Own Contributions to Conferences

Interchange within a research community happens - slowly and indirectly - via publications and - fast and directly - in symposiums, conferences and workshops. Such meetings are meant for establishing new contacts and getting new ideas for one's own research work.

The doctoral students in PEER are encouraged to present and discuss their own research work also in front of a larger auditorium and/or outside of their own university. Oral presentations are validated with 2 credit points, because of higher demands with regard to the presentation, poster presentations are validated with 1 credit point. The participation in conferences is not obligatory, at most 3 oral and 6 poster presentations are creditable.


achievement CP-validation of single achievement minimum of acquirable
maximum of
creditable CP
oral presentation in conferences
2 0 6
poster presentation in conferences
1 0 6

LP: credit point
SWS: hours weekly during the semester

User Contributed Comments

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Britta Planer-Friedrich 2011-03-23 10:51

Goldschmidt conference 2011 in Prague

International conference on Geochemistry with special focus on cosmochemistry and planetry science, mantle and crust geology, mineralogy, earth evolution, volcanism, natural hazards, climate change, atmospheric aerosols, biogeochemistry, analytical techniques, microbial interactions
in 2011 not far for students from Bayreuth --> Prague

More information at http://www.goldschmidt2011.org/index

Britta Planer-Friedrich 2011-03-23 10:03

Antimony Workshop 2011 in Jena

A small and cozy workshop for anyone interested in antimony http://www1.uni-jena.de/Antimony2011/index.html

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