Mesoscale circulations and energy and Gas exchange over the Tibetan Plateau
DFG Fo 226/18-1,2 (SPP 1372)
From 04/2008 to 08/2013Principal Investigator: Thomas Foken, Hans-F. Graf, Yaoming Ma, Kun Yang
Staff: Tobias Biermann, Wolfgang Babel, Tobias Gerken, Degang Zhou, Johannes Olesch, Jürgen Leonbacher, Kathrin Fuchs
The proposed project will investigate the energy and matter exchange between the atmosphere and the underlying surface of the Tibetan Plateau, which is an essential prerequisite to understand Asian monsoon variability, effects of climate change and the role of the ecosystems under these conditions. A main task is the quality control of surface flux measurements and their upscaling to the grid scale of limited area models by footprint modelling. The second task will be mesoscale modelling of atmospheric flow, clouds, precipitation and radiation of the area, evaluated a.o. by the energy flux measurements. Data of the Chinese stations Nam Co and Oomolangma as well as own measurements at the Kema station will be used. The used ATHAM model is especially adapted to the area. The eddy-covariance measurements will also be used for ecological studies within TiP. The project is well connected with Chinese modelling efforts and German glacier and ecological projects within TiP.
Photographs: Nam Co site (Tibetian Plateau Institute), Kema area (Miehe, Marburg)
List of publications of this Project
Biermann, T; Babel, W; Ma, W; Chen, X; Thiem, E; Ma, Y; Foken, T: Turbulent flux observations and modelling over a shallow lake and a wet grassland in the Nam Co basin, Tibetan Plateau, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 116(1-2), 301-316 (2014), doi:10.1007/s00704-013-0953-6 -- Details |
Gerken, T; Babel, W; Hoffmann, A; Biermann, T; Herzog, M; Friend, AD; Li, M; Ma, Y; Foken, T; Graf, HF: Turbulent flux modelling with a simple 2-layer soil model and extrapolated surface temperature applied at Nam Co Lake basin on the Tibetan Plateau, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16, 1095-1110 (2012), doi:10.5194/hess-16-1095-2012 [Link] -- Details |
Zhou, D; Eigenmann, R; Babel, W; Foken, T; Ma, Y: Study of near-ground free convection conditions at Nam Co station on the Tibetan Plateau, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 105, 217-228 (2011), doi:10.1007/s00704-010-0393-5 -- Details |
Yang, K; Ye, B; Zhou, D; Wu, B; Foken, T; Qin, J; Zhou, Z: Response of Hydrological Cycle to Recent Climate Changes in the Tibetan Plateau, Climate Change, 109, 517-534 (2011), doi:DOI 10.1007/s10584-011-0099-4 -- Details |
Babel, W; Huneke, S; Foken, T: A framework to utilize turbulent flux measurements for mesoscale models and remote sensing applications, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 8, 5165-5225 (2011), doi:10.5194/hessd-8-1-2011 -- Details |
Gerken, T; Babel, W; Hoffmann, A; Biermann, T; Herzog, M; Friend, AD; Li, M; Ma, Y; Foken, T; Graf, HF: Turbulent flux modelling with a simple 2-layer soil model and extrapolated surface temperature applied at Nam Co Lake basin on the Tibetan Plateau, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 8, 10275–10309 (2011) -- Details |
Related links:
- Experiment: KEMA 2010: Interdisciplinary Atmosphere Ecosystem Experiment in Kema, Tibetan Plateau
- Experiment: Kema-2010: Second Micrometeorology-Ecology Experiment in Tibet
- Experiment: KEMA 2012: Interdisciplinary Atmosphere Ecosystem Experiment in Kema, Tibetan Plateau
- Experiment: Nam Co 2009: Investigation of energy fluxes on the Tibetan Plateau
- Experiment: Nam Co 2010: Humidity measurements on the Tibetan Plateau
- Experiment: Nam Co 2012: Boundary Layer Experiment on the Tibetan Plateau
- Field of research: Tibet Plateau Research: Tibet Plateau Research
- Field site: Kema: Kobresia Ecosystem Monitoring Area (KEMA) and Naqu Ecological and Environemental Observation and Research Station
- Field site: Nam Co: Nam Co Basin
- Master Thesis: Carbon dioxide exchange above Kobresia meadows
- Master Thesis: Chamber based carbon dioxide fluxes of three different vegetation treatments on the Tibetan Plateau
- Master Thesis: Convective boundary layer structures over the Tibetan Plateau
- Master Thesis: Modeling of the energy exchange above lake and land surfaces
- Master Thesis: Modeling of the energy exchange above lake and land surfaces
- Master Thesis: Vergleich zweier Lagrange’scher Modelle zur Bestimmung des Footprints über heterogenem Gelände
- Project: CEOP-AEGIS: Ground based observations of radiative and convective fluxes and soil moisture over the Plateau at a limited but representative set of permanent sites