Michael Wohlwend
StudentBis 12/2015 bei Global Change Ecology
e-Mail: Michael.Wohlwend(at)stmail.uni-bayreuth.de
Education |
2013 - present |
Master of Science in Global Change Ecology Master Thesis in design at the Ecological Botanical Garden. Preliminary Topic: "Invasion potential of foreign coniferous tree species" Supervisor: Gregor Aas |
2010 - 2013 |
Bachelor of Science in Geoecology Thesis topic: "Die Rolle von lokaler Wasserverfügbarkeit auf Populationsdifferenzierungen in Aeonium canariense var. palmense auf La Palma, Kanarische Inseln" Department of Biogeography Supervisor: Carl Beierkuhnlein |
Internships & Summerschools |
02/12 - 04/12 | Adminsitration of the state forests of Bavaria Kipfenberg, Germany Intership on forest planning and nature conservation |
02/2014 - 03/2014 |
La Palma Winter School La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain Group Topic: Facilitation on Lapilli Fields |
08/2014 - 09/2014 |
State Department for Food, Agriculture & Forestry Ingolstadt & Eichstätt, Germany Internship on sustainable ecosystem managment (including social, ecologic and economic aspects) |