Elena Elke Michel
StudentinBis 12/2016 bei Global Change Ecology
e-Mail: Elena.E.Michel(at)stmail.uni-bayreuth.de
Education |
2014 - present |
Master of Science in Global Change Ecology |
2010 - 2014 |
Bachelor of Engineering in Renewable Energies Thesis topic: Investigation of Anode Material for Microbial Fuel Cells Faculty of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering; Laboratory for Adapted Water Technologies Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Bischof |
Internships & Summerschools |
06/14 and 09/14 |
Project leader for Technik ohne Grenzen e.V. Nkoaranga Lutheran Hopsital, Tanzania Project: Environmental sound disposal of biomedical waste |
09/12 - 01/2013 |
Internship at the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Bonn, Germany Sectoral Division of “Energy; Water; Urban development; Geoscience Sector”; Supervisor MinR Franz-Birger Marré |
Conferences |
28/11/12 |
SusCon - International Conference on Sustainable Business and Consumption, Bonn |
27/11/12 |
Global Status Report 2012 of REN21, Bonn |
24-26/10/12 |
UrbanTec - Technologielösungen für die Stadt der Zukunft, Köln |