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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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Sia Gosheva

Sia Gosheva


Bis 12/2013 bei Global Change Ecology
e-Mail: siyka.gosheva(at)elitenetzwerk.de


October 2007 - present -> International Elite Graduate Program "Global Change Ecology" (M.Sc.) at the University of Bayreuth, Germany

Master Thesis: "International Payments for Ecosystem Services" (in progress)


October 2002 - March 2007 -> International Study Program "Environmental and Resource Management" (B.Sc.) at the Brandenburg Technical University of Cottbus, Germany
Bachelor Thesis: " Environmental Technology Action Plan (ETAP) - Introduction and Development"


October 2004 - Februry 2005 -> Semester abroad at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences BOKU, Vienna, Austria


Internships & Courses

9-11th March 2010 -> 1. CBD Akademie der Multiplikatorenschulung zur CBD zur Optimierung der Wissenschafts- und Umweltkommunikation, Wiesenfelden, Germany


7th-11th September 2009 -> International Summer School "Adaptation to Global Change - Challenges for Research and Ecosystem Management", Thurnau, Germany


13th June-7th August 2009 -> Internship at the Max Planck Institut / INPA, Manaus, Brazil


22nd September-29th October 2008 -> Internship at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany


18th-30th August 2008 -> International Summer School "Assessing biodiversity and growth behaviour of Amazonian floodplain forests" under the auspices of the UNESCO International Ecohydrology Program (IHP VII), Mamiraua, Brazil


20th-26th July 2008 -> International Summer School "Land cover and climate change in West Africa", Würzburg, Germany


March 2008 -> Language course at the language school DEBLA, Malaga, Spain


June 2007 - August 2007 -> Internship at ÖkoFEN Baden-Würtemberg, Bad Boll, Germany


September 2005 -> Internship at the Regional Department for Environment and Water, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria



21-23rd April 2010 ->  Continents under Climate Change - Conference on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Humbold-Universität zu Berlin, Foreign Federal Office, Berlin, Germany


4-5th March 2010 -> "Klimaschutz nach Kopenhagen - Internationale Instrumente und nationale Umsetzung", Bayreuth, Germany


07-19th December 2009 -> UNFCCC COP 15, Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Copenhagen, Denmark


4th November 2009 -> "The Economics of Climate Change" Climate Lecture with Sir Nicholas Stern, Berlin, Germany


10-12th March 2009 -> Energy Crossroads Global Summit "Our Opportunity", Copenhagen, Denmark


26th-30th May 2008 -> COP 9 (Ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties) of the UNCBD (Convention on Biological Diversity), Bonn, Germany


18-19th April 2008 -> "The Role of Religion in Environmental Governence", Freiburg, Germany


22nd February 2008 -> Klimaforschungskongress by the state of Bavaria, Munich, Germany 

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