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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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Albert Hans BaurB.Sc.

Albert Hans Baur


Bis 12/2013 bei Global Change Ecology
e-Mail: albert.baur(at)elitenetzwerk.de


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Master thesis : "Understanding rising numbers of Convective Disasters
Analyzing numbers of damaging convective summer events in the USA: Atmospheric Driver and the Role of Disaster Reporting"



  2007 – 2010    

M. sc. Global Change Ecology (within the Elite Network of Bavaria)

University of Bayreuth, Germany


Study program: Internationale Entwicklung

Studysemester abroad

University of Vienna, Austria


2004- 2007    

B.sc. International Forest Ecosystem Management

FH- Eberswalde, Germany


Bachelor thesis : "More information–less polar bears ?

Global media coverage of Climate Change in relation to human habits "  



Albert- Einstein- Schule Groß- Bieberau, Germany

   2010     Auswärtiges Amt 

Federal Foreign Office

Referat 404

Umwelt- und biopolitische Fragen


Berlin, Germany

   2009     Münchener Rück Versicherung

Munich RE

Department of Geo Risks

Corporate Climate Centre

Hidden and Emerging Risks 


Bavaria, Germany


Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)

German Aerospace Centre

Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum (DFD)

European Project LIMES

DLR Oberpfaffenhofen - Wessling

Bavaria, Germany


Horace – Justin– Andrews Experimental Forest

Department of forest science

Oregon State University

Oregon, USA



Forstamt Groß- Bieberau

Groß- Bieberau, Germany

  6.10.-10.10.2008         "Training School Cost 726: Long term changes and climatology of biologically effective UV Radiation over Europe


 University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria.

  18.8.-30.8.2008                "Assessing biodiversity and growth behavior of Amazonian floodplain forests "


INPA-Max Planck Project,


International Unesco- Ecohydrology Program (IHP VI),


Institute for Sustainable Resource Management Mamirauá, Tefé

Manaus, Brazil

Prizes, Scholarships, Memberships        

IALE - D membership

Full Member of the International Association of Landscape Ecology (Germany)

  2007 -2009    

Scholarship of the Max Weber- Programm

Scholarship within the Elite Network of Bavaria, realized by the "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes" 


Prize for Political Education

Bundessieger im Europäischen Wettbewerb für politische Bildung (ZEB)



Conferences (excerpts)

   21.04. - 23.04.2010    

"Continents under Climate Change

Conference on the Occasion of the 200. Anniversary of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin "

Federal Foregin Office, Berlin, Germany

"Globale Klima- und Energiesicherheitspolitik am Scheideweg ?

Institutionelle Anforderungen und politische Antworten "

Foundation for Science and Politics (SWP), Berlin, Germany


"Nach dem Klimagipfel: Sind die Weichen gestellt für eine CO2- freie Wirtschaft ?

Klima- Gespräch "

Deutsche Bahn (DB), Berlin, Germany

   12.12. - 19.12.2009      


Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change  (high level segment) "

Bella Center, Copenhagen,Denmark

   11.2009 - 04.2010

 "Welt im Wandel - die vergessenen Milliarden

Dialogforen 2009/ 2010 "

Munich RE Foundation (MRS), München, Germany


"Mc Planet 2009


 Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany


"Risk and Planet Earth

Vulnerability, Natural Hazards, Integrated Adaptation Strategies"

University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany





"Global Change and Landscape Response

Die Rückkopplung von Landschaften auf den Globalen Wandel"

IALE- D Jahrestagung

Geographical Institute, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany



Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (high level segment) "

World Conference Center / Hotel Maritim, Bonn, Germany


"Eiskalt Erwischt ?!

Klimawandel und der Verlust biologischer Vielfalt im Fokus von politischer Bildung und Medien "

Deutsche Welle, Bonn, Germany


"Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Deutschland

Strategien der Anpassung "

Bundesumweltamt, Dessau, Germany

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