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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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Mira Rodrian

Mira Rodrian


Bis 12/2022 bei Global Change Ecology
e-Mail: mira.rodrian(at)uni-bayreuth.de


2020 - present

Master of Science in Global Change Ecology
University of Bayreuth, Germany

2016 - 2020

Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (major), Economics (minor), and Social Science (minor)
University of Erfurt, Germany

Thesis topic: Aus purer Curiosität: Eine kritische Analyse des Reiseberichts von Ernst Christoph Barchewitz aus postkolonialer und kolonialismuskritischer Perspektive (Analysis of Ernst Christoph Barchewitz's travel report from a postcolonial and colonialism critical perspective)

Department of Political Theorie

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Thumfart and Dr. Urs Lindner


09 - 10/2018 Mission EineWelt, Department of Development and Politics
Neuendettelsau, Germany
11/2018 - 02/2019 German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), Green People’s Energy
Eschborn, Germany


2017 - present  Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst e.V.


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