Uni-Bayreuth grafik-uni-bayreuth



TERRECO workshop in Bayreuth, April 11-14, 2010

BayCEER, Dr. Hans-Frisch Strasse 1

Orientation meeting of the TERRECO project with over 60 participants from Korea, China and Bayreuth

link to abstract book


Time schedule


April 10           Arrival of foreign participants to Hotel Bayerischer Hof


April 11


14:00               Meet for coffee in center of  Bayreuth

(Cafe San Remo, Maximilianstrasse 26)


15:30               Walk to Brauerei- and Büttnerei-Museum

                        (Beer and Barrel Making Museum)


16:00               Museum tour in English finishing with a free beer


18:00               Dinner à la carte at Gasthof Goldener Löwe

                        Kulmbacher Strasse at corner with Kreuz Strasse


April 12


7:40        Pick-up of foreign guests from Hotel Bayerischer Hof


8:00        Chairman: John Tenhunen

Opening remarks followed by presentations of 2010 research plans

of German participants


8:15        Assessment of fertilizer levels on ecosystem processes

               J. Kettering, S. Berger, B. Lee, S. Lindner, E. Martin


Fertilization levels, 15N labeling and N flow separation

J. Kettering. S. Berger, B. Huwe, Y. Kuzyakov, B. Lee, S. Lindner, M. Ruidisch, J. Tenhunen


Nitrous oxide and methane fluxes and underlying biogenic processes as affected

by land use systems and climate

Sina Berger and Gerhard Gebauer


Fertilization affects on PIXGRO model parameters – allocation and CO2 uptake capacity

Bora Lee, Steve Lindner, John Tenhunen


Influence of weeds on CO2 exchange and bioproductivity of agroecosystems in the Haean-­myun basin, South Korea

Steve Lindner, Gian-Reto Walther


Herbivore limitation and natural enemy interactions: responses to landscape, management, and impacts on ecosystem functioning

Emily A. Martin, Chan-Ryul Park, Dowon Lee, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter


9:00        Estimation of stand level gas exchange fluxes

               E. Jung and P. Zhao


Water use by forests in Haean Catchment

Eun-Young Jung and Dennis Otieno


Spatial assessment of atmosphere-ecosystem exchanges via micrometeorological measurements and footprint modeling

Peng Zhao, Johannes Lüers, Thomas Foken and John Tenhunen


9:30        Hydrological properties, water flow and transport on slopes

               B. Huwe


Water movement and erosion on dry farmland in the Haean catchment

Sebastian Arnhold, Marianne Ruidisch, Bernd Huwe, Bruno Glaser, and Yong Sik Ok


Tracer experiments using brilliant blue and stereo-photographiy: The effect of dryland farming management systems on infiltration patterns, surface runoff and soil erosion

Marianne Ruidisch, Sebastian Arnhold, Bruno Glaser, Yong Sik Ok, and Bernd Huwe1


10:00      Coffee Break


10:40      Nitrate, phosphorous and DOC export from a catchment under monsoonal climate conditions – the case of the Haean Catchment, South Korea

Svenja Bartsch, Ji-Hyung Park, Bomchul Kim, Jaesung Eum, Stefan Peiffer, Christopher L. Shope, Jan H. Fleckenstein


11:10      Fluxes of dissolved and fine particulate organic matter from terrestrial to aquatic systems in dependence on temperature and precipitation regime

Stefan Strohmeier, Jan H. Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer, Ji-Hyung Park, Egbert Matzner


11:20      The political ecology of “Climate Change” in South Korea

Susann Trabert and Detlef Müller-Mahn


11:40       The impact of socio-economic land-use decisions on ecosystem services in small catchments

Patrick Poppenborg and Thomas Koellner


12:00      Lunch


13:30      Chairman: Sinkyu Kang

               Presentation of research interests by Korean participants


13:40      Effects of PAM and biopolymer on Chinese cabbage growth and soil properties

Yong Sik Ok, Yasser M. Awad, Sang Soo Lee, Yakov Kuzyakov and J. Tenhunen


14:00      Comparison of the effects of biopolymer and PAM for controlling soil erosion

Yong Sik Ok, Yasser M. Awad, Sang Soo Lee, Yakov Kuzyakov and J. Tenhunen


14:20      PAM efficacy for reducing soil erosion and runoff as influenced by slope

