Uni-Bayreuth grafik-uni-bayreuth


Christina BognerPD Dr.

Christina Bogner

Research Associate

At Soil Physics Group until 12/2008
e-Mail: christina.bogner(at)uni-bayreuth.de

Universität zu Köln, Geographisches Institut, Rundbau, Raum 0.21
Zülpicher Str. 45
D-50674 Köln

Research interests:

I am fascinated by spatial and temporal patterns in environmental data. My main focus lies on time series and patterns in soils and stream and remote sensing data. One of my research focuses on a mountanious region in South Korea where I want to know what can we learn from satellite signals about land use change in a complex landscape. The other important study area are the southern slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro where we analyse land use changes and their impacts on biodiversity. In my work I use data based approaches and machine learning (e.g. SVM and Random Forests). Some of my research key words are the following:

  • Water transport in soils
  • Tracer studies in the vadose zone
  • Remote sensing and land use change
  • Image analysis
  • Statistical modelling
  • Time series analysis
  • Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in soils and plants
  • Pedometrics
  • Digital soil mapping

Christina Bogner

Wordcloud based on some of my publications




Selected Publications

1Kühnel, A; Bogner, C: In-situ prediction of soil organic carbon by vis–NIR spectroscopy: an efficient use of limited field data, European Journal of Soil Science, 68, 689-702 (2017), doi:10.1111/ejss.12448
2Sammartino, S; Lissy, A-S; Bogner, C; Van Den Bogaert, R; Capowiez, Y; Ruy, S; Cornu, S: Identifying the functional macropore network related to preferential flow in structured soils, Vadose Zone Journal, 14(10) (2015), doi:10.2136/vzj2015.05.0070 [Link]
3Bogner, C; Trancón y Widemann, B; Lange, H: Characterising flow patterns in soils by feature extraction and multiple consensus clustering, Ecological Informatics, 15, 44–52 (2013), doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2013.03.001
4Bogner, C; Wolf, B; Schlather, M; Huwe, B: Analysing flow patterns from dye tracer experiments in a forest soil using extreme value statistics, European Journal of Soil Science, 59(1), 103-113 (2008)
5Bogner, C; Mirzaei, MR; Ruy, S; Huwe, B: Microtopography, water storage and flow patterns in a fine-textured soil under agricultural use, Hydrological Processes, 27, 1797-1806 (2012), doi:10.1002/hyp.9337
6Ruidisch, M; Arnhold, S; Huwe, B; Bogner, C: Is ridge cultivation sustainable? A case study from the Haean catchment, South Korea, Applied and Environmental Soil Science, Special Issue: Soil Management for Sustainable Agriculture, Article ID 679467 (2013), doi:10.1155/2013/679467
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last modified 2019-09-11