


Carbon dioxide fluxes


From 01/1996 to 09/2014

Field of research manager: Thomas Foken
Staff: Johannes Lüers, Johannes Olesch, Johannes Ruppert, Christoph Thomas, Corinna Rebmann, Bodo Wichura, Florian Wimmer, Andrei Serafimovich, Katharina Köck (Staudt), Lukas Siebicke

This pages combines all reserach topics about carbon dioxide exchange including the FLUXNET-site DE-Bay.

WEB page in preparation.

List of publications of this Field of research

Foken, T; Aubinet, M; Finnigan, JJ; Leclerc, MY; Mauder, M; Paw U, KT: Results of a panel discussion about the energy balance closure correction for trace gases, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92(4), ES13-ES18 (2011), doi:DOI: 10.1175/2011BAMS3130.1 -- Details
Leclerc, MY; Holland, E; Foken, T; Pingintha, N: Sustainability of gaia: A question of balance, in: R.A.Reck (Ed.) Climate Change and Sustainable Development, , 351-373 (2010)
Siebicke, L; Steinfeld, G; Foken, T: CO2 gradient measurements using a parallel multi-analyzer set, Atmospheric Measurements Techniques Discussions, 3, 4383–4421 (2010) [Link] -- Details
Staudt, K; Falge, E; Pyles, RD; Paw U, KT; Foken, T: Sensitivity and predictive uncertainty of the ACASA model at a spruce forest site, Biogeosciences Discussions, 7, 4223-4271 (2010), doi:10.5194/bgd-7-4223-2010 [Link] -- Details
Hussain, MZ; Otieno, DO; Mirzaee, H; Li, Y-L; Schmidt, MWI; Siebicke, L; Foken, T; Ribeiro, N; Pereira, JS; Tenhunen, JD: CO2 exchange and biomass development of the herbaceous vegetation in the Portuguese montado ecosystem during spring, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 132, 143-152 (2009) -- Details
Mauder, M; Foken, T; Clement, R; Elbers, JA; Eugster, W; Grünwald, T; Heusinkveld, B; Kolle, O: Quality control of CarboEurope flux data – Part 2: Inter-comparison of eddy-covariance software, Biogeosciences, 5, 451-462 (2008) [Link] -- Details
Göckede, M; Foken, T; Aubinet, M; Aurela, M; Banza, J; Bernhofer, C; Bonnefond, J-M; Brunet, Y; Carrara, A; Clement, R; Dellwik, E; Elbers, JA; Eugster, W; Fuhrer, J; Granier, A; Grünwald, T; Heinesch, B; Janssens, IA; Knohl, A; Koeble, R; Laurila, T; Longdoz, B; Manca, G; Marek, M; Markkanen, T; Mateus, J; Matteucci, G; Mauder, M; Migliavacca, M; Minerbi, S; Moncrieff, JB; Montagnani, L; Moors, E; Ourcival, J-M; Papale, D; Pereira, J; Pilegaard, K; Pita, G; Rambal, S; Rebmann, C; Rodrigues, A; Rotenberg, E; Sanz, MJ; Sedlak, P; Seufert, G; Siebicke, L; Soussana, JF; Valentini, R; Vesala, T; Verbeeck, H; Yakir, D: Quality control of CarboEurope flux data – Part 1: Coupling footprint analyses with flux data quality assessment to evaluate sites in forest ecosystems, Biogeosciences, 5, 433-450 ("CarboEurope-IP Best Paper Award 2008") (2008) [Link] -- Details
Lüers, J; Smaczny, J; Kies, A; Bareiss, J: Dynamik der Austauschprozesse von CO2 und 222Radon zwischen Waldboden, Waldbestand und Atmosphäre - Profilmessung der Kohlendioxidkonzentration im Waldbestand und Messung der Radon-Isotop-Konzentration in Bodennähe als Tracer am Standort Waldstein, WALDATEM 2006, Berichte des Meteorologischen Instituts der Universität Freiburg, 16, 147-151 (2007) -- Details
Adiku, SGK; Reichstein, M; Lohila, A; Dinh, NQ; Aurela, M; Laurila, T; Lüers, J; Tenhunen, JD: PIXGRO: A Model for Simulating the Ecosystem CO2 Exchange and Growth of Spring Barley, Ecological Modelling, 190(3-4), 260-276 (2006) -- Details
Rebmann, C; Göckede, M; Foken, T; Aubinet, M; Aurela, M; Berbigier, P; Bernhofer, C; Buchmann, N; Carrara, A; Cescatti, A; Ceulemans, R; Clement, R; Elbers, JA; Granier, A; Grünwald, T; Guyon, D; Havránkova, K; Heinesch, B; Knohl, A; Laurila, T; Longdoz, B; Marcolla, B; Markkanen, T; Miglietta, F; Moncrieff, JB; Montagnani, L; Moors, E; Nardino, M; Ourcival, J-M; Rambal, S; Rannik, Ü; Rotenberg, E; Sedlak, P; Unterhuber, G; Vesala, T; Yakir, D: Quality analysis applied on eddy covariance measurements at complex forest sites using footprint modelling, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 80, 121-141 (2005) -- Details
Foken, T; Göckede, M; Mauder, M; Mahrt, L; Amiro, BD; Munger, JW: Post-field data quality control. in Lee X., Massman W, Law B : Handbook of Micrometeorology: A Guide for Surface Flux Measurement and Analysis, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 181-208 (2004)