Sang Soo Lee, Clark J. Gantzer, Allen L. Thompson and Stephen H. Anderson


14:40      Absence of correspondence between denitrification rates and denitrifier abundance determined by molecular approaches

Hojeong Kang, Seunhoon Lee, and Keunyea Song


15:00      Decline of evergreen coniferous forests due to global warming in Korea

               Jong-Hwan Lim, Joon-Hwan Shin and Suk-Kwon Kim 


15:20      Coffee Break


16:00      The characteristics of the breeding bird community in the Haean Catchment

Chan-Ryul Park, Hee Moon Yang, Dowon Lee and Kwang Ok Byeon


16:20      Measurement of forest value in Korea

Joon Soon Kim


16:40      Perspectives of water acquisition and management in Pungsu practices of traditional cultural landscapes: the Choson Dynasty Era

Dowon Lee


17:00      The spatial distribution of land use potentials and its implication for land use changes and landuse policies in Korea

Soo Jin Park


18:00      Dinner


19:30      Economic valuation of conserving Soyang Lake and its catchment

Andy Choi and Man-Sig Jun, Research Institute of Gangwon


April 13


8:00        Pick-up of foreign guests from Hotel Bayerischer Hof


8:15        TERRECO summer 2010 and beyond – where should we go?

               One half hour on each topic:

Haean Catchment experiments 2010

Potentials for individual cooperation in 2011 and beyond

TERRECO project goals 2011 to 2013


Groups and leaders:

Surface Exchange and Plant Production: Sinkyu Kang and Yakov Kuzyakov

Soil Erosion and Transport: Bernd Huwe and Yong Sik Ok

Hydrology and Biogeochemistry: Stefan Peiffer and Kyonga Kim

Biodiversity: Jong-Hwan Lim and Gian-Reto Walther

Socio-economic Linkages: Soo Jin Park and Thomas Köllner


10:15      Summary of discussions by group leaders (15 minutes each group)


12:00      Lunch


13:30      Chairman Sinkyu Kang

Presentation of TERRECO modelling concepts


13:40     A case study of social-ecologically-based management of  ecosystem services: Global change impacts on agricultural production versus water quality in mountain landscapes

               John Tenhunen and Members of the TERRECO Project


14:00     Landscape level carbon and water balances and agricultural production in mountainous terrain of the Haean Basin, South Korea

              Bora Lee, John Tenhunen, Ralf Geyer, Bumsuk Seo, Yuelin Li and Sinkyu Kang


14:20      Assessment of regional forest disasters in Soyang Basin using RHESSys

                Jonghan Ko, Jungryel Choi, and Sinkyu Kang


14:40     Hydrograph separation using geochemical tracer by three-component mixing model for the coniferous forested catchment in Gwangneung Gyeonggido

               Kyongha Kim and Jae-Yun Yoo


15:00      Modelling the hydrologic impact on surface-water concentrations throughout the Haean Catchment and Soyang Lake Watershed

               Christopher L. Shope, Svenja Bartsch, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer


15:20      Coffee Break


16:00      Modelling soil greenhouse gas exchange of terrestrial ecosystems and up-scaling procedures

   Ralf Kiese, Christian Werner, Edwin Haas, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl


16:20      Modeling the tradeoffs between agricultural production and environmental protection in Soyang Watershed of South Korea

   Nguyen Trung Thanh


16:40      Quantifying and evaluating trade-offs between multiple ecosystem services in Haean Catchment

               Thomas Koellner, Patrick Poppenborg, Bora Lee, Emily Martin, Stefan Strohmeier, Steve Lindner, Svenja Bartsch, Yohannes Ayanu


17:30      Dinner – Buffet of Bavarian Specialties including Beer


19:00      Feedback on TERRECO in the Context of Global Change Studies from Reviewers (A. Becker and J. Reynolds)


19:30      Long-term ecological studies at Dinghushan Forest Natural Reserve

Prof. Guoyi Zhou, Chinese Academy of Science


20:30      “Flauerbauer” (musical entertainment) and “gemütliches Beisammensein”



April 14


9:00        Pick-up of foreign guests from Hotel Bayerischer Hof


9:30        Information on June workshop in Yanggu

General discussion and wrap up


11:55      Official closing of workshop


12:00      Lunch


14:00      June workshop committee meeting


Letzte Änderung 16.12.2010