Vorlesung/Übung: Transport Systems: Links and Fluxes of Energy and Matter between Atmosphere, Pedospere and Biosphere (GCE:A6) (70550)
SS 2022
Mi.: 10:00-12:00; 29.06.2022 (ganztags); 06.07.2022 (ganztags)
Wolfgang Babel, Mohsen Zare, Anke Nölscher, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno
Starting date: tba.
Field days: planned for 29 June and 6 July
Learning Objectives (Module A6): The module aim is the advanced study about ecological matter and energy flows. Central starting point is the hydrological cycle in the air-water-soil-plant continuum.
Course Content:
Measuring methods for bio-geochemical flows in the atmosphere, plants and soil: Profile of state variables, techniques to measure fluxes including Eddy-covariance and gradient approaches, radiation, sap flow, gas exchange, soil chambers, and lysimeter. Models of bio-geochemical flows: approaches like Penman Monteith, SVAT models, plant models, soil models, statistic approaches, surface averaging, remote sensing, top-down and bottom-up approaches. Field campaigns with measurements in a forest or agricultural eco-system, data analysis, modules of experimental data and model approaches. |
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