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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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Praktikum: Vegetation Mapping and Sampling (GCE:M3b) (74075)

SS 2020
02.08.2020-09.08.2020 (mehrtägig)

Anke Jentsch


Field course in the Alps, 1 week, 02.-09. August 2020

Learning Objective: Module aim is an advanced theoretical and practical examination of methods and processes relating to vegetation science, vegetation mapping, and vegetation monitoring.

 Course Content: Learning current processes in vegetation science, vegetation mapping, monitoring changes in vegetation, patterns and dynamics, and understanding of the functional characterization of habitats, of scale dependence, the ability to recognize the role of disturbance regimes for vegetation dynamics, an understanding of data processing requirements and requirements for linking with remote sensing, a critical discussion of historical concepts in vegetation science.

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