducible Defenses with a "Twist" : Daphnia barbata Abandons Bilateral Symmetry in Response to an Ancient Predator. PLoS One, 11(2), e0148556 (2016).


Dris, R., Imhof, H., Sanchez, W., Gasperi, J., Galgani, F., Tassin, B., Laforsch, C.: Beyond the ocean : Contamination of freshwater ecosystems with (micro-) plastic particles. Environmental Chemistry, 12(5), 539-550 (2015).

Eich, A., Mildenberger, T., Laforsch, C., Weber, M.: Biofilm and diatom succession on polyethylene (PE) and biodegradable plastic bags in two marine habitats : early signs of degradation in the pelagic and benthic zone?. PLoS One, 10(9), e0137201 (2015).

Tollrian, R., Duggen, S., Weiss, L., Laforsch, C., Kopp, M.: Density-dependent adjustment of inducible defenses. Scientific Reports, 5, 12736 (2015).

Weiss, L., Leese, F., Laforsch, C., Tollrian, R.: Dopamine is a key regulator in the signalling pathway underlying predator-induced defences in Daphnia. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1816), 20151440 (2015).

Trotter, B., Otte, K., Schoppmann, K., Hemmersbach, R., Fröhlich, T., Arnold, G., Laforsch, C.: The influence of simulated microgravity on the proteome of Daphnia magna. npj Microgravity, 1, 15016 (2015).

Otte, K., Schrank, I., Fröhlich, T., Arnold, G., Laforsch, C.: Interclonal proteomic responses to predator exposure in Daphnia magna may depend on predator composition of habitats. Molecular Ecology, 24(15), 3901-3917 (2015).

Fischer, J., Schoppmann, K., Knie, M., Laforsch, C.: Responses of microcrustaceans to simulated microgravity (2D-clinorotation) : preliminary assessments for the development of Bioregenerative Life Support Systems (BLSS). Microgravity Science and Technology, 28(3), 337-344 (2015).


Weiss, L., Laforsch, C., Ioannidou, I., Herbert, Z., Tollrian, R.: Daphnia longicephala neuropeptides : Morphological description of crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) and periviscerokinins in the Ctenodaphnia central nervous system. Neuropeptides, 48(5), 287-293 (2014).

Otte, K., Fröhlich, T., Arnold, G., Laforsch, C.: Proteomic analysis of Daphnia magna hints at molecular pathways involved in defensive plastic responses. BMC Genomics, 15, 306 (2014).

Feiner, M., Laforsch, C., Letzel, T., Geist, J.: Sublethal effects of the beta-blocker sotalol at environmentally relevant concentrations on the New Zealand mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33(11), 2510-2515 (2014).


Wittmann, M., Gabriel, W., Harz, E., Laforsch, C., Jeschke, J.: Can Daphnia lumholtzi invade European lakes?. NeoBiota, 16, 39-57 (2013).

Imhof, H., Ivleva, N., Schmid, J., Niessner, R., Laforsch, C.: Contamination of beach sediments of a subalpine lake with microplastic particles. Current Biology, 23(19), R867-R868 (2013).

Herzog, Q., Laforsch, C.: Modality matters for the expression of inducible defenses : introducing a concept of predator modality. BMC Biology, 11, 113 (2013).

Sigl, R., Imhof, H., Settles, M., Laforsch, C.: A novel, non-invasive and in vivo approach to determine morphometric data in starfish. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 449, 1-9 (2013).

Engelbrecht, W., Hesse, O., Wolinska, J., Laforsch, C.: Two threats at once : encounters with predator cues alter host life-history and morphological responses to parasite spores. Hydrobiologia, 715(1), 93-100 (2013).

Rabus, M., Söllradl, T., Clausen-Schaumann, H., Laforsch, C.: Uncovering Ultrastructural Defences in Daphnia magna : An Interdisciplinary Approach to Assess the Predator-Induced Fortification of the Carapace. PLoS One, 8(6), e67856 (2013).