Foken, T; Leclerc, MY: Methods and limitations in validation of footprint models, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 127, 223-234 (2004) -- Details
Rebmann, C; Anthoni, P; Falge, E; Göckede, M; Mangold, A; Subke, J-A; Thomas, C; Wichura, B; Schulze, ED; Tenhunen, JD; Foken, T: Carbon budget of a spruce forest ecosystem in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 172, 143-160 (2004)
Wichura, B; Ruppert, J; Delany, AC; Buchmann, N; Foken, T: Structure of carbon dioxide exchange processes above a spruce forest in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 172, 161-176 (2004)
Bernhofer, C; Aubinet, M; Clement, R; Grelle, A; Grünwald, T; Ibrom, A; Jarvis, P; Rebmann, C; Schulze, ED; Tenhunen, JD: Spruce Forests (Norway and Sitka spruce, including Douglas fire): Carbon and water fluxes and balances, ecological and ecophysiological determinants in Beck E., Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R,: Ecological Studies, Springer Verlag, 163, 99-123 (2003)
Aubinet, M; Clement, R; Elbers, JA; Foken, T; Grelle, A; Ibrom, A; Moncrieff, JB; Pilegaard, K; Rannik, Ü; Rebmann, C: Metodology for data acquisition, storage and treatment in Beck E., Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R,: Ecological Studies, Springer Verlag, 163, 9-35 (2003) -- Details
Liebethal, C; Foken, T: On the Significance of the Webb Correction to Fluxes , Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 109, 99-106 (2003) -- Details
Ruppert, J; Wichura, B; Delany, AC; Foken, T: Eddy sampling methods, A comparison using simulation results. 15th Symp. on Boundary Layer and Turbulence, Wageningen, 15-19 July 2002, Am. Meteorol. Soc., 27-30 (2002)
Knohl, A; Kolle, O; Minayeva, T; Miljukova, IM; Vygodskaya, NN; Foken, T; Schulze, ED: Carbon dioxide exchange of a Russian boreal forest after disturbance by wind throw, Global Change Biology, 8, 231-246 (2002)
Wichura, B; Buchmann, N; Foken, T: Carbon dioxide exchange characteristics above a spruce forest. 25th Symp. Agric. & Forest Meteor., Norfolk, May 20-24, 2002, Am. Meteorol. Soc., 63-64 (2002)
Liebethal, C; Foken, T: Der Einfluss von Korrekturen für die Eddy-Kovarianz-Methode auf die Schliessung der Energiebilanz, Österr. Beitr. Meteorol. & Geophys.(Extended Abstract and pdf-file on CD), 27, 215 (2001)
Foken, T; Wichura, B; Klemm, O; Gerchau, J; Winterhalter, M; Weidinger, T: Micrometeorological conditions during the total solar eclipse of August 11, 1999, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 10, 171-178 (2001)
Ruppert, J; Wichura, B; Delany, AC; Foken, T: Methoden zur Messung turbulenter Spurengasflüsse im Vergleich, Österr. Beitr. Meteorol. & Geophys.(Extended Abstract and pdf-file on CD), 27, 220 (2001)
Rebmann, C; Subke, J-A; Foken, T: CO2-Flüsse: Bestandesebene und Bodenatmung in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 90, 85-90 (2001)
Wichura, B; Buchmann, N; Foken, T; Mangold, A; Heinz, G; Rebmann, C: Pools und Flüsse des stabilen Kohlenstoffisotops 13C zwischen Boden, Vegetation und Atmosphäre in verschiedenen Pflanzengemeinschaften des Fichtelgebirges in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 84, 123-153 (2001)
Aubinet, M; Grelle, A; Ibrom, A; Rannik, Ü; Moncrieff, JB; Foken, T; Kowalski, AS; Martin, PH; Berbigier, P; Bernhofer, C; Clement, R; Elbers, JA; Granier, A; Grünwald, T; Morgenstern, K; Pilegaard, K; Rebmann, C; Snijders, W; Valentini, R; Vesala, T: Estimates of the annual net carbon and water exchange of European forests: the EUROFLUX methodology, Advances in Ecological Research, 30, 113-175 (2000)
Wichura, B; Buchmann, N; Foken, T; Mangold, A; Heinz, G: Pools und Flüsse des stabilen Kohlenstoffisotops 13C zwischen Boden, Vegetation und Atmosphäre in verschiedenen Pflanzengemeinschaften des Fichtelgebirges in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 78, 109-130 (2000)
Matteucci, G; Dore, S; Stivanello, S; Rebmann, C; Buchmann, N: Soil respiration in beach and spruce forests in Europe: Trends, controlling factors, annual budgets and implications for the ecosystem carbon balance, Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in European Forest Ecosystems, 217-236 (2000)
Foken, T: Bindeglied zwischen Atmosphäre und Ökosystem in Universität Bayreuth: Spektrum, 1, 30-32 (1999)
Foken, T: Genauigkeit meteorologischer Messungen zur Bestimmung des Energie- und Stoffaustausches über hohen Pflanzenbeständen, Ann. Meteorol., 37, 513-514 (1998)

