Acquiring methods

Every research project demands learning new methods: complex methods of measurement, analytical processes in the laboratory, software tools and programming languages for modelling and statistical analysis of data.

It can be worthwhile not to apply and bring to perfection only one single method. Having several scientific "tools" at hand enables the reseacher to address his questions in different ways. Last but noch least the specific methods learned during the doctoral studies often form the key for the future career.

Acquiring specific methods with the help of experts is acknowledged in PEER independently of the form - it can take place in lectures, (crash) courses, practical courses or summer schools, in Bayreuth or elsewhere.

Per contact hour per week per semester of the course and per summer school 1 credit point is taken into account. A minimum of 4 credit points should be collected with courses for specific methods, a maximum of 12 CPs for courses and additional 4 CP for summer schools can be accredited.


achievement CP-validation of single achievement minimum of acquirable
maximum of
creditable CP
Courses, lectures, crash courses and practical courses for specific methods 1 CP per contact hour per week per semester 4 12
Participation in summer schools and courses for specific methods 1 per course 0 4

CP: Credit Point

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Birgit Thies 2011-03-31 08:10

Fette Geräte Seminar

Das Fette Geräte Seminar der CSG e.V. dient dem Zweck, allen Mitarbeitern der Naturwissenschaften einen Überblick über den Gerätepark der Universität Bayreuth zu geben. Es findet einmal pro Monat statt, die Priorität liegt auf Verständlichkeit, ein Großteil der bisherigen Vorträge steht zum Download bereit.

Britta Planer-Friedrich 2011-03-23 11:31

Kurs in hydrogeochemischer Modellierung

Voraussichtlich in der Woche vor Beginn des Wintersemesters 2011/12 wird wieder ein 4tägiger Blockkurs zur hydrogeochemischen Modellierung basierend auf meinem Lehrbuch Grundwasserchemie stattfinden. PEER Studenten erhalten Rabatt. Bei Interesse an weiteren updates im Lauf des Sommers, bitte eine email an mich (Prof. Dr. Britta Planer-Friedrich)

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