GCE Student Board
Who are we?
The Student Board is a group of students from the Global Change Ecology Master Program elected on an annual basis by the GCE student body.
We are a bridge of communication between students, alumni, lecturers and GCE coordination. This bridge plays a central role during the study program, as it supports students, facilitates information and deals with relevant academic or social issues.
The Student Board participates in official activities from the faculty together with Student Councils of Geosciences.
Which are our tasks?
The Student Board is active in various aspects of the study program. Among others, we are in charge of events, such as:
- Welcome Weekend: get-to-know weekend for the incoming students. Takes place usually at the start of the winter semester.
- Alumni Weekend: informal exchange of current students, lectures, and GCE Alumni.
- Extracurricular workshops, initiatives, forums, together with students from other degrees.
- Organizing fireside chats with external experts.
About GCE Student Board 2024
This year the Student Board consists of four members:
Mateo (Colombia), Anna (Germany), Wanda (Germany) and Wrishav (India)
Click here for more information about us & all GCE current students: GCE students
We are open and happy to hear from you with ideas, suggestions, or general concerns about living in Bayreuth, the Master Degree, course-specific issues, and creative initiatives to improve YOUR GCE experience!
Questions, concerns and ideas are always welcome at: gce-studentboard@uni-bayreuth.de