Insektenflug und Photovoltaikanlagen (2008) Siegfried Kehl, Konrad Dettner
Wallmauerprojekt (Sn070130-DBU) Konrad Dettner
Secondary plant products and food choice exemplified by the wood-feeding termite Schedorhinotermes lamanianus (Grako678 C2) Manfred Kaib, Konrad Dettner, Karlheinz Seifert, Dietrich v. Holst
Isolation and cultivation of endosymbiotic Pseudomonads from the rove beetle genera (Grako678 D1) Konrad Dettner, Carlo Unverzagt, O. Meyer, Klaus H. Hoffmann
The chemistry of the pygidial gland of rove beetles, Stenus spp. (Latreille) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) (Grako678 B1) Konrad Dettner, Klaus H. Hoffmann, Karlheinz Seifert, Carlo Unverzagt, Konrad Dettner
The chemistry of the pygidial gland of rove beetles, Stenus spp. (Latreille) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) (Grako678 B1) Konrad Dettner, Klaus H. Hoffmann, Karlheinz Seifert, Carlo Unverzagt, Konrad Dettner
The function of dye-producing microorganisms in arthropods (Grako678 D2) Konrad Dettner, Karlheinz Seifert, O. Meyer
Structure and biological significance of buprestin from European jewel beetles (Grako678 B2) Carlo Unverzagt, Konrad Dettner
Chemical attractiveness of night-flowering Caryophyllaceae of the Silene otites group to flower visiting mosquitoes (Grako678 C4) Sigrid Liede-Schumann, Konrad Dettner, Gregor Aas, Stefan Dötterl
Ochsenkopfausgrabung Bayr. Landesstiftung (AZ 6856) Konrad Dettner, Konrad Dettner
Ochsenkopfausgrabung Bayr. Landesstiftung (AZ 6856) Konrad Dettner, Konrad Dettner