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Konrad Dettner: Projects

Completed Projects

  • Insektenflug und Photovoltaikanlagen (2008)
    Siegfried Kehl, Konrad Dettner [Details]

  • Wallmauerprojekt (Sn070130-DBU)
    Konrad Dettner [Details]

  • Secondary plant products and food choice exemplified by the wood-feeding termite Schedorhinotermes lamanianus (Grako678 C2)
    Manfred Kaib, Konrad Dettner, Karlheinz Seifert, Dietrich v. Holst [Details]

  • Isolation and cultivation of endosymbiotic Pseudomonads from the rove beetle genera (Grako678 D1)
    Konrad Dettner, Carlo Unverzagt, O. Meyer, Klaus H. Hoffmann [Details]

  • The chemistry of the pygidial gland of rove beetles, Stenus spp. (Latreille) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) (Grako678 B1)
    Konrad Dettner, Klaus H. Hoffmann, Karlheinz Seifert, Carlo Unverzagt, Konrad Dettner [Details]

  • The chemistry of the pygidial gland of rove beetles, Stenus spp. (Latreille) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) (Grako678 B1)
    Konrad Dettner, Klaus H. Hoffmann, Karlheinz Seifert, Carlo Unverzagt, Konrad Dettner [Details]

  • The function of dye-producing microorganisms in arthropods (Grako678 D2)
    Konrad Dettner, Karlheinz Seifert, O. Meyer [Details]

  • Structure and biological significance of buprestin from European jewel beetles (Grako678 B2)
    Carlo Unverzagt, Konrad Dettner [Details]

  • Chemical attractiveness of night-flowering Caryophyllaceae of the Silene otites group to flower visiting mosquitoes (Grako678 C4)
    Sigrid Liede-Schumann, Konrad Dettner, Gregor Aas, Stefan Dötterl [Details]

  • Ochsenkopfausgrabung Bayr. Landesstiftung (AZ 6856)
    Konrad Dettner, Konrad Dettner [Details]

  • Ochsenkopfausgrabung Bayr. Landesstiftung (AZ 6856)
    Konrad Dettner, Konrad Dettner [Details]

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