Lecture: Development and Change of Biodiversity (07432)
SS 2010
Carl Beierkuhnlein, Gian-Reto Walther, Susanne Kühnholz
Cont ents:
Extinction events, development of species diversity, adaptive radiation, islands and isolated habitats, climatic fluctuations.
Fr., 14.5.-> 8am to 6pm, S25
Mo., 17.5.-> 8:15am (meeting GEO parking area) - 4:30pm, Fichtelgebirge-Excursion
Tu., 18.5.-> 2pm to 6pm, S 102 (FAN)
Th., 20.5.-> 8am-12am, S 22
Tu, 08.6.-> 2pm to 6pm, S 102 (FAN)
Th., 17.6.-> 8am to 12am, S 22 (Dr. Susanne Kühnholz)
Th., 24.6. postponed to Th., 01.07.
10am to 12am S 22 (Dr. Susanne Kühnholz)
Mo., 12.7.-> 8am to 12am, S 33 (NW I)
Th., 15.7.-> 8am to 12am, S 22
Fr., 16.7.-> whole day, Excursion (tba)
Thursday-Dates always in S22 (GEO)!<< Back to list of teaching courses