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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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Seminar: Climate Variability and Change: Natural and Man-Made (A1b) (74007)

WS 2017/2018
Mi.: 16:00-20:00, S 22, GEO; Do.: 08:00-10:00, S 130, NW III

Markus Homann


block course (4 blocks):

dates 15.11.2017 & 16.11.2017
        29.11.2017 & 30.11.2017
        10.01.2018 & 11.01.2018
        24.01.2018 & 25.01.2018

Course Content: Basic principles of the climate system; naturally-occurring climate variability, climate change in the past; reconstruction of past climate; natural forcing-factors, circulation dynamics; human impact on the climate system; global warming; Greenhouse effect; land use change; aerosols; ozone depletion; global circulation models; forecasts; scenarios; fundamentals of energy and mass balance; modelling; sensitive parameters of global change

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