Riessen, H., Linley, R., Altshuler, I., Rabus, M., Söllradl, T., Clausen-Schaumann, H., Laforsch, C., Yan, N., Howard, P.: Changes in water chemistry can disable plankton prey defenses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(38), 15377-15382 (2012).

Weiss, L., Kruppert, S., Laforsch, C., Tollrian, R.: Chaoborus and Gasterosteus Anti-Predator Responses in Daphnia pulex Are Mediated by Independent Cholinergic and Gabaergic Neuronal Signals. PLoS One, 7(5), e36879 (2012).

Wild, C., Laforsch, C., Mayr, C., Fuß, R., Niggl, W.: Effect of water currents on organic matter release by two scleractinian corals. Aquatic Ecology, 46(3), 335-341 (2012).

Hesse, O., Engelbrecht, W., Laforsch, C., Wolinska, J.: Fighting parasites and predators : How to deal with multiple threats?. BMC Ecology, 12, 12 (2012).

Rabus, M., Waterkeyn, A., van Pottelbergh, N., Brendonck, L., Laforsch, C.: Interclonal variation, effectiveness and long-term implications of Triops-induced morphological defences in Daphnia magna Strauss. Journal of Plankton Research, 34(2), 152-160 (2012).

Weiss, L., Tollrian, R., Herbert, Z., Laforsch, C.: Morphology of the Daphnia nervous system : a comparative study on Daphnia pulex, Daphnia lumholtzi, and Daphnia longicephala. Journal of Morphology, 273(12), 1392-1405 (2012).


Colbourne, J., Pfrender, M., Gilbert, D., Laforsch, C.: The ecoresponsive genome of Daphnia pulex. Science, 331, 555-561 (2011).

Rabus, M., Laforsch, C.: Growing large and bulky in the presence of the enemy : Daphnia magna switches the mode of inducible defences. Functional Ecology, 25(5), 1137-1143 (2011).

Juracka, P., Laforsch, C., Petrusek, A.: Neckteeth formation in two species of the Daphnia curvirostris complex (Crustacea: Cladocera). Journal of Limnology, 70(2), 359-368 (2011).

Yin, M., Laforsch, C., Lohr, J., Wolinska, J.: Predator-induced defence makes Daphnia more vulnerable to parasites. Evolution, 65(5), 1482-1488 (2011).

Duneau, D., Luijckx, P., Ben-Ami, F., Laforsch, C., Ebert, D.: Resolving the infection process reveals striking differences in the contribution of environment, genetics and phylogeny to host-parasite interactions. BMC Biology, 9, 11 (2011).


Lohr, J., Laforsch, C., Körner, H., Wolinska, J.: A Daphnia parasite (Caullerya mesnili) constitutes a new member of the Ichthyosporea, a group of protists near the animal-fungi divergence. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 57(4), 328-336 (2010).

Dietrich, S., Dammel, S., Bracher, F., Plößl, F., Laforsch, C.: Effects of a pharmaceutical mixture at environmentally relevant concentrations on Gammarus fossarum. Marine & Freshwater Research, 61(2), 196-203 (2010).

Dietrich, S., Plößl, F., Bracher, F., Laforsch, C.: Single and combined toxicity of pharmaceuticals at environmentally relevant concentrations in Daphnia magna : A multigenerational study. Chemosphere, 79(1), 60-66 (2010).


Naumann, M., Niggl, W., Laforsch, C., Glaser, C., Wild, C.: Coral surface area quantification : evaluation of established methods by comparison with computer tomography. Coral Reefs, 28(1), 109-117 (2009).

Petrusek, A., Tollrian, R., Schwenk, K., Haas, A., Laforsch, C.: A "crown of thorns" is an inducible defence that protects Daphnia against an ancient predator. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(7), 2248-2252 (2009).

Laforsch, C., Tollrian, R., Schwenk, K., Haas, A., Petrusek, A., Jung, N.: “Crown of thorns” of Daphnia : an exceptional inducible defence discovered by DNA barcoding. Communicative & Integrative Biology, 2(5), 379-381 (2009).

