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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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Éverton Souza da Silva

Éverton Souza da Silva


Bis 12/2021 bei Global Change Ecology
e-Mail: Everton.Souza-da-Silva(at)uni-bayreuth.de


2019 - present

Master of Science in Global Change Ecology
University of Bayreuth, Germany

2011 - 2018

Bachelor of Sanitation and Environmental Engineering
Federal University of Reconcavo da Bahia (UFRB), Brazil

Thesis topic: “Influence of the river-aquifer interaction on stream water availability. Case Study: Itapicuru River, Bahia”

Department of Exact and Technological Sciences (CETEC)

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Sousa Fontes

2013 – 2014 Exchange to the United Kingdom
Bangor University, Bangor, Wales


November/2017 - August/2018 Modelling Laboratory in Hydrology and Water Resources (LAMHIRH - UFRB)
Cruz das Almas, Brazil
June - September/2014 Environment Centre Wales – Bangor University
Bangor, Wales

Volunteering activities 

August/2017 - August/2018

Project: “SANAMB – Characterization of environmental health at traditional rural communities”

Coordinator: Prof. Rosa Alencar Santana de Almeida

May/2017 - March/2018

Project: “WATER WorkGroup – Rational Water Use at UFRB”

Coordinator: Prof. Gabriella Laura Peixoto Botelho

Research experience  


Project: Evaluation of the environment’s needs for water of stretch of the Itapicuru River influenced by dam for indication of environmental flow in semiarid region

Position: Student researcher sponsored by CNPq

Supervisor: Prof. Dr Andrea Sousa Fontes

Bahia, Brazil


Project: Evaluation of the hydrological alteration of stretch of the Itapicuru River influenced by large dam

Position: Student researcher sponsored by FAPESB

Supervisor: Prof. Dr Andrea Sousa Fontes

Bahia, Brazil


Project: Hydrological and geomorphological classification of stretches of the Itapicuru River influenced by large dams

Position: Student researcher sponsored by CNPq

Supervisor: Prof. Dr Andrea Sousa Fontes

Bahia, Brazil


Project: Classification of the Itapicuru River and its tributaries accordingly to their hydrological and geomorphological characteristics as a basis for hydrological impact studies of large dams

Position: Student researcher sponsored by CNPq

Supervisor: Prof. Dr Andrea Sousa Fontes

Bahia, Brazil


Project: Classification of the Itapicuru River and its tributaries accordingly to their hydrological and geomorphological characteristics as a basis for hydrological impact studies of large dams

Position: Student researcher sponsored by CNPq

Supervisor: Prof. Dr Jacira Teixeira Castro

Bahia, Brazil


2018  V Bahian Congress of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
Juazeiro, Brazil
2017 XXII Brazilian Symposium on Water Resources
Florianópolis, Brazil
2016  IV Bahian Congress of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
Cruz das Almas, Brazil
2016 XII Northeastern Water Resources Symposium
Aracaju, Brazil
2015  XXI Brazilian Symposium on Water Resources
Brasilia, Brazil
2012 II Bahian Congress of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
Feira de Santana, Brazil
2012 XXXIII Inter-American Congress on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering AIDIS
Salvador, Brazil 
2011 XIVth IWRA World Water Congress 
Porto de Galinhas, Brazil

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