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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Graduate Program (M.Sc.) - Global Change Ecology

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Exercise course: Introduction to GIS (M12) (74061)

WS 2019/2020
2020-02-10-2020-02-14 (several days), S71 (PC-Pool, NWII)

Oliver Archner

Exercise course, 2 ECTS (Requirement: regular attendance)

Course overview:

The course provides an introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS). It imparts the knowledge of core concepts of geographic information, including the basic methods to represent and analyze spatial data. Sessions consist of short lectures on main knowledge areas followed by practical training using QGIS Software. The course is followed by an assignment of each student to deepen the presented subjects.

Course goal:

  • Basic knowledge of GIS and spatial data
  • Design and execute a simple spatial analysis without help
  • Basic cartographic technics

Work load: 30h course + 30h homework

Block course:

Monday to Friday 10.02.-14.02.2020



Room S71 / PC Pool ITS (NWIIEG2.2.00.289)
9:00 Course Introduction Georeferencing Georeferencing Geoprocessing Geovisualization
10:00 GIS Basics
11:00 QGIS Basics
12:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
13:00 Geodata     Geoprocessing Geoprocessing Introduction to Homework Study
15:00 Discussion and Evaluation


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