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BayCEER - Bayreuther Zentrum für Ökologie und Umweltforschung

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Hemp, C; Böhning-Gaese, K; Fischer, M; Hemp, A: The KiLi Project: Kilimanjaro ecosystems under global change: Linking biodiversity, biotic interactions and biogeochemical ecosystem processes. in Hemp et al.: The KiLi Project, Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, 163 pp (2018) [Link]
This brochure presents some of the most important results of the Kilimanjaro Project, a Research Unit funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The core objective of the Kilimanjaro project was to understand effects of climate and land-use change on biodiversity, biotic interactions, and biogeochemical ecosystem processes. The study has been funded for 8 years, 2010–2018. Core research infrastructures are the establishment of 65 plots (among them 13 focal plots) in 13 representative habitat types, covering the whole elevational and land-use gradient on the southern slope of Mt Kilimanjaro as well as two experimental gardens. On the plots, researchers measured a broad range of abiotic and biotic parameters, ranging from temperature, precipitation and biogeochemical processes to the diversity of multiple taxonomic groups, their traits and biotic interactions.
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