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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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/Global Change Ecology M.Sc.

B: Ecological Change

NummerTitelCredit PointsSemesterKurs Nr.
B1Biogeography and Macroecology5 
 Development and Change of Biodiversity (B1a)2174020
 Progress in Biogeography (B1b)3174021
B2Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning5 
 Experimental Ecology (B2)5224022
B3Disturbance Ecology5 
 Disturbance Ecology (B3a)2174023
 Stability, Resilience and Intertia (B3b)3174024
 Pre-meeting for all Disturbance Ecology courses1PM_La Palma
B4Spatial Ecology5 
 Spatial Ecology (B4a)2174025
 Modelling of Spatial Ecological Processes (B4b)3174026
B5Global Change Impacts on Species Distributions5 
 Global Change Impacts on Species Distributions (B5a)2274027
 Global Change Impacts on Species Distribution (B5b)3274028
B6Soil Carbon and Global Change5 
 Soil Organic Matter and Greenhouse Gases – part II (B6a)2228358
 Soil Carbon and Global Change (B6b)1274030
 Soil Carbon and Global Change (B6c)2274031
B7Remote Sensing in Landscape Ecology5 
 Remote Sensing Data Analysis (B7b)5274091
 In-situ Field Data Recording (B7a)274090
B8Dynamic Vegetation Ecology5 
 Dynamic Vegetation Ecology (B8a)2200764
 Foundations of Dynamic Vegetation Ecology (B8b)3200765
B9Paleoecology and Paleobiology5 
 Paleobiology and Paleoecology (B9a)2250618
 Analysis of Paleontological Data (B9b)32
-O Overview- -A Environmental Change- -B Ecological Change- -C Societal Change- -M Methods- -F Free Choice- -I Internships- -S International Science Schools- -R Research Skills- -T Master Thesis-
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