Johannes Förster
Dozente-Mail: johannes.foerster(at)
I am interested in the impacts of climate change on ecosystems and the development of mitigation and adaptation strategies in ecosystem management. I have gained practical experience in these issues in a range of ecosystems from the sub-arctic, alpine and boreal regions in Sweden to the temperate region in Central Europe and to the tropics in South America and Africa.
Education | |
2006 - present | Graduate Program (M. Sc.) in Global Change Ecology, University of Bayreuth, Germany Thesis topic: "The Potential for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) in Western Ghana" Partner: Remote Sensing Unit, University of Würzburg, Germany and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) |
2004 - 2006 | Swedish M. Sc. in Physical Geography and Swedish B. Sc. in Biology, Both theses were carried out at the Climate Impacts Research Centre (CIRC) in Abisko, Sweden with a focus on climate change impacts on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and the carbon cycle. Title of M. Sc. thesis: "A 400-year reconstruction of lake water carbon in a subarctic permafrost lake inferred from NIR and FTIR spectra of lake sediment." Title of B. Sc. thesis: "Metabolic Balance and CO2 Saturation in a Subarctic Permafrost Lake." |
2001 - 2003 | Undergraduate Degree (Vordiplom) in Landscape Ecology & Nature Conservation, University of Greifswald, Germany |
Work Experience | |
6/2008 | Delegate of the IUCN to the 28th session of the UNFCCC SBSTA, Bonn, Germany |
10/2007 - 3/2008 | Junior Professional Associate, IUCN Forest Conservation Programme, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Switzerland |
2/2006 - 4/2006 5/2005 - 9/2005 6/2004 - 9/2004 | Assistant in research and administration Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Abisko Scientific Research Station, Sweden |
Internships | |
7/2007 - 9/2007 | IUCN Forest Conservation Programme, Climate Change and Ecosystems Initiative, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Switzerland |
2/2003 - 3/2003 | Fundación Ecológica Curiquingue, Ecuador |
8/2001 | National Environmental Agency (Staatliches Umweltfachamt), Bautzen, Germany |
Conferences (selection) | |
10/2008 | Global Observation of Forest Cover and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) Symposium on monitoring REDD and boreal forests, University of Jena, Germany |
10/2008 | IUCN World Conservation Congress, Barcelona, Spain |
6/2008 | 28th session of the UNFCCC SBSTA, Bonn, Germany |
5/2008 | Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) COP 9, Bonn, Germany |
10/2007 | UNECE/FAO Policy Forum 2007: Opportunities and Impacts of Bioenergy Policies and Targets on the Forest and Other Sectors, Geneva, Switzerland |
8/2007 | World Water Week, Stockholm, Sweden |
6/2007 | 17th Forum on Global Issues: Security Risk of Climate Change, Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt), Berlin, Germany |
Affiliation | |
| German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) |
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