Albert Hans Baur
Master-StudentBis 12/2013 bei Global Change Ecology
e-Mail: albert.baur(at)
Education | ||||
2010 |
Master thesis : "Understanding rising numbers of Convective Disasters |
2007 – 2010 |
M. sc. Global Change Ecology (within the Elite Network of Bavaria) University of Bayreuth, Germany |
2007 |
Study program: Internationale Entwicklung Studysemester abroad University of Vienna, Austria |
2004- 2007 | International Forest Ecosystem Management FH- Eberswalde, Germany
Bachelor thesis : "More information–less polar bears ? Global media coverage of Climate Change in relation to human habits " |
2004 |
Abitur Albert- Einstein- Schule Groß- Bieberau, Germany |
Internships | ||||
2010 | Auswärtiges Amt
Federal Foreign Office Referat 404 Umwelt- und biopolitische Fragen Berlin Berlin, Germany |
2009 | Münchener Rück Versicherung
Munich RE Department of Geo Risks Corporate Climate Centre Hidden and Emerging Risks Munich Bavaria, Germany |
2009 |
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) German Aerospace Centre Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum (DFD) European Project LIMES DLR Oberpfaffenhofen - Wessling Bavaria, Germany |
2005 |
Horace – Justin– Andrews Experimental Forest Department of forest science Oregon State University Oregon, USA |
2002 |
Forstamt Groß- Bieberau Groß- Bieberau, Germany |
Trainingschools | ||||
6.10.-10.10.2008 | "Training School Cost 726: Long term changes and climatology of biologically effective UV Radiation over Europe ”
University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria. |
18.8.-30.8.2008 | "Assessing biodiversity and growth behavior of Amazonian floodplain forests "
INPA-Max Planck Project, International Unesco- Ecohydrology Program (IHP VI),
Institute for Sustainable Resource Management Mamirauá, Tefé Manaus, Brazil |
Prizes, Scholarships, Memberships | ||||
2009 |
IALE - D membership Full Member of the International Association of Landscape Ecology (Germany) |
2007 -2009 |
Scholarship of the Max Weber- Programm Scholarship within the Elite Network of Bavaria, realized by the "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes" |
2003 |
Prize for Political Education Bundessieger im Europäischen Wettbewerb für politische Bildung (ZEB) |
Conferences (excerpts) |
21.04. - 23.04.2010 |
"Continents under Climate Change Conference on the Occasion of the 200. Anniversary of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin " Federal Foregin Office, Berlin, Germany |
25.01.2010 |
"Globale Klima- und Energiesicherheitspolitik am Scheideweg ? Institutionelle Anforderungen und politische Antworten " Foundation for Science and Politics (SWP), Berlin, Germany |
11.01.2010 |
"Nach dem Klimagipfel: Sind die Weichen gestellt für eine CO2- freie Wirtschaft ? Klima- Gespräch " Deutsche Bahn (DB), Berlin, Germany |
12.12. - 19.12.2009 |
"UNFCCC COP 15 Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (high level segment) " Bella Center, Copenhagen,Denmark |
11.2009 - 04.2010 |
"Welt im Wandel - die vergessenen Milliarden Dialogforen 2009/ 2010 " Munich RE Foundation (MRS), München, Germany |
24.4.-26.4.2009 |
"Mc Planet 2009 GAME OVER - NEUSTART ! " Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany |
2.3.-4.3.2009 |
"Risk and Planet Earth Vulnerability, Natural Hazards, Integrated Adaptation Strategies" University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany |
30.10.-2.11.2008 |
"Global Change and Landscape Response Die Rückkopplung von Landschaften auf den Globalen Wandel" IALE- D Jahrestagung Geographical Institute, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany |
26.5.-30.5.2008 |
"CBD COP 9 Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (high level segment) " World Conference Center / Hotel Maritim, Bonn, Germany |
14.5.-15.5.2008 |
"Eiskalt Erwischt ?! Klimawandel und der Verlust biologischer Vielfalt im Fokus von politischer Bildung und Medien " Deutsche Welle, Bonn, Germany |
6.11.2007 |
"Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Deutschland Strategien der Anpassung " Bundesumweltamt, Dessau, Germany |