


Finished Master Thesis

Carsten Schaller (2015)Analysis of Methane Emissions in a Subarctic Permafrost Region using Wavelet Transformation and Conditional Sampling

In Kooperation mit dem Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie in Jena >> more...
Sebastian Varga (2015)Einfluss der Mischungsschichthöhe auf dasWindprofil über einem bewaldeten Standort

This master thesis aims to measure the influence of the top of the mixed layer on a hilly forest site. To do this, the top of the mixed layer that was determined with a ceilometer by the software installed in the device and in turn compared with a top of the mixed layer that was made with the slab model. In order to model the windprofile, simple methods (logarithmic windprofile, Power Law) were compared to complex methods which use the top of the mixed layer (Windprofiles from Gryning et al. (2007); Peña et al. (2009b)). However, because of the heterogeneity of the area it was necessary that the roughness was determined in an alternative way that has been not used before and to determine the top of the mixed layer with the method of Peña et al. (2009b). In order to eliminate the anomalies, which occurred in the measured top of the mixed layer the so called cloud correction was developed. The top of the mixed layer that was determined by a ceilometer’s interal software can be corrected with it.To do this, the cloudiness was determined with a Pyranometer and, with the anomalies in the ceilometer’s measurement, detected and finally corrected. The top of the mixed layer that was modelled after the Slab-model shows good quality. The quality of the measured top of the mixed layer could improved by cloud correction. The evaluation shows that the best model quality at day and at night (here the quality is always bad) can be achieved by the power law with the exponents 1/7. I conclude that can there is no relevant influence of the top of the mixed layer on the wind profiles.

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Marcus Wildner (2015)Untersuchung der Emissionsdynamik von Methan mittels Kammermessungen mit unterschiedlichen Durchlüftungseigenschaften

In Kooperation mit dem Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie in Jena >> more...
Kathrin Gatzsche (2013)Modellierung des Energie – und Stoffaustausch im Grenzbereich Wald – Lichtung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Einflusses kohärenter Strukturen

In Kooperation mit der der Universität Leipzig, externe Betreuung >> more...
Kathrin Fuchs (2013)Convective boundary layer structures over the Tibetan Plateau >> more...
Jürgen Leonbacher (2013)Chamber based carbon dioxide fluxes of three different vegetation treatments on the Tibetan Plateau >> more...
Katrin Kohnert (2013)Determination of the mixed layer height by ceilometer measurements and its influence on large-scale convective energy exchange

Die Arbeit wird am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Atmosphärische Umweltforschung (KIT: IMK-IFU) unter Teilbetreuung von JunProf. M. Mauder durchgeführt.

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Fanny Kittler (2012)Direkte Eddy-Kovarianz-Messung vertikaler Aerosolflüsse mit einem Fast CPC >> more...
Maria Baumer (2012)Vergleich zweier Lagarnge'scher Modelle zur Bestimmung des Footprints über heterogenem Gelände >> more...
Fabian Eder (2012)Influence of a clear cut on properties and vertical coupling of coherent structures >> more...
Thomas Leipold (2011)Carbon dioxide exchange above Kobresia meadows >> more...
Daniela Pfab (2011)Wasserdampfkonzentrationsmessungen in großen Höhen und bei niedrigen Temperaturen >> more...
Elisabeth Thiem (2011)Modeling of the energy exchange above lake and land surfaces >> more...
Wolfgang Babel (2009)Quality assessment tool for flux measurements under changing land use conditions >> more...