Donald Mwaba
StudentBis 12/2020 bei Global Change Ecology
e-Mail: bt711254(at)
Education |
2018 - present |
Master of Science in Global Change Ecology |
2000 - 2005 |
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics Thesis topic: Accessibility of Agricultural inputs to Women Cotton Growers in Zambia: A case of Mumbwa district, central province, Zambia. Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Extension Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Kalinda |
Internships |
08-11/2006 | Intern at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Lusaka, Zambia |
08-10/2019 | Intern at WWF DeutschlandIntern for WWF Deutschland |
Science Schools |
22 Feb-8 March, 2019 | Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) winter school on Sustainable waste management;Municipal Solid waste and E- Waste in India. |
3 -9 Feb, 2019 | Module on International Nature Conservation Science School at the Isle of Vilm in Germany. |
Conferences |
29 April-4 May, 2019 | Attended the 7th session of the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and ecosystems (IPBES7). Paris, France. |
04/2017 | Technical Committee Meeting on a UNDP funded project on Promoting Climate Resilient Community Based Regeneration of Indegenous Forests in Zambia's Central Province where I participated in, among other things, the development of Terms of Reference for various consultancies Lusaka, Zambia |
05/2016 | Seminar for Agricutural Officials from Zambia on how China's Agriculture has evolved and developed over time. Beijing, China |
11/2012 | First Global Change Conference organized by South Africa's Department of Science and Technology and National Research Foundation Boksburg, South Africa |