Fröhlich, T., Arnold, G., Fritsch, R., Mayr, T., Laforsch, C.: LC-MS/MS-based proteome profiling in Daphnia pulex and Daphnia longicephala : The Daphnia pulex genome database as a key for high throughput proteomics in Daphnia. BMC Genomics, 10, 171 (2009).


Laforsch, C., Christoph, E., Glaser, C., Naumann, M., Wild, C., Niggl, W.: A precise and non-destructive method to calculate the surface area in living scleractinian corals using X-ray computed tomography and 3D modeling. Coral Reefs, 27(4), 811-820 (2008).


Wild, C., Laforsch, C., Huettel, M.: Detection and enumeration of microbial cells within highly porous calcareous reef sands. Marine and Freshwater Research, 57(4), 415-420 (2006).

Laforsch, C., Beccara, L., Tollrian, R.: Inducible defenses : The relevance of chemical alarm cues in Daphnia. Limnology and Oceanography, 51(3), 1466-1472 (2006).

Tollrian, R., Laforsch, C.: Linking predator kairomones and turbulence : synergistic effects and ultimate reasons for phenotypic plasticity in Daphnia cucullata. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 167(1-4), 135-146 (2006).


Laforsch, C., Ngwa, W., Grill, W., Tollrian, R.: An acoustic microscopy technique reveals hidden morphological defenses in Daphnia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101(45), 15911-15914 (2004).

Laforsch, C., Tollrian, R.: Embryological aspects of inducible morphological defenses in Daphnia. Journal of Morphology, 262(3), 701-707 (2004).

Laforsch, C., Tollrian, R.: Extreme helmet formation in Daphnia cucullata induced by small-scale turbulence. Journal of Plankton Research, 26(1), 81-87 (2004).

Laforsch, C., Tollrian, R.: Inducible Defenses in Multipredator Environments : Cyclomorphosis in Daphnia cucullata. Ecology, 85(8), 2302-2311 (2004).


Laforsch, C., Tollrian, R.: A new preparation technique of daphnids for Scanning Electron Microscopy using hexamethyldisilazane. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 149(4), 587-596 (2000).


Agrawal, A., Laforsch, C., Tollrian, R.: Transgenerational induction of defences in animals and plants. Nature, 401(6748), 60-63 (1999).

Books and Book sections


Laforsch, C., Ramsperger, A., Ritschar, S.: Mikroplastik und der mögliche Einfluss auf die menschliche Gesundheit. In: Viviane Scherenberg, Johanne Pundt (eds.): Klima-und Gesundheitsschutz : Planetary-Health-Lösungsansätze. - Bremen : Apollon University Press, 2023. - 131-158.


Jeschke, J., Laforsch, C., Diel, P., Diller, J., Horstmann, M., Tollrian, R.: Predation. In: Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2021.


Sandu, C., Takacs, E., Suaria, G., Borgogno, F., Laforsch, C., Löder, M., Tweehuysen, G., Florea, L.: Society Role in the Reduction of Plastic Pollution. In: Friederike Stock, Georg Reifferscheid, Nicole Brennholt, Evgeniia Kostianaia (eds.): Handbook of Environmental Chemistry : Plastics in the Aquatic Environment. Part II. Stakeholders Role against Pollution. - Cham : Springer Nature, 2020. - 39-65.

Laforsch, C., Ramsperger, A., Mondellini, S., Galloway, T.: Microplastics : A Novel Suite of Environmental Contaminants but Present for Decades. In: Franz-Xaver Reichl, Michael Schwenk (eds.): Regulatory Toxicology. - Berlin : Springer, 2020. - 1-26.

Stock, F., Narayana, V., Scherer, C., Löder, M., Brennholt, N., Laforsch, C., Reifferscheid, G.: Pitfalls and Limitations in Microplastic Analyses. In: Friederike Stock, Georg Reifferscheid, Nicole Brennholt, Evgeniia Kostianaia (eds.): Plastics in the Aquatic Environment. Part I. Current Status and Challenges. - Berlin : Springer, 2020. - 13-42.


