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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Graduate Program (M.Sc.) - Global Change Ecology

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Anja Jaeschke: Curriculum Vitae

Academic Positions

since 10/2016: Research assistant, Department of Biogeography, University of Bayreuth

since 04/2015: Coordinator of the graduate program Global Change Ecology within the Elite Network of Bavaria (Ecological Services and Department of Biogeography, University of Bayreuth)

01/13 - 09/16: Stand-in for teaching for Prof. Reineking (Biogeographical Modelling, University of Bayreuth)

02/09 - 12/12: Research assistant, Department of Biogeography, University of Bayreuth


Promotion: 04/2015

Degree: Dr. rer. nat.

Title of PhD thesis: Extending the climate envelope: Methodological approaches to integrate ecological prerequisites in species distribution models at large spatial extents

Diploma: 04/2008

Degree: Dipl.-Biologe

Title of Diploma Thesis: Zur Larvalökologie des Lilagoldfalters (Lycaena hippothoe) auf einem mageren Grünlandstandort im nördlichen Schleswig

Academic studies:

2002-2004: Biology, Humboldt-University of Berlin (basic studies; intermediate examination)

2004-2008: Biology, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel (advanced studies; main subject: Ecology; minor subjects: Zoology, Applied System Ecology; Diploma)

Further training:

06/2014: Certificate "Hochschullehre der Universität Bayreuth" (76 work units (45 min. each) concerning teaching concepts, presentation and communication, exams, teaching as profession, and advising and attending)

03/2015: Certificate "Hochschullehre der Bayerischen Universitäten - Aufbaustufe" (132 work units (45 min. each) concerning teaching concepts, presentation and communication, exams, reflection and evaluation, and advising and attending)

07/2016: Certificate "Hochschullehre der Bayerischen Universitäten - Vertiefungsstufe" (256 work units (45 min. each) incl. teaching project, teaching portfolio, hospitation, coaching)


German (native language)
English C1 (DAAD language certificate August 2017)


"Best paper published 2012/2013" in Insect Conservation and Diversity (awarded by the Royal Entomological Society)

3rd place "Best talks" at the BayCEER Workshop 2013, University of Bayreuth

Reviewer for

Insect Conservation and Diversity

Ecology and Evolution

Basic and Applied Ecology

Ecological Modelling


Acta Oecologica

Journal of Biogeography

Trees - Structure and Function


Ecological Engineering


Science of the Total Environment

Water Research

Scientific Reports

Global Change Biology

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