Related links:
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  • Diploma Thesis: Eddy Sampling Methods for the Measurement of Trace Gas Fluxes
  • Diploma Thesis: Messtechnische und messmethodische Einflussfaktoren bei der Schließung der Energiebilanz am Erdboden
  • Diploma Thesis: Untersuchung der lokalen Einflüsse auf die meteorologischen Messungen an der Station ‚Weidenbrunnen' (Waldstein/Fichtelgebirge)
  • Experiment: BaySoFi: Sonnenfinsternisexperiment BaySoFi in Weihenstephan vom 09. bis 13.08.1999
  • Experiment: EBEX-2000: Energy Balance Experiment, July 20 to Aug. 24, 2000
  • Experiment: VERTIKO-STINHO2: STruktur des turbulenten Transports über INHOmogener Unterlage, Lindenberg, 14.06. 2002 - 10.07. 2002
  • Experiment: VOITEX-99: Experiment zur Untersuchung des Energie- und Stoffaustausches zwischen der Atmosphäre und niedriger Vegetation vom 28. Juni bis 29. Juli 1999 nahe der Dörfer Voitsumra (VOITEX-99) und Schönlind im oberen Egertal
  • Experiment: WALDATEM-2003: Waldstein, 12.05. - 18.07.2003
  • PhD Thesis: Adoption of footprint methods for the quality control of eddy-covariance measurements
  • PhD Thesis: Kohlendioxid-, Wasserdampf- und Energieaustausch eines Fichtenwaldes in Mittelgebirgslage in Nordostbayern
  • Project: BaCaTeC: Modelling the energy exchange between the atmosphere and forests
  • Project: BITÖK-A7: Messung turbulenter Flüsse von Kohlendioxid und stabilem Kohlenstoffisotop 13 über Pflanzenbeständen mit Hilfe der Relaxed Eddy Accumulation-Methode
  • Project: BITÖK-A 7: The stable carbon isotope 13C and its pools in and flows between soil, vegetation, and atmosphere in different plant communities of the Fichtelgebirge
  • Project: CARBOEUROFLUX (EC ENVK2-1999-00229): Untersuchung des Kohlenstoff- und Energieaustausches in europäischen terrestrischen Ökosystemen (CARBOEUROFLUX)
  • Project: CARBOEUROPE-IP: QA/QC for Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurements
  • Project: DFG Fo 226/16-1: Turbulence and stand scale modelling

last modified 2010-10-24