Research Publications

Those who plan a career in science should start early publishing their own research results in international scientific journals. Within joint research projects, doctoral students often are co-authors of the published papers.

PEER awards those with credit points, who write and submit manuscripts with respect to their own research work as first authors. This is a lot of work, but also a very useful preparation for your thesis - even if it is not planned to be submitted as a cumulative dissertation.

Seminars for learning "Scientific Writing" are offered in several contexts, for example under Writing counseling at University of Bayreuth.


achievement CP-validation of single achievement minimum of acquirable
maximum of
creditable CP
Verfassen und Einreichen von Manuskripten (als Erstautor) 4 per manuscript 0 8

LP: credit point
SWS: hours weekly during the semester

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Britta Planer-Friedrich 2011-03-23 11:26

Kurs Wissenschaftliches Schreiben

Jedes Wintersemester bietet Prof. Dr. Egbert Matzner (LS Bodenökologie) regulär für Masterstudenten Geoökologie, 3. Semester, auch einen Kurs "Wissenschaftliches Schreiben" an. Exakte Termine bitte dem Vorlesungsverzeichnis entnehmen und bei Interesse Prof. Matzner bitte konkret fragen, ob eine Teilnahme als PEER Student in dem jeweiligen Kurs möglich ist!

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