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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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Stefanie Löcherer

Stefanie Löcherer


Bis 12/2015 bei Global Change Ecology
e-Mail: Stefanie.Loecherer(at)stmail.uni-bayreuth.de


2013 - 2017

Master of Science in Global Change Ecology
University of Bayreuth, Germany

Thesis topic (working title): "Wind power production in woodland areas – special implications for local acceptance"

Department of Urban and Regional Development & Professorship of Ecological Services

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Manfred Miosga, Prof. Dr. Thomas Koellner

2015 - 2016

Environmental Law
University of Bayreuth, Germany

2009 - 2013

Bachelor of Arts in African Development Studies in Geography
University of Bayreuth, Germany

Thesis topic: "Adaptation to climate change as side effect? The relation between migration and the environment in Nguith (Senegal)"

Department of Population and Social Geography

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Doevenspeck


4/15 - 7/15 Internship at the “Institute for Resource Efficiency and Energy Strategies” (IREES)

User acceptance of energy efficient LED lighting technology

Karlsruhe, Germany

more information: http://bit.ly/1WM83PV

8/11 - 9/11 ERMIS Africa (Environmental Research, Mapping and Information Systems in Africa)
Nairobi and Nakuru, Kenya

Marginalized Community Mapping, Biodiversity Conservation, Food Security, Nutrition & Health

Task: Project evaluation

Schools and Modules  

8/15 - 9/15 ISUenergy International Summer University on Energy “Renewable Energies VII”

Helmholtz Centre, Berlin

Falera, Switzerland

Photovoltaics, solar thermal & wind, solar architecture and sustainable aspects.

6/15 - 7/15 Zurich Summer School on “Energy Systems in Transition: Present and Future Technologies & Policies”

European Campus of Excellence

ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Renewable energy technologies, fossil fuels and nuclear energy, energy transport & storage, transition to renewable energy, energy policies & negotiations.

more information: http://bit.ly/22nuaMD

2/15 Module on “International Nature Conservation”

International Academy for Nature Conservation

German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)

Isle of Vilm, Germany

8/14 - 9/14 Helsinki Summer School “Measuring and Valuing Ecosystem Services”

European Campus of Excellence

Helsinki University Centre for Environment - Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry and Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences

University of Helsinki, Finland

Interdisciplinary course integrating forest sciences, agricultural sciences, social sciences, economics and management.

more information: http://bit.ly/1Iq8Woj

2/14 - 3/14 La Palma Summer School

Department of Biogeography, University of Bayreuth

La Palma, Canary Islands

Topic: Facilitation on extreme sites. How do plant species profit from other species?


01/15 IPBES 3 Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services

Bonn, Germany

12/14 COP20/CMP10 Lima Climate Change Conference

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Lima, Peru

5/14 Symposium on Remote Sensing for Conservation
Zoological Society of London, CEOS, DLR, NASA

London, UK

more information: http://t1p.de/uyo8


10/14-4/16 e-fellows online scholarship
4/14-3/16 Max Weber program of the State of Bavaria

Elite Network of Bavaria

6/15-7/15 European Campus of Excellence

full scholarship for Zurich Summer School

8/14-9/14 European Campus of Excellence

full scholarship for Helsinki Summer School

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