Workshop in Haean Catchment and Seoul, September 2009
TERRRECO Field Excursion
Haean Catchment, September 25 – 27, 2009
September 25 Pickup at
House, Haean
19:00 Dinner at TERRECO house
Discussion of individual interests in viewing field sites
September 26 8:00–8:30 Chamber demo at “Jolly Kwon” rice field
9:00–9:30 Piezometer sites and hydrology installations
at junction of Park and Bartsch streams
9:30–10:30 Viewing of prototype run-off plot
11:00 Visit to Haean Experimental Farm and
Welcome by Mayor Pang
12:00 Lunch with Mayor and Yanggu Officials
14:00 Visit to
15:00 Visit to sites of individual interest or Eulji
19:00 Barbecue dinner
TERRECO Workshop
September 27 (Sunday) TERRECO Internal Session
Venue: Room 103,
Opening address (S. Kang)
Oral Presentation session (Chairman: S. Kang, J. Park)
Water quality and ecological restoration Bomchul Kim
Watershed biogeochemical responses to changing
climate and land use Ji-Hyung Park et al.
Biodiversity studies in human-dominated landscapes
of Korea Chanryul Park, Dowon Lee
Adaptation to climate change in forest sector in Korea Jonghwan Lim
Humic substance and aquatic microbial ecology Taeseok Ahn
Effects of water level drawdown and elevated
temperature on wetland microbes Hojeong Kang
Monitoring vegetation productivity and
evapotranspiration from satellite Sinkyu Kang et al.
Overview of TERRECO developments in 2009 John Tenhunen
Poster Presentation session (Chairman: J. Tenhunen)
16:40-18:30 (presented by...)
Transpiration of Tree Species and Stands in Temperate, Mixed Deciduous
Eunyoung Jung and John Tenhunen
Svenja Bartsch and Stefan Peiffer
Soil hydrology under different soil additives in artificial runoff plots
Sebastian Arnhold and Bernd Huwe
Soil erosion and management measures in the Haean catchment of
Sebastian Arnhold and Bernd Huwe
N cycle and retention of croplands in complex terrain in
Janine Kettering
Ecosystem CO2 Exchange in Croplands of
Bora Lee, Ralf Geyer and John Tenhunen
Gerhard Gebauer
Steve Lindner
Kati Wenzel
The impact of socio-economic land-use decisions on ecosystem services in a South Korean watershed
Patrick Poppenborg and Thomas Koellner
Developing a basin-scale crop-economics model closely linked with agricultural science
Bumsuk Seo
Economic simulation model for agriculture in Soyang Watershed
Thanh Nguyen
Water use and distribution in
Young-Sun Kim and Detlef Müller-Mahn
The political ecology of climate change – Adaptation strategies of farmers in Haean
Susann Trabert and Detlef Müller-Mahn
September 28 (Monday) - Presentations by Invited Guests
Venue: Faculty Club at
Suggestions for 2010 TERRECO workshops (John Tenhunen)
TERRECO Scenario Session
Chairman: B. Kim, J. Yang, D. Lee)
10:00-10:30 Climate change in
10:30-11:00 Shift in water quality management strategy
(Dong-Soo Gong, National Institute of Environmental Research)
11:00-11:30 Climate change and forest policy in
(Young-Tae Choi, Korea Forest Service)
1:30-2:00 Strategies in adjusting crop production to climate change (Deog-Bae Lee, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology)
2:00-2:30 Impacts of climate change on agricultural economy
(Chang-Gil Kim, Korea Rutal Economic Institute)
2:30-3:00 Climate impacts on agricultural soils and water resources
(Seug-Ho Heo, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology)
3:00-3:30 Discussion in relation to TERRECO scenarios
4:00-4:30 How feasible is carbon sequestration in
(So-Eun Ahn, Korea Environment Institute)
4:30-5:00 Climate change and forest ecosystem in
(Joon-Hwan Shin, Korea Forest Research Institute)
5:00-5:30 Impacts of climate change on surface hydrology
(Deog-Hyo Bae,
5:30-6:00 GIS-based Soil Erosion Modeling at Hae-an Watershed (Kyoung-Jae Lim,
6:00-6:30 Discussion in relation to TERRECO scenarios
6:30-7:00 Discussion of TERRECO data needs 1: Current ongoing work
September 29 (Tuesday) – TERRECO Scenario Session
(Chairman: John Tenhunen)
(for further information about contents of talks, please contact John Tenhunen)
Venue: Main Conference Room, Faculty Club at
10:00-10:30 Potential land use change in
(Hee-Nam Jung, Korea Research Institute For Human Settlements)
10:30-11:00 Shift in regional planning in Gangwon Province
(Jeong-Ho Kim, Research Institute for Gangwon)
11:00-12:00 Discussion in relation to TERRECO scenarios
Integrated Discussion Session (Chairman: John Tenhunen)
- Revisiting the workshop themes and time schedules
- Discussion of TERRECO data needs and scales
- Summary of TERRECO modeling plans – what will come together in 6 months
Kang, Tenhunen, Huwe, Shope, others