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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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Marit Scharrmann

Marit Scharrmann


Bis 12/2019 bei Global Change Ecology
e-Mail: bt707545(at)uni-bayreuth.de


2017 - present

Master of Science in Global Change Ecology
University of Bayreuth, Germany

2013 - 2017

Bachelor of Science in Biodiversity an Ecology
Georg August Univerity, Göttingen, Germany

Thesis topic: Floristic-structural Development of a Wetforest-Transect in Nature-Reserve in 'Prioirteich/Sachsenstein over 40 years

Department of Vegetationanalysis and Phytodiversity

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erwin Bergmeier

2012 - 2013 Voluntary Service "weltwärts"
IRDWSI (Integrated Rural Development for the Weaker Sections in India, Semiliguda, Orissa, India



Adivasi Christiya Samaj
Doliambo, Orissa, India

Education Development Project, empowerment of women, divers agricultural practices, forest protection, Low Carbon Farming Project, sustainable electrification projects


Asociación Ecocultural Huerto de la Cora
Jódar, Andalusia, Spain

Maintenance of the Huerto/garden, meetings with partner organizations, monitoring school's garden project in a college


Vereinigung Junger Freiwilliger e.V.
Wooster Teerofen, Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Germany

leadership of an international workcamp with the aim of engaging youth in nature conservation topics (bats reserve, organic farming practices, maintenance of natural parks)


Fundación Tirreza (Fundación Tierra y Naturaleza)
Zapatoca, Santander, Colombia

literature research about the transformation of the study area, semi-strcutured interviews with the local population and stakeholders, workshops with the local communities and institutions containing evaluation of the 5 resilience indicators of the Toolkits of the UNU-IAS, Bioversity International, IGES and UNDP (2014) Toolkit for the Indicators of Resilience in Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS) and evolving action plans for the future



 2018 United Nations Climate Conferecne - COP 24
December 2018, Katowice, Poland

Summer Schools

 2018 Bayreuth International Summer School 2018
Course: Public Health & Global Change


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