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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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Andrea FrühDipl.-Ing.

Andrea Früh

e-Mail: andrea.frueh(at)elitenetzwerk.de


2009 - present       Master of Science: Global Change Ecology

         within the Elite Network of Bavaria at the University

  of Bayreuth, Germany 


2004 – 2008           Diploma: Landscape Architecture and

  Environmental Planning

                                University of Applied Science Ostwestfalen-Lippe

  Höxter, Germany

   Thesis: Das Grüne Band: Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bewertung von Erinnerungslandschaften aus der Sicht des Landschaftserlebens

                                Supervisors: Prof. Dr. U. Riedl & Prof. Dr. A. Wolf 

Work Experience

11/2008 – 10/2009   Landscape architects TEAM 4

 Nuremberg, Germany 

11/2007 – 10/2008   Engineers for Water, Environment and Data

 Processing GmbH - IWUD

                               Höxter, Germany

07/2003 – 12/2003   European Voluntary Service (EVS),

Fiskardos Nautical and Environmental Club

                                 Fiskardo, Greece


Internships & Summerschools 

04/2011                        Summerschool of Biodiversity of Islands in

 Face of Climate Change

                                La Palma (Canary Islands), Spain 

03/2011 – 04/2011   Internship at the Federal Agency for

Nature Conservation (BfN)

                               Bonn, Germany

10/2010                       Summerschool of Assessing and Communicating

 the Loss of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

                               Thurnau, Germany

07/2010 – 10/2010   Internship at GIS Laboratory Smithsonian

Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI)

Front Royal, USA

08/2010                       Experimental Design and Ecological Statistics


                               Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and

 George Mason University

                               Front Royal, USA

11/2009                       Summer School Adaptation to Global Change -

Challenges for Research and

Ecosystem Management

                              Thurnau, Germany


>> Curriculum Vitae
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