Lecture: Lecture Series: Human Rights and the UN (Free Choice)
WS 2012/2013
Th.: 18:00-18:00, RW H24
Daniela Kretz
| “Human Rights and the UN: Between Ambition and Reality”
“Human rights education is much more than a lesson in schools or a theme for a day; it is a process to equip people with the tools they need to live lives of security and dignity.” | Kofi Annan |
The issue of human rights is an interdisciplinary and universal topic which holds relevance for several fields of study. From the perspective of the UN, whose aim is to ensure and protect, the lecture series “Human Rights and the UN” aims to give insights into the current challenges of international relations and human rights issues by delivering a multidimensional approach for a better understanding of problems and possible solutions. This lecture series intends to give a detailed and diversified overview of human right challenges connecting various fields of research and politics.
Following an introductory overview of the work of the United Nations a subsequent lecture will give insights into international law, providing a common basis of information for all participants. Several lectures on the central topic of the UN, including policies, international treaties and current challenges in the fields of peacekeeping and security will be addressed. Finally, the lecture series will take issue with the environment, religion, media and children’s rights.
Students will have the opportunity to discuss problems with the respective lecturers from different backgrounds such as the United Nations Special Rapporteur of the UNHCR, Amnesty International, UNICEF and various experts and university professors from around the globe.
The lecture series will be held in English and is organized by the following student associations: Model United Nations University of Bayreuth, UNICEF Hochschulgruppe Bayreuth, Amnesty International Bayreuth and Global Change Ecology.
Dates Topics & Speakers
For complete list please see e-learning platform
or search: Human Rights under the e-learning main-page25.10.2012 "An Introduction" Dr. Gunter Pleuger 18:00 to 20:00 H 24
08.11.2012 "The Responsibility to Protect in modern conflicts" Prof. Dr. iur. Reinhard Merkel 18:00 to 20:00 H 24
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