Evaluation of WRF 3.2 with observed climate data in Haean
Von 03/2009 bis 12/2012Projektleiter: Chong Bum Lee
Mitarbeiter: Miloslav Belorid, Jea-Chul Kim
Bewilligung: IRTG 1565 WP I TERRECO - Complex Terrain and Ecological Heterogeneity - Evaluating ecosystem services in production versus water yield and water quality in mountainous landscapes
Goal within the TERRECO Assessments:
- Evaluation of meteorological model using the observed data in Haean basin
Short description :
1) Model : WRF(Weather Research and Forcasting version 3.2
2) Domain :
Domain 1: East Asia 27 km grid
Domain 2 : Korean Peninsular 9 km grid
Domain 3 : Central Korea 3 km grid
Domain 4 : North Eastern part of Kangwon Province 1 km grid
Domain 5 : Haean basin and suroundings 0.33 km grid
3) Land Surface Model : NOAH-LSM version 3.1
4) Topo, Landuse
Topo : SRTM(Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) 3 second resolution DEM data
Landuse : 1 second resolution 23 land use types
5) Observation data
(1) Air temp by HOBO (18 sites)
(2) Vertical profile of Temp and Humidity by tethered balloon - up to about 500m above ground - for 2 days (2 hour interval)
(3) Air temp, Humidity and Wind by AWS (12sites)
(4) Sensible and Latent heat flux by Sonic
Doctoral stipends financed by KOSEF (Korea).
Abstract Chong Bum Lee et al.:
Nocturnal temperature inversion in the Haean Basin has been analysed using vertical temperature profiles. A tethered balloon sonde was used for observation during good weather conditions. Then the sensible heat flux was obtained as a cumulative heat flux throughout the air column. The observed net radiation was similar to the estimated sensible heat. This can be true if the latent heat flux and ground heat flux are almost equal to zero. After midnight the net radiation increased and latent heat decreased. This can be explained by condensation processes that occur during fog layer development which significantly decrease the long wave radiation cooling during the night-time inversion.
Keywords: temperature inversion, heat budget, basin
project description in detail from proceedings of 2011 TERRECO Science Conference GAP
Abstract Miloslav Belorid et al.:
In this research we analyzed nocturnal temperature inversions in Haean Basin. Inversions are important phenomena for understanding meteorological and hydrological character of the basin region. Three automatic weather station data and tethered balloon soundings were used to analyze inversion strength, depth, and occurrence of inversions. Stronger and deep inversion was found during early summer while weaker but frequent inversions occurred during late September and early October. A significant influence of fog layer was found. The fog layer acts as a break during a cooling process. The fog appears usually in early mornings. During our experiment, average potential temperature change at the surface was -1.08 K/h without fog presence. When the fog appeared six hours average decreased to -0.23K/h. The most deep and strongest inversion of the studied period was 0.19 °C/m temperature gradient.
Keywords: nocturnal temperature inversion, radiation fog, basin climate
project description in detail from proceedings of 2011 TERRECO Science Conference GAP
Abstract Jea-Chul Kim et al.:
An accurate representation of meteorological processes is important for improvement of meteorological predictions. In this study, the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) is utilized to examine the sensitivity of meteorological simulations using two microphysics schemes and analysis nudging in the framework of the Complex TERRain and ECOlogical Heterogeneity (TERRECO) project. Model results for the most significant meteorological variables were assessed through a series of common statistics. In this study we compared several model configurations. The results of the Lin et al. schemes show good agreement with observations compared to those of the WSM6 schemes in rice paddy fields. Especially, RMSE of temperature and wind speed improved with Lin et al at rice paddy fields. However, the statistical results in mountain slopes showed worse results compared to other observation sites. Simulated temperature in KR-R is significantly overestimated during nights but in good agreement during day time when FDDA is used. This refers to both FDDA W and FDDA L cases.
Keywords: WRF, sensitivity, microphysics schemes, Haean Basin
project description in detail from proceedings of 2011 TERRECO Science Conference GAP