All submissions are registered electronically providing a structured abstract (Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusions - max. 2000 characters including spaces) and a list of keywords until September 20 (extended deadline).
There are no session themes defined beforehand. Instead, interdisciplinary themes are defined based on the content of contributions as well as the topics suggested by the participants. Therefore, please select your keywords carefully! They should indicate content, methods as well as the place your research refers to.
An abstract booklet will be provided in printed and electronic form, the abstracts will be published on the workshop website.
This format is new to the BayCEER workshop: Round tables are aimed at serving as a catalyst for collaborative research and a starting point for subject-oriented discussions across disciplines. They will provide senior scientists, PhD students and master students the opportunity to explore a theme and create the foundation for networking and innovative research.
Four broad topics were defined on the basis of the contributions and suggestions of the participants. Each round table will be chaired by senior scientists and comprise up to 12 participants (poster contribution not presupposed - please register, if you are interested to join).
Take the opportunity to discuss your research across disciplines within the BayCEER!
There will be a poster exhibition during the whole workshop day including a poster session from 12:30-13:45 combined with buffet lunch. Recommended poster format is DIN A0 Portrait. Please put up your poster in the morning - the poster number is shown on each board, pins are provided.
The possibility for personal poster invitations via the conference database has been skipped - poster authors are encouraged to invite BayCEER experts on their own initiative. Take the opportunity to get in contact with scientists who do not know your research, but whose expertise is relevant for you!
All poster authors are invited to present their subject in a short "lightning talk" to the plenary. Here you have one minute and one slide to present your poster. The intention of the lightning talks is to give a quick overview to the audience - thus please only present the topic of your poster and explain the details in the poster session! You may use the slide template file given here.
The presentation file must be submitted on-line (Login + Password from the registration mail). Deadline for submission of presentation files is Thursday 7:00 in the morning. Only pdf-files will be accepted. You should indicate the poster number on your slide. All submitted pdf-files will get merged into one large pdf-file by the conference office. A missing file implies that you do not want to take part in the lightning talks.