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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Graduate Program (M.Sc.) - Global Change Ecology

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Lecture/Exercise course: Transport Systems: Links and Fluxes of Energy and Matter between Atmosphere, Pedospere and Biosphere (07436)

SS 2010
We.: 10:15-11:45, S 21 (GEO)

Thomas Foken, Bernd Huwe, John Tenhunen, Cornelius Zetzsch, Andreas Held


Schedule 2010    
Date Lecturer Topic
Lectures (Wednesday 10-12)    
21.04. Foken Transport processes and scales of the system atmosphere / pedosphere / biosphere
28.04. Foken Turbulent transport in the atmosphere
05.05. Foken Measurement and modelling in the atmosphere, part I
12.05 Foken Measurement and modelling in the atmosphere, part II
26.05. Tenhunen Measurements of biological controls on transfe
02.06. Zetzsch, Held
Transport and reaction of chemical species
16.06. Huwe Transport in the soil
Exercises (Wednesday, 10-12)    
19.05.. Foken Exercise
09.06. Zetzsch, Held Exercise
23.06. Huwe Exercise
30.06. Huwe Exercise


Huwe Exercise
Tenhunen (Lüers)
Examina (Wednesday, 10-12)    
21.07. Foken Written examina

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