Travel information

Bayreuth is located right in the middle of Europe, in the heart of Germany. You can reach it:

By airplane / train

Scheduled flights via Nürnberg ensure best international connections. Nürnberg Airport is served by many airlines through international hubs, e.g., Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin, Leipzig, Düsseldorf, Amsterdam, Paris, Zürich, Vienna, Warsaw, Istanbul.

Alternatively, you may arrange a flight to Berlin, Frankfurt or Munich, and from there take a fast train (Intercity Express, ICE) of Deutsche Bahn to Nürnberg.

Deutsche Bahn connects Nürnberg and Bayreuth with trains running every hour.

By car

The federal highways A9 and A70 make it readily accessible via car.

The address of Arvena Kongress Hotel is: Eduard-Bayerlein-Str. 5a | 95445 Bayreuth (parking lots are available).

Some distances from Bayreuth by car

Airport Nürnberg: 90 km - ca. 60 min
Airport Munich: 230 km - ca. 2 h 15 min
Airport Frankfurt: 280 km - ca. 3 h 00 min
Please note that travel times are estimates and may increase in case of traffic problems (which, unfortunately, are frequent).
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