Knie, M., Wolfschoon Ribeiro, B., Fischer, J., Schmitz, B., Van Damme, K., Hemmersbach, R., Häder, D., Laforsch, C.: Approaches to Assess the Suitability of Zooplankton for Bioregenerative Life Support Systems. In: Thais Russomano, Lucas Rehnberg (eds.): Into Space : A Journey of How Humans Adapt and Live in Microgravity. - London : IntechOpen, 2018. - 171-207.

Dris, R., Imhof, H., Löder, M., Gasperi, J., Laforsch, C., Tassin, B.: Microplastic Contamination in Freshwater Systems : Methodological Challenges, Occurrence and Sources. In: Eddy Y. Zeng (eds.): Microplastic Contamination in Aquatic Environments. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2018. - 51-93.


Lott, C., Eich, A., Pauli, N., Mildenberger, T., Laforsch, C., Petermann, J., Lasut, M., Weber, M.: Marine Fate of Biodegradable Plastic-Substitution Potential and Ecological Impacts. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea. - Cham : Springer, 2017. - 195-197.

Wendt-Potthoff, K., Imhof, H., Wagner, M., Primpke, S., Fischer, D., Scholz-Böttcher, B., Laforsch, C.: Mikroplastik in Binnengewässern. In: Handbuch Angewandte Limnologie : Grundlagen ‐ Gewässerbelastung ‐ Restaurierung ‐ Aquatische Ökotoxikologie ‐ Bewertung ‐ Gewässerschutz. - Weinheim : 2017. - 1-35.


Laforsch, C., Imhof, H., Sigl, R., Heß, M., Settles, M., Wanninger, A.: Applications of computed 3D-modeling in organismal biology. In: Alexandru, Catalin (Hrsg.): Modeling and Simulation in Engineering. - Rijeka : InTech, 2012. - 117-142.

Weiss, L., Laforsch, C., Tollrian, R.: The taste of predation and the defences of prey. In: Brönmark, Christer ; Hansson, Lars-Anders (Hrsg.): Chemical ecology in aquatic systems. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2012. - 111-126.


Laforsch, C., Tollrian, R.: Cyclomorphosis and Phenotypic Changes. In: Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. - Amsterdam : ScienceDirect, 2009. - 643-650.


Jeschke, J., Laforsch, C., Tollrian, R.: Animal Prey Defenses. In: Encyclopedia of Ecology. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2008. - 189-194.

Niggl, W., Glas, M., Laforsch, C., Mayr, C., Wild, C.: First evidence of coral bleaching stimulating organic matter release by reef corals. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium. - Dania Beach, Fla. : National Coral Reef Institute, 2008. - 905-910.

Other publications


Wolfschoon Ribeiro, B., Laforsch, C., Anken, R.: Comparison of Gravisensing Organs in Different Planktonic Organism : From Evolution to Life Support Systems. - (Poster), 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2014, 2. - 10. August 2014, Moskau, Russland.

Laforsch, C., Fischer, J., Wolfschoon Ribeiro, B., Schoppmann, K., Trotter, B.: The forgotten cue : Daphnia bears a not yet described gravireceptive organ system. - (Speech), 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2014, 2. - 10. August 2014, Moskau, Russland.


Imhof, H., Schmid, J., Ivleva, N., Laforsch, C.: A novel, highly efficient method for the quantification of plastic particles in sediments of aquatic environments. Limnology and Oceanography : Methods, (10), 524-537 (2012).


Kundu, T., Ngwa, W., Knauth, S., Laforsch, C., Grill, W.: Precision measurement of acoustic reflectivity for a scanning acoustic microscope that measures amplitude and phase : applicability in biology. - (Speech), SPIE 5394, Health Monitoring and Smart Nondestructive Evaluation of Structural and Biological Systems III, 21 July 2004, .

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