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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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Alina Katharina von Randow

Alina Katharina von Randow


Bis 12/2022 bei Global Change Ecology
e-Mail: bt715923(at)uni-bayreuth.de


2020 - present

Master of Science in Global Change Ecology
University of Bayreuth, Germany

2016 - 2020

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences and Political Science
Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany

Thesis topic: Fridays for Future and the framing of climate change - An analysis of the German government’s framing strategies on climate change before and after the emergence of the Fridays for Future Germany movement.

Department of Sustainability

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Harald Heinrichs

January 2019 – July 2019 Erasmus Semester
Latvijas Universitāte, Riga, Latvia

July 2012 – December 2012 Student Exchange
Mount Maunganui College, Tauranga, New Zealand


June-July/2020 Bremer entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk e.V.
Bremen, Germany

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