Übung: Modelling Land Use Policies, Markets, and Ecosystems (C7b) (28440)
WS 2022/2023
Mi.: 12:00-14:00, PC-Pool B9
Maria Hänsel, Jakob Bogenreuther
Exercise, 2 ECTS
Starting date: 19 October, 2022
Learning Objective:
As an outcome of this module, students are able to:
- Evaluate different policies and market options in their effect on land use and ecosystem services
- Interpret land use model results and put them in the context of real-world policies and markets
- Identify feedback mechanisms and trade-offs in human environment systems
Course Content:
Politics as well as national and international markets generally have a major impact on regional land use decisions and thus on the provision of ecosystem services. Individual land users (e.g., farmers, foresters, conservationists) are key actors in human environment systems, since they are the ones reacting to policies and market changes with their land use decisions.
In the exercise, based on the current development of agricultural and environmental policies as well as markets, possible future land use scenarios are developed and analysed for case study regions. Existing models, such as agent-based models, will be adapted and parameterized. Changes in ecosystem services through land use decisions are integrated into the model using simple estimates.
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