Seminar: Land Use Change and Socio-Economy (C1b)
WS 2010/2011
17.12.2010-18.12.2010 (mehrtägig), S 23, GEO; 28.01.2011-29.01.2011 (mehrtägig), S 23, GEO
Thomas Koellner, Irene Ring
Fri. 17.12.2010, 14-18, room S 23, GEO
Sat. 18.12.2010, 09-18, room S 23, GEO
Fri. 28.01.2011, 13-18, room S 23, GEO
Sat. 29.01.2011, 09-18, room S 23, GEO
Further information (recommended readings, etc.) can be obtained on the e-learning site of